Diane Abbott is a British Labour Party politician who has served as Member of Parliament (MP) for Hackney North and Stoke Newington since 1987. She served in the Shadow Cabinet of Jeremy Corbyn as Shadow Home Secretary from 2016 to 2020 and is an advisor to the Privy Council. She was the first black woman elected to parliament and is the longest-serving black MP.
Sounds pretty dated to me but it’s pretty, I would just assume they were from a certain generation if I didn’t know any better. It'd be cool to see it on a young girl.
― Anonymous User 6/6/2024
I probably wouldn't use it, but I've grown fond of it over time. I like it more than Diana. It has a respectable simplicity to it. It's also not anywhere near as common as it used to be.
I think it is one of the worst names. I don't understand why people would want to name their little girl DIE-ANNE.
― Anonymous User 3/13/2023
Lots of names sound weird when you break them up like that, like in English, Annette sounds like a-net. Maybe that's what you're thinking when you hear the name, but it's definitely not what everyone hears, and nobody's gonna be saying it like DIE-ANN, because that's just unnatural. Diane is a lovely name.
I also like the name Diane. I see it as an elegant, sophisticated and classy name. In addition, it is easy to pronounce but at the same time it is not very common. I really like it, although I also like Diana too. The two options are wonderful.
This is my name but is it weird that it's never felt like mine in a way? Maybe because of all the hardships I've gone though throughout my life, just constant struggles that never seem to end.I've always found it awkward to pronounce and even my sibling used to say "Die-Ann!" as if it was funny. Then you have goons that always just say "Diana" that I really don't bother to correct them anymore. I'm in my early 30s by the way. Don't get me wrong, I love the meaning and the fact that it's not popular but the name usually turns out to be meek, serious, quiet which isn't what I wished to be. I really don't owe my parents anything but would feel guilty in changing my name, perhaps maybe putting Diana as a middle name but I'm still searching for my OWN name to grow and flourish in.
― Anonymous User 10/9/2020
I love the name Diane, because that is my name! Believe it or not I actually chose this name. I am a transwoman that had to choose a new name. My old name was Brian, and didn't care for Brianne, or Brianna at all. I also wanted something that fit my age, as I am a middle aged woman. I thought Diane kind of rhymed with my original name, and that my mind would notice it until I got used to it. Turns out it worked, and I love how it flows with my middle name "Diane Devere." I think it sounds rather classy, and is as beautiful as I feel.
I think Diane is a pretty name. I like Diana as well, but Diane is just so gentle. For some reason Diane makes me think of does and French castles, I think it's lovely.
― Anonymous User 6/30/2020
Diane sounds very classy and elegant. I think it suits all ages and not just old ladies. All old ladies were children once anyways.
Diane Thiberge is the fictional main character and narrator in the 2001 novel 'Le concile de pierre' (The Stone Council), novel by Jean-Christophe Grangé.
You will not meet a more authentic, loving, nurturing person than a Diane. They are beautiful on the outside but on the inside, much much more.
― Anonymous User 4/21/2019
I prefer Christina to Christine, Joanna to Joanne, and Diana to Diane.
― Anonymous User 3/23/2019
In 2018, 55 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Diane who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 101st most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
Diane Guerrero is an American actress. She is known for her roles as inmate Maritza Ramos on the Netflix series Orange Is the New Black and Lina on Jane the Virgin. Among her other roles was a recurring role on Are We There Yet? Guerrero grew up in Boston and remained there after the rest of her family was deported to Colombia. She is an advocate for immigration reform. Her role on Orange Is the New Black has twice contributed to wins for the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series.
Well I don't know, it's better than Diana and that's for sure. It's a unique name but there are a lot of celebrities with that name. Diane Farr, Diane Keaton etc... I like the name.
― Anonymous User 5/19/2016
Sounds like'Dying'.
― Anonymous User 9/6/2014
Nowhere near as popular as it once was, the name Diane was only given to 121 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
There is a song by Vampire Weekend called "Diane Young", a play on "dyin' young".
― Anonymous User 5/29/2013
This name is also used in The Netherlands, where it is a fairly rare name. The name was at its most popular there between 1969 and 1979 (with the highest number being 102 births in 1972), after which the name slowly decreased in popularity. In at least the past 6 years, there were less than 10 little Dianes born each year.The Dutch pronunciation of the name is: dee-AH-nə.
Diane Chamberlaine is an American author of 21 novels including, "Before the Storm" and "The Bay at Midnight".
― Anonymous User 7/9/2012
Diane Downs (born August, 1955), a divorced Oregon postal worker, was convicted in 1984 of shooting her three children (Christie, 8; Cheryl, 7; and Danny, 3) on the evening of May 19, 1983, killing Cheryl and seriously injuring Christie and Danny. Downs, notorious for her affairs with married men, was obsessed by a married former coworker who did not want children in his life and Downs, unwilling to accept his rejection, reasoned that eliminating her children would allow her to continue the affair. Christie Downs, at nine years of age, confirmed in June 1984 at her mother's trial that her mother was the one who shot her and Cheryl and Danny. Downs, heavily pregnant with a fourth child as a means to elicit sympathy, was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. Diagnosed with three personality disorders (Narcissistic, Histrionic, and Antisocial), equating to a sociopath, she maintains her innocence although she still can't keep her story straight.
Diane de Poitiers (1499-1566) was a French noblewoman and famous as the favorite of King Henri II of France (1519-1559). A glamorous woman, Diane had Henri totally smitten, much to the resentment of his wife, Queen Catherine de Medici (1519-1589), who tolerated her husband's concubine.
I want to like Diane because it goes with my other girl names... Estelle (star), Celeste (sky), Clarisse (bright), and Lucille (light), and then Diane, which comes from Diana, the Roman goddess of the moon. However, I find it extremely dated. The "die" part doesn't really bother me, but I have a hard time picturing it on a little girl. Kinda like Linda.
"Diane de Versailles" is a slightly over lifesize marble statue of the Greek goddess Artemis, with a deer, located in the Musée du Louvre, Paris. The statue is also known as Diane Chasseresse ("Diana Huntress"), Diana à la Biche, Artemis of the Chase, and Artemis with the Hind. She is elegant and breathtaking. From the moment I saw her she became my personal favorite statue.
The meaning is just gorgeous. Heavenly, Divine. How sweet!
― Anonymous User 5/25/2011
A famous bearer is actress Diane Kruger who played leading lady in such films as Troy, National Treasure and Inglourious Bastards. Who by the way is NOT frumpy, old, wallflower-ish or any of the like. She's a young breathtakingly beautiful girl. So all you Diane / Dianas be proud. It's a classic and beautiful name with interesting origins. : )
― Anonymous User 5/22/2011
Diane is the French form of Diana. During the Renaissance, the French considered hunting as one of the greatest delights so they named their daughters after the goddess of the hunt / moon Diana.
It's mine and my mothers middle name. It means Divine, Heavenly. My mothers family is French and the name goes very far back in our family. Some people say it sounds dated. Uh yeah, it is dated. In fact it's ancient and that's why I love it. I really like it in the Greek form too, Diana.
For some reason, every Diane I know is Asian. Now I can't even imagine a non-Asian named Diane.
― Anonymous User 9/20/2008
I understand that the name means queen of the hunt. I don't like this meaning. It's too war like. Also, it sounds like death. Die Ann. Although I really liked Princess Diana.
Diane Neal is an actress who plays Prosecutor Casey Novak on Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.
― Anonymous User 7/23/2008
This is my mommy's name, so I naturally like it :) Even if it wasn't her name, I would still like it. It sounds very mature and sophisticated. :) I like so much more than Diana! Isn't it weird how adding on/taking off a syllable can ruin a name for someone? O_o
This name sounds like the name of some wallflower-y, mousy, middle-aged woman who has gotten a little chubby and wears loose-fitting clothes. It also makes me think of somewhat dimwitted country girls and women from a few decades back. I actually hate the first syllable, and I think even names like Brianne and Deanne are better.
― Anonymous User 5/20/2008
Seconded. Diane sounds dated (not in the good way) and frumpy.
This is my middle name. I love that it is shorter than my first name Christina. I love saying it. Once in a blue moon my grams calls me Diane when she's mad at me. -.-
I can't complain about the name Diane, it is my mum's name. Well her name is actually Barbara Diane but goes by Diane. It is a pretty name, very classy.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2006
Famous bearer is Diane Lane, an American actress.
― Anonymous User 3/26/2006
Famous bearer is Diane Kruger, a German actress.
― Anonymous User 3/25/2006
Diane Arbus was an American photographer.
― Anonymous User 1/2/2006
A famous bearer of this name is actress Diane Keaton, whose birth name, Hall, inspired the movie 'Annie Hall', for which she won the Oscar as Best Actress in 1977.