Edagr Valden from the hit game Identity V has this name.
― Anonymous User 8/30/2024
I can't think of anything else but the author Edgar Allan Poe and the Teya & Salena song "Who The H*ll Is Edgar?" and both of these I like so it gets a good from me!
I really love this name it’s so underused I met a young boy named Edgar the other day and he was the most well behaved polite child that’s all he wanted to do was work on cars he was only 6 and was passing nuts and bolts to his father who was an engineer. And far from being bullied for his name he was cherished and respected by the other boys.Don’t hate this name it has such a long history and it’s a kingly name and Edgar is such a breath of fresh air in a sea of Jayden’s Hunters and Tyler’s.
This name is extremely overrated, astronomically atrocious, unfathomably ugly, incalculably lousy, radically crappy, tremendously horrendous, and extraordinarily grotesque. This sounds like the name of somebody who would steal your life's savings, punch you in the face, and get away with it. Why in the world would anyone name their child this?
Right now Edgar is based on a men’s mushroom looking hair cut. I personally don’t like it because of the association.
― Anonymous User 7/26/2023, edited 7/26/2023
I think that in the USA the "Gothic" novel "Edgar Huntly" by Charles Brockden Brown (1799) and the character in Shakespeare's play "King Lear" had as much influence as Sir Walter Scott's character on use of the name. Edgar Allan Poe's parents were both actors who had performed in "King Lear" shortly before his birth, and he was born a decade before the publication of Scott's "The Bride of Lammermoor".
Edgar is the protagonist of Giacomo Puccini's opera of the same name. It is not his best nor his most famous work, but does have good moments, including the aria "Questo amor, vergogna mia."
To all those Anonymous Users who despise Edgar, I think I know why you are Anonymous. Be more polite and respectful next time, Edgar is a handsome name! Totally reminds me of a blonde-haired boy who is really popular and cool. Why do you think all Edgars are ugly? That is a stereotype, people.
Brawl Stars has a character named Edgar. Let's face it. He's an angry kid. He also likes parkour. That's all (He punches people with a scarf).Sorry I don't think this should be here.
Edgar is the name of a character from the King's Quest series of computer games. He is introduced in the fourth game as the son of the evil fairy Lolotte, and assists and falls in love with the protagonist Rosella. He reappears in the seventh game, where it is revealed that he is actually the son of King Oberon and Queen Titania and was kidnapped and turned ugly by Lolotte as an infant.
Interestingly, my American South husband has this extremely British name. I really like how old-fashioned and sweet it sounds, though I think maybe I like "Edwin" even better. I love it though.
Edgar Morin (born Edgar Nahoum in 1921) is a French philosopher and sociologist who has been internationally recognized for his work on complexity and "complex thought" (pensée complexe), and for his scholarly contributions to such diverse fields as media studies, politics, sociology, visual anthropology, ecology, education, and systems biology. He holds degrees in history, economics, and law. Though less well known in the anglophone world due to the limited availability of English translations of his over 60 books, Morin is renowned in the French-speaking world, Europe, and Latin America.
Personally, I see Edgar as a sort of gentle, intriguing name. It's a little dark and mysterious, whilst also having a kind of caring impression.
― Anonymous User 8/21/2019
A very dated, old-mannish name. It also sounds rather sinister, and that it without even referencing Edgar Allan Poe. This name needs to be left in the past where it belongs.
― Anonymous User 7/23/2019
According to howmanyofme.com, there are six people in the U.S. named Edgar Edgar.
Edgar, while not my “cup of tea” is a name that I view with much potential. Yes, I shall acknowledge that it might give the impression of seeming phonetically “harsh”, but one could argue that it is that very aspect which allows an added degree of “masculine” strength which may be the perceived charm that others might view of it.
― Anonymous User 3/6/2019
My middle name is Edgar, and I still can't decide if I like it or not. Never put much thought to it since I never use it, even in signature. Another here suggested the nickname "Gar", which I would like to use if it were my first name.
While Edgar is an old English name, with historical pedigree and many notable namesakes both real and fictional, I think it sounds rather harsh, and I definitely prefer Edward and Edmund.
― Anonymous User 11/5/2018
In 2018, 5 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Edgar who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 498th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
I married an Edgar. As a child, he wasn't at all appreciative. Friends called him Eggy, or Ed_ja. I love the name and as an adult, so does my husband. Most of the time I call him Eddy. However, his direct family always call him Edgar, as do I when I am with them.
Edgar Prib is a Russian footballer who plays as a midfielder for Hannover 96 in the Bundesliga.Prib was born in Russia, and emigrated to Germany at the age of 2. He is eligible for the Russian and German national teams, but has stated he dreams of representing Russia internationally.
I love the name Edgar! It's a very cute, classy and strong name for a guy! :D I heard this name from reading and learning about the play King Lear by William Shakespeare.
― Anonymous User 9/17/2015
I adore this name, but hate the nickname "Eddie", so I'll be using the nickname "Teddy" as others have done with "Edward" or "Edmund."
― Anonymous User 2/13/2015
I think that Edgar is a very nice name, but I prefer Edward.
I'm pretty sure the English king Edgar is not regarded as a saint (his daughter Edith of Wilton however, is). The only King of England who is a saint is Edward the Confessor. [noted -ed]
A lot of people find this name ugly, but I completely disagree. Edgar is a strong, dignified name that needs to make a comeback. I can see it working on a young boy, and would love to use it on a son.
There is a character with this name in the video game Final Fantasy 6.
― Anonymous User 3/2/2012
While I thought at first that I didn't like this name because it was too stuffy and "old man-ish", the more I think about it the more I like it. I agree with a previous commenter that it feels quiet and dignified, but I can see this name on a rowdy young boy as well, and although it is old fashioned and not in much use nowadays I think it'd be wonderful to meet a little Edgar... unfortunately I doubt I'd be able to convince my fiance to give this name to our son.
― Anonymous User 11/29/2011
Edgar Frog is one of the teenage vampire killers in The Lost Boys.
I think it's a cool name. I've always been fond of old fashioned names (not all of them, though), and this fits better on an adult in my opinion. Eddie or Ed is a cute nickname for him while he's little, though.
Edgar Stark is a character in Patrick McGrath's novel ASYLUM, played by Marton Csokas in the film with Natasha Richardson as his lover. One word for this Edgar - HOT! Watch it and you'll see what I mean.
I know someone named Edgar, and everyone who meets him is all like, "Wow your name is Edgar? That's really cool!" It's unique and interesting.P.S: The Edgar I know is a 13 year old boy.
― Anonymous User 8/12/2008
In King Lear, one of Gloucester's sons (the legitimate one) is named Edgar.
Edgar is also used in Spanish and is pronounced the same way as the French pronunciation.
― Anonymous User 2/25/2008
Edgar is also used in Portuguese-speaking countries.
― Anonymous User 1/14/2008
I don't like this name at all. I had a great-uncle named Edgar. When I was a child I couldn't say "Edgar" so I called him "Uncle Egger." Maybe that's why this name always makes me think of egg salad.
This name is cool. It sounds English to me (don't ask me why), but of course, my friend is of a Spanish background.
― Anonymous User 8/21/2007
Edgar Wright is an English film and television director. He is most famous as the director and co-writer of Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and the surreal TV series Spaced.
― Anonymous User 7/11/2007
Whenever I see this name, I think of Edgar from the musical Bat Boy.
I'm not sure why, but this is a name I like. It could be because Edgar Linton in "Wuthering Heights" is so kind and gentle. Edgar somehow sounds as gentle and elegant.
Ha, I love it how some countries stereotype all British people to speak with posh accents and have names like Edgar. Check popularity charts, there's more Jacks and Lewis than Edgars. In fact I don't even know any elderly British people with this name. Nice stereotyping. Keep it up! *rolls eyes*
― Anonymous User 2/20/2007
Oy, Edgar IS an old British name. OLD. And it does not necessarily mean 'old people' old. It WAS pretty common in the 1800's. Same in America, of course, but I don't think it ever quite reached as high as in Britain. Might want to re-think that comment, eh? *rolls eyes tauntingly*