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Dhrutisha 1
Gender Feminine
Usage Indian

Meaning & History

The name Dhruti means Goddess Lakshmi and Isha means Goddess Parvati
Added 1/18/2024 by anonymous

Dhrutisha 2
Gender Feminine
Usage Indian
Pronounced Pron. Dhru-ti-sha  [key]
Other Forms FormsDhritisha, Dhruti, Isha

Meaning & History

Dhrutisha means Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Parvati. Dhrutisha is made of two words, Dhruti and Isha. Dhruti means Goddess lakshmi, used to describe the quality of courage and patience of Goddess Lakshmi in Lakshmi Sahasras. Isha means Goddess Parvathi, as Lord shiva wife.
Added 2/8/2024 by anonymous