I can’t imagine naming your child after Chairman Mao. That would be like naming your child Adolf. That, and it will absolutely be pronounced like the term for male genitalia in English speaking countries.
Even though it's spelled the same way, it's not pronounced like how Americans pronounce the slang word for male genitalia. So perhaps a boy who is named Dong wouldn't get bullied because of this name.
Dong Dong is a Chinese male trampoline gymnast. He won medals in individual trampoline at three consecutive Summer Olympics: bronze in 2008 in Beijing, gold in 2012 in London, and silver in 2016 in Rio de Janeiro.
Can also mean 'winter'.
Dong is the currency used in Vietnam.
"Dong" also means "neighborhood" in Korean.
It isn't pronounced as the English word (ding dong) but as: doong.
Pretty to the Chinese ear I'm sure. But to anglophones, especially Americans, this word is slang for a man's private parts! Please don't name your child this if you plan on sending him/her to an American public school!
Mao Ze-Dong, formerly known as Mao Tse-Tung. Chairman of the Communist Party of China, leader of the 1949 revolution and the Cultural Revolution of the 60s and 70s.
Loving this name.

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