Derek Ho (1964 – 2020) was a Hawaiian Chinese surfer who won the world surfing championship in 1993. Ho was born in Kailua, Honolulu County, Hawaii. He began surfing at the age of three, and won the world title at age 29, making him the first Native Hawaiian world champion. Derek Ho was the brother of Michael Ho, another champion surfer, and the first cousin of Don Ho, the Hawaiian singer. He was the uncle of professional surfers Mason Ho and Coco Ho.
Not a bad name, but I don't think I can hear it without thinking of Derek from The Good Place.
― Anonymous User 4/21/2023
It sucks. This is the worst name in the English language. If you name your son Derek he will most likely turn out to be a murderous anti-Semitic sick bastard with no scruples and no morals everyone I've ever met and heard about on the news has proven this very well possible. Sometimes a name shapes the man. Too many losers out there named Derek. Stop naming your kids this before the world gets worse than it is already.
In 2018, 21 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Derek who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 261st most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
Derek Murphy is a character in the book series STAR Academy. He is one of Amanda's best friends, and specializes in optics. He is quick-witted and often makes jabbing remarks at others. He seems to have a crush on Amanda.
This name is beautiful and full of joy and happiness.
― Anonymous User 2/9/2018
Derek Shizuo Tatsuno is a former baseball pitcher. Tatsuno attended the University of Hawaii at Manoa from 1977 to 1979 where he amassed an impressive record in collegiate baseball as a pitcher.
Though the name may have originated from the Germanic `Theodoric`, some parents may have chosen it due to the Hebrew word `Derek`, which means "way, road, journey, manner" (e.g. "the way in which he walked", or "this stone marks the way to Rome").Source:
Derek Hough is an American professional Latin and ballroom dancer, choreographer, director, actor, singer-songwriter, and musician. Since September 2007, Hough has become known for his work on the ABC dance-competition series, Dancing with the Stars, on which he has won a record six seasons. With a total of eight nominations, he has won two Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Choreography for several routines that he choreographed for the show. Hough has also starred in various stage productions, including the 2006 original production of Footloose: The Musical at the Novello Theatre in London's West End, as well as the 2015 New York Spring Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. In 2013, he starred in Make Your Move, a Romeo and Juliet-inspired South Korean-American independent dance film. As of 2014, he has held a recurring acting role on ABC's musical-drama, Nashville.
I have now lived with the name for nearly 69 years. Most people have just accepted it as it is; a few have questioned its origin and a great many have mis-spelled it! My young brother hated being called "little Derek" when we played junior football. I'm usually the only Derek at the party but I have a couple of business associates of the same name and spelling. The name has never rated among the most popular Christian names in a given year. I only logged into this site to see if there was any documented history, and I was surprised to learn of the "Del" connection which one of my British mates has called me forever but I never asked why!
Derek Stephen Prince (born February 5, 1969 in Inglewood, California) is an American voice actor who is most memorable for his various roles in the 'Digimon' series, as well as the voice of Elgar in the live-action 'Power Rangers Turbo' and 'Power Rangers in Space'.
― Anonymous User 1/8/2016
Prince Derek, one of the main characters of the 1994 move, 'The Swan Princess'.
Derek was the birth name of American actor, director and photographer John Derek, who notably starred as Joshua in The Ten Commandments (1956) and Nick Romano in Knock on Any Door (1949). Derek was known for his good looks.
Derek is generally considered very dated in the UK.
― Anonymous User 10/16/2013
I've heard of two people with this name, one of whom has a different spelling. Derek Warfield, a member of an Irish band called the Wolfe Tones, and NASCAR driver Derrike Cope.
This reminds me of the character Derek Morgan, played by Shemar Moore, from the series Criminal Minds. I used to use this name, spelled Derrick, a lot for my characters when I was younger, but now I prefer this spelling. It's a solid name.
Derek Hart (1921-86) was a well-known and very popular British television personality who was particularly associated with programmes on art. His full name was Derek Osborne Hart. Derek is an attractive name, not over-used, and in England among men of Derek Hart's generation more posh-ish than not!
― Anonymous User 4/25/2012
I think this name has a strong, youthful connotation to it. I prefer the spelling Dereck, however, because I think the extra letter makes it look a bit more complete and it's my brother's name:)
Derek Boshier is a sculptor, designer and experimental artist.
― Anonymous User 9/26/2011
Derek was Eric Clapton's fake name. This was when he was in Derek and the Dominos, on the Layla album.
― Anonymous User 6/23/2011
I absolutely love this name. It's handsome, not too popular, and fits with a boy and a grown man. Being a Yankees fan, I like the association with Derek Jeter. If I were to use this, I'd definitely use the traditional spelling, not Derrick or Derrik or Deryck or however else you can butcher it...
An alternate pronunciation of 'Derek' is 'DER-ək', using a schwa instead of in /i/. It sounds almost like an /e/, although there's a slight difference. It's easier to pronounce the name with a schwa (like above) than it is to pronounce it 'DER-ik', because of how the tongue has to move to make the sounds. A lot of the time you automatically choose the easier way to save time/energy/because it's easier etc. - that's why some people say 'fink' instead of 'think'...
I have always considered this explanation to be awkward. Why clip Theodoric (or Theodoricus) to Derek as opposed to Theo. Which was a more common name throughout the Middle Ages. Or even Ted. Sure the syllabication is Teh-OD-erick, but it's like going around your backside to scratch your head. My alternative etymology (unpublished, unsubstantiated, and unrecognized) is that the Arabic name Tariq is the most natural candidate. Remember the Crusades, the spread of Islam through North Africa and into Spain and France prior to the First Crusade, and the historic association between the Low Countries and Spain. Given the slipperiness of pronouncing TH / T / D by people of different languages, the essential non-difference between a Q, a KH, a Germanic CH. Voila, Tariq = Derrick. Otherwise you're left wondering how a 16th century name ties back through history to a Gothic chief of the late Roman era.
Around the end of the 16th century there was a famous Tyburn hangman called Derick. His name came to be used as a personification of hangmen in general, and subsequently as a metaphor for the ‘gallows’. Gradually, however, these macabre associations were lost, and by the 18th century derrick had progressed in meaning to ‘hoisting apparatus’.
For some reason, I've just come to adore this name! Although the first spelling that popped into my head when searching it was Derreck, if I ever have a child, I'll (hopefully) use the traditional English spelling. I'd hate for him to have to spell his name out for people over and over, poor thing. It's such a strong name, too. And I love that it's not overly unique, but also not very commonly used anymore. At least, not that I know of.
There used to be a male doll in the "Barbie" series called Derek. I had one when I was a kid, as well as Barbie and Ken. I always thought that the Derek and Ken dolls were kind of dorky looking, so I guess that's part of why I don't like this name. It reminds me of a dim witted, shallow young man.
― Anonymous User 5/7/2010
Derek is also a Hebrew word meaning "road," "street," or "pathway."
The main character of Trauma Center: Under the Knife (Nintendo DS) and its sequel and remake is Derek Stiles. His name is two puns in one- his initials are DS (the name of the system that it's on) and Stiles, which sounds like stylus.
I like this name. My mother has a slight obsession with this name, maybe because it's so similar to my own name. However, she knew a baby with this name whom the only reason he had his name was because of a baseball player. Pretty corny to name your kid after a celebrity, eh?
This name always makes me think of rather goofy and dimwitted guys that are likeable but hopelessly incompetent. I'm not saying that I believe in some type of nomen ist omen crap and think a boy named Derek must turn out that way, but that's what comes to mind.
Oh I love this name too! It sounds so noble to me and I picture a boy named Derek to be very polite and likeable. I'm not too fond of the sound it makes in English but I love it pronounced in Swedish. My first son's name will be Derek for sure.
My husband's name is Derek. I like the name a lot. I really like the name when it is spelled this way.
― Anonymous User 11/1/2006
Derek is my father's name. I like it because it's a classic Germanic name; strong, masculine and evokes the spirit of the warrior kings of Dark Age Europe.
Derek is an awesome name for a boy. I don't have any problems with this name and would totally use it.
― Anonymous User 10/9/2006
I absolutely love the name Derrek. Of course I'm partial to it because it's my boyfriend's name. He spells his with two r's and when we have our first son we plan on naming him Derrek too. It's such a masculine handsome name.
I very much despise this name. It is, in my opinion, complete and utter trash. In my area, it is quite overused, and, I've noticed, only the worst, most annoying boys bear it. But, even before all of the bad associations, I hated it. What an ugly sound it makes! Please, please don't name your sons "Derek".
When I was younger I didn't care much for my name; however as I've grown older I've really come to like it quite a lot. There are very few Derek's out, at least from my experience (although it does seem to be slowly growing popularity). I especially appreciate my parents having spelled it the traditional English way: d-e-r-e-k. It's a masculine name without being too harsh sounding.
David Jason plays Derek Trotter in Only Fools And Horse, an extremely popular British sitcom about two market traders living in Peckham, London. Derek is usually referred to as "Del" or "Del Boy".