This comment section is a reach. The name is absolutely beautiful! Maybe the variant Dulcibelle makes it more justice. Y'all see a glittery flowery hyperjolly name and decide to be haters.
Dulcibel and Dulcibelle are other variants. Dussabel, Dousable, Dousabel, Dowsabell and Dowzable are early and medieval variants. (Sheard, K.M., 2011 Llewellyn's Complete Book of Names: For Pagans, Wiccans, Druids, Heathens, Mages, Shamans & Independent Thinkers of All Sorts Who Are Curious about Names from Every Place and Every Time, Llewellyn's Publications, Woodbury, Minnesota, USA, page 182)
I'm not a fan of the name Dulcibella. It's unique, however it sounds quite strange. I find Isabella much prettier than this name. I wonder if this name will ever grow on me...?
― Anonymous User 3/29/2015
There is a book called The story of Dulcibella and the fairies written by Alice M Raiker (published in 1919).
― Anonymous User 3/29/2015
Haha, I'm surprised this isn't in the top 1000. It seems like parents will use whatever ridiculous name they can just to get the nickname Bella these days.
― Anonymous User 6/15/2013
In A.A. Milne's play The Ugly Duckling there is a character named Dulcibella.
― Anonymous User 9/12/2008
Wouldn't this name mean 'beautiful sweet'? Considering that 'dulce' means 'sweet' and 'bella' means beautiful. I think it's a lovely name, a bit old-fashioned of course, but it can be shortened to 'Bella.'