Beautiful, forgotten treasure of a name. It has a bit of a tragic romantic heroine feel but I love that honestly. And how darling is the nickname Dulcie?! Dolly could be another nickname, equally cute. I also like Dulcibella.
Dulcy Langfelder, better known as Dulcinea Langfelder is a multidisciplinary American artist (drama, dance, song, mime, multimedia). She is the founder of Dulcinea Langfelder & Co, a non-profit organization that creates and presents multidisciplinary shows worldwide. The company aims to brighten life with entertaining creations that also refreshes our minds and souls.
I used to know a girl named Dulcinea (pronounced Doll-Cin-Ay-Ah) and it was never said or written correctly. I must say, personally I found the name rather odd, and would never use it myself.
― Anonymous User 11/8/2015
In Don Quixote, Dulcinea's real name was Aldonza. According to the footnotes on the Edith Grossman translation, "Aldonza, considered to be a common, rustic name, had comic connotations". Don Quixote decided his love interest needed a more dignified name and chose Dulcinea, partly because it resembled her original name (both Aldonza and Dulcinea have the a, l, d, n and s-sound, c and z being pronounced s in Cervantes's time).
― Anonymous User 7/16/2012
The name is pronounced Dul-cin-AY-uh in Tarkio's song "Eva Luna."
I think it's a wonderful hopeful name. I am married to an Italian and his family has a tradition of naming the eldest son Michael. I respect that so because my name is Darcy I wanted to find a girls name with Spanish roots should we have a girl this will be her name.
So pretty, but too daring for most parents to use (I say "most" because celebrities can get away with naming their kids anything; and this is WAY better name than "Apple", ugh). I just don't have the balls to use it, myself.
This can be pronounced "dool-thee-NAY-ah" in Castillian Spanish or "dool-see-NAY-ah" in Latin American Spanish. But I've also heard "dol-see-NAY-ah" in the musical "The Man of La Mancha".
Dulcinea is Don Quijote's ideal of a pefect woman, an image he projects onto Aldonza, a common serving maid. She appears in both the novel and the musical Man of la Mancha. Sophia Loren portrayed her in the movie of the musical.