Ebony G. Patterson is a Jamaican-born visual artist and educator. She is known for her large and colorful tapestries created out of various materials such as, glitter, sequins, fabric, toys, beads, faux flowers, jewelry, and other embellishments. Her "Gangstas for Life series" of dancehall portraits, and her garden-inspired installations.
Ebony Bones (née Thomas) is an English singer-songwriter, model, actress, and producer. Her musical style is eclectic and often blends elements of afrobeat, art rock, post-punk, classical, new-wave and electronic. Her debut album Bone of My Bones was released to positive reviews in 2009. Recorded in India, her second album, Behold, a Pale Horse was released in September 2013, to critical acclaim. Her third album Nephilim went out in 2018.
I know someone named Ebony and she named her baby girl Ivory. I thought that was cute. Ha.
― Anonymous User 11/24/2022
Ebony is a gorgeous name, in my opinion. I think it would suit any race beautifully. I don't think it sounds “ghetto”, although I wouldn't mind if it did because I don't associate that word with anything negative at all. I also love the Ebony color; it's beautiful. Overall, I think Ebony is a wonderful name. If it is your name, I hope you take deep pride in it because it truly is lovely, just like you.
I went to school with a lot of Ebony's so it doesn't sound all that unique to me. If it weren't so common I would probably use it as a future name for a kid.
My name is Ebony (as you can see by my username) and I’m British. Not that me being British should be relevant. Anyways, I never thought anything of my name until around Year 2 (6 or 7 years old) when people at school started to look up my name in the dictionary. After I found out what it meant, I still didn’t think too much of it, and I don’t now. However, in Primary school, I used to get teased at Christmas because of ‘Ebenezer Scrooge’ from the ‘Christmas Carol’. Now I’m in Secondary school, that doesn’t happen much anymore. Most of my family call me ‘Ebby’ and my friends call me ‘Ebs’. All in all, I like my name a lot, and I think it’s a great name for anyone.
Ebony is a beautiful name for sure. Everybody gets teased sooner or later about their name. Hearing “Ebony and ivory” has never been so annoying to anyone else because my whole name is Ebony Ann Ivory. Plus side, My name stands out on applications etc.
My name is Ebony States and as a child I didn't always like it. I am of African decent and I really hated that song Ebony and Ivory growing up and the stupid jokes that people would make "Hey Ebony I am your Ivory, OR "Ebony, where is Ivory?!" not funny to me at all. I had a lot of nick names as well E-BONY, e boner. I have a big family, there is 6 of us- 3 girls and 3 boys. The girls all have unique names while the boys are just normal. The girls are SHURENDA, EBONY, and NAKITA and the boys are Vincent, MICHEL, CODY .I always thought that was so funny. I never liked the book SNOW WHITE because when they are describing her in the book they say that her hair was "BLACK AS EBONY"
My birth name was Ebonie Nicole Brown. I'm married now and my name is Ebonie Nicole Freeman. Yes I am a African American from the US. I have NEVER been told that my name is ghetto! On the contrary I have only received compliments on how pretty my name is, especially from Caucasian individuals, mainly women. People who are familiar with the color associated with Ebony would find it interesting that I had a first and last name with two "colors". In school when attendance was being taken, instead of my name being called, the teacher would sing Ebony and Ivory. I do have a different and uncommon spelling of Ebony. My name is often misspelled and sometimes mispronounced. To help people remember how to spell my name correctly I tell them to "drop the "y" and add "ie". I also used to say that my name is Ebonie like the magazine Ebony. Some may not be familiar with that magazine. I've only met one other person with the same spelling as mine. I went to high school with three other girls whose names are Ebony. My family calls me Ebb and I have a friend who calls me Ebbie. I didn't experience too much teasing as a child because of my name. Some of the comments I have read on here about thoughts concerning the name Ebony are ignorant! As an adult, at least in the US, I'm discovering that my name is not very "popular" or "common". I'm okay with that!
Ebony Maw is a character from Marvel Comics. He is a Child of Thanos and the leader of the Black Order. Despite his hideous appearance, he posses genius-level intellect and extremely powerful telekinetic and telepathic abilities.
― Anonymous User 9/2/2019
I hate how there are so many stereotypes for the name Ebony. My name is Ebony Lee and I personally never thought of my name much until I decided to search it up and found out the name is the color black, then never cared much about it until I was put in a class with some people that didn’t know my name. Then in class I heard one of the kids talk to their friend “we searched up Ebony’s name and it meant black.” Obviously they thought it was hilarious. After that I had never forgot that moment. I began to hate my name. Kids are so immature. My name was brought up again, I spoke up and told them my name is a color not a race. If you have the name Ebony or a totally different name, never feel that your name is not a pretty or nice name, as the name you're given does not define you.
My name is Ebony, I have 3 sisters, Brandi, Lusi and Grace. Personally, I think the name Ebony is very unique and can be given to any race. I feel people do not realise that Ebony is a name for black wood therefore it does not necessarily have to be given to a black person. I am slightly brown but tanned and I have very long hair and brown eyes. My friends and family who know me well enough call me Eb or Ebz but when my mum is joking around the old Ebenos or Eggberta occasionally slips out. I know lots of people with this name and to tell you the truth all of them are white. When searching Ebony on the internet, nothing very appropriate comes up - which I personally take as offensive, but only because these things have been put online through stereotypes, people who believe that boys shall wear certain colours only or MY name is only to be given to black people. I feel this unique name is being judged the most at higher levels than any other names. I mean, why should girls with the name Ivory have to put up with this nonsense too, just because people think Ebony is a black name so they come up and say well surely Ivory has to be white! I just don’t know any more!
My name is Ebony (middle name Rose). I am British with blonde hair and grey/light blue eyes. Don’t know why I told you that because it’s completely irrelevant but oh well, haha. People used to take the mickey out of my name and called me “Ebenezer”! But now I’m in secondary school I don’t have that problem, I just get called an emo instead because I dyed my hair brown (makes sense right? No). Anyway, I love my name and my family and close friends also call me “Ebs” or “Eby”, I have 3 sisters all named after colours and my youngest sister is named Ivory haha, people find it fascinating when they find that out. Personally, I think the name can be for both black and white people, it’s such a beautiful name.
― Anonymous User 4/10/2018
My name is Ebony-leigh and I am white I don't think when people hear my name they automatically assume I'm black because of the name- it's a name it isn't my race or ethnicity it's a name it doesn't describe who I am.
I personally prefer Enoby (nobody will get that I’m sure).
― Anonymous User 2/1/2018
The murder of Ebony Jane Simpson occurred in Bargo, New South Wales on 19 August 1992. Ebony was nine years old. Andrew Peter Garforth later pleaded guilty to the crime and was sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.On 19 August 1992, Ebony disembarked from her school bus. Her mother, who usually met her at the bus stop, was busy that day and had arranged for Ebony’s older brother to meet her and accompany her home, after his bus reached the bus stop. But his bus arrived later than usual and Ebony was not there. Ebony, not seeing her brother at the bus stop decided to start the walk home, which was only a short distance away, and see him at home.With her house in sight, she passed a parked car that appeared to be broken down. The car’s driver, Andrew Garforth, grabbed her, threw her in the boot and drove off to a remote dam.Once there, he bound her with wire, raped her, weighted her schoolbag and threw her into a dam, where she drowned.A team of over 200 volunteers and 100 police searched for Ebony. Garforth participated in this effort.
Hello everybody! Just so you all know, my name is Ebony! I am indeed a 'white' Australian female with blonde hair and brown eyes... so this whole 'Ebony is a black name' is false! Let me start off by saying that I adore my name, it's reasonably unique, has a beautiful meaning and sounds wonderful with various middle and last names! Okay sure, I have been teased about my name... I have been called E-Boney, Ebay, Ebeneezer... and my personal favourite Eboner. Kids in today's society are probably going to tease children no matter what name they are given, it's a part of life. But there are so many upsides to the name Ebony as well... I don't know how many times people have complimented my name. I have had teachers, customers and many more people say how much they adore my name, it makes the small amount of teasing worth it! Besides, there is a beautiful song called "Ebony and Ivory" by Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney that makes me feel special every time I hear it! And yes it's true... back in the 90's there was a poor young girl by the name of Ebony that was abducted and murdered (I was named specifically after her) but you can't let that hold you back from such a beautiful and strong name! So for those of you whom are considering Ebony as a name I advise you to appreciate the name but do not choose it (I like it being unique ;) ) Please stop discriminating against this name! Just cause it means black doesn't mean you have to be 'black' to use it! By the way, if anybody shares this name with me consider yourselves lucky... we have the best band going!
May remind you of Embers. This name is ONLY shameful if you use it to divide religion, skin colour, etc. Because every one is DIFFERENT, and should be treated as such!
One of my best friends is called Ebony. She had black hair when she was born, but it's not very dark now! Anyway, she suits it very well. Ebony sounds beautiful, and I love it! It reminds me of a diamond more than a precious kind of black wood.
― Anonymous User 9/1/2015
My name is Ebony Alexander. Everyone tells me they love my name. Yes, I am black.
I am Ebony. I like my name because of the uniqueness about it. My name's double barreled as Ebony-Rose, living on a small island at the bottom of the uk, not many people have the name! I do get asked before I am met if I'm black but no one says anything after meeting me, and I always get complimented on my name.
Nice name. My only problem with it is that it honestly sounds like "A bunny." "Eh bunny" \:
― Anonymous User 11/23/2014
My name is Ebony too, many people call me ebz or eby. I'm from the uk, white, blonde/brunette with blue eyes. I was bullied for so many years over my name to the point where I hated it and decided I was changing it to Emily when I was 18. Commonly referred to as 'ebenezer' the one and only reason why I have never seen the movie, the fact that I have a twin and so many people have said don't tell me her name's ivory in a jibe way thinking they were damn right hilarious. But I compared those adults to the ones who complimented my name instead and I reached a point when I was 15 when I decided that whatever anyone said it was their problem, I love my name. It's unique, it's different, elegant, not been over-used. Although I still get the jibes, I laugh it off because it's their issue. I would happily name my daughter this in the future if I ever have one. The jibes still annoy me but now it's only because I feel so strongly about my name in a good way, I'm proud of it :)
I think associating the name Ebony with black people is an American thing (for the African Americans), I'm white Australian and never been bullied etc. In fact, I've gotten soo many compliments over the years on how beautiful my name sounds, how it suits me etc. I like my name and wouldn't change it, it was an uncommon name around when I was born but seems to be more popular now.
Anyone with this name would be (somewhat) mocked by anyone who's heard of "My Immortal", the infamous Harry Potter fanfic. This isn't going to happen everywhere, obviously, but it's likely that they'll get flack about it at least once.
My name is Ebony (middle name Jade) and I love my name. I am very fair skinned and have blonde hair. According to Australian Birth records, I'm the first Ebony born here. The name became popular about 10 years after I was born. Contrary to the posts above, I don't believe my name portrays my income status, standard of living, or ability to fit in. I have never been bullied about my name, although some find it amusing that I'm so white I probably glow in the dark, yet I have a name that means black. I'm not sure why the thought for some is that Ebony would suit a dark-skinned girl. Are girls with the first name Jade the colour green? Are women named Amber actually orange? Does Violet have purple skin? What about names like Coral, Ruby, Hazel, and so many others? Just because it invokes a colour it doesn't mean it should only be used on someone who is that colour. I've only ever heard positive things in regards to my name. It does surprise some though since it's usually the name for someone much younger than I am. I like that name and I would have gladly chosen it for one of my daughters if it wasn't my own name.
Wow, way to be racist. Ebony may be used by black parents but it is also used by white and other races. I petition to remove that "In America this name is most often used by black parents." sentence.Come on, people. No other name has that kind of statement, and this one doesn't need it.
― Anonymous User 6/25/2013
My Immortal has ruined this name. All I can think of is Ebony with her "goffik" crap, her obsession with drinking blood, and her constant misspellings.
This is my name and I am white with blonde hair blue eyes. I am from Australia where it was in the top 100 from the 80's to 2009 and would now be in the mid 100's. I sometimes get the but you're not black comments but that doesn't bother me. Ruby's and Amber's aren't red and orange so why do you have to be black to be an Ebony? Almost all of the time I get called Emily mostly because it was a top ten name for the year I was born. Also don't spell it Ebonie, Ebonee or Ebenny just because it means black because all of the variants mean black too. I get called Ebs, Ebie, Eb or Ebenezer Scrooge.
It is not a name. It screams as an "alter-ego" to a showgirl or such.
― Anonymous User 9/1/2011
I think it's kind of pretty, though I like it much less than Ivory. I disagree that it's a "black" name. I think it conveys a sort of darkness, but it's not necessarily "black".
Ebony Simpson, who was abducted and murdered in 1992 when she was 9 years old. Her killer is now serving a life sentence in prison.It may be mostly used by black parents in SOME country (possibly), but that certainly isn't the case worldwide. It's almost exclusively used by lower-middle class and working class white people and I believe would be shunned by blacks as rather embarrassing. All the people I know called Ebony are blonde or fair-haired.
'This name is most often used by black parents' I'm surprised that statement is in there because even if it's true, it's kind of written in a racist way. Well not really racist, just not correctly written. And I know a white person with red hair named Ebony? So obviously it's used by other groups.
I think Ebony is a nice name and I like the black wood. It can be used on people with different complexions. They could have dark hair or dark brown eyes. If you can't find a reason, you can always mention the pupil of the eye.
I agree, I don't think of Ebony as a BLACK name, but a DARK name, and I think it would be perfect for anyone with dark hair. I have very pale skin, and my fiancee has black hair, and if we have a daughter with those combined qualities, Ebony is my first choice. It has a rather elegant feel to it, without being too old-fashioned.
I don't get why someone would want their child's name to scream their race- there's nothing wrong with that, just saying. It's pretty, at the least, and good for a RP character.
I think it works beautifully for both a dark-skinned person and a dark-haired person. Like Raven. My family once had a back cat named Ebony, which is how I came to love it. I think it's juuust pet-ish enough to suit an animal without being too pet-ish to suit a human too.
Sorry to whoever, but when I think of Ebony I do think of the colour black. I would only use this name if your child is of black or coloured complexion. It just doesn't sit with a white person. I also like the name ivory which is white. :)
― Anonymous User 7/5/2008
I love this name; I think it's so pretty. Honestly though, when I read it I thought of a really, really white person. Like a goth, or something. To me, it's a DARK name. Not a BLACK name.
― Anonymous User 7/4/2008
It's a very pretty name. I don't think it works on white people. It so blatantly makes people think of black, after all. Certainly beats bastardizations of Arabic and African names.
Ebony is a beautiful name. It is one of my favourite names. When I have children they will probably be blondes, but that won't stop me from using Ebony. I love the combo Ebony Montana.