Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Danish tennis.
A name is a name. I was born in the late 60s. My name Dennis turned me into a fighter. It also turned my sister into a fighter. Kids would chant. You guessed it. Dennis the Menace, Dennis the Menace.
Very ugly.
When I was little I wanted to be named Dennis.
I also loved the movie Dennis the Menace. Now, I'm not really that big of a fan of this name.
It sounds okay, but it reminds me of high school jocks. Its spelling "sinned" backwards is somewhat amusing, but I doubt anyone would notice that.
I personally don't like this name. It spells 'sinned' backwards.
It's gorgeous!
I like this name! It sounds like an independent, strong man. The spelling looks incomplete to me though.
I think this name sounds too "serious". It reminds me of that bad kid who terrorizes his neighbours.
Sounds like the name of a fonzie-esque biker or rebel of some sort.
My name is Dennis. As a kid, I got the usual "Dennis the Menace" stuff. I got tired of that, so, I changed it to better fit my personality. Today, I am "DENNIS THE MENTAL". :)
I know a really cute, shy little boy named Dennis, he made me start to really like the name. It's so cute, but at the same time old fashioned :)
Dennis is an awesome name! I would like to see it used more often, I really would. Will I use this someday? Maybe.
I never gave the name Dennis any thought before. But then I saw "Martian Child." The kid's name is Dennis and I've found I like it.
I don't really like most names that end in the 's' sound, and the masculine ones are even worse than the feminine ones, except for maybe Mavis, which is even worse than this name, for instance. Besides, I never did like Dennis the Menace, and that's what comes to mind, as does the occasional American pronunciation of 'dentist'. Gah, not a great association that one, either.
Simply an underrated and awesome name.
My brother's name is Dennis. I think it makes him seem both strong and gentle. He weathered the whole Dennis the Menace thing, being that he was born like a year before the character debuted. But, you know what, people make the names they are given not the other way around and when I hear the name Dennis, I don't think of that dumb kid in the comics and tv show, I think of a Highland warrior or an English Lord or something. A funny aside -- my brother Dennis was a phenomenal tennis player in his youth! Ok. That got him ribbed a bit!

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