Please don’t do this to a poor child. I would absolutely hate being stuck with this name!
― Anonymous User 9/26/2020
Seems rather silly as a name since it's a prefix meaning "half". I also dislike the celebrity association, and this name makes me think of strippers for some reason. Probably the I ending.
I get that people think demis are half there but as a Demi that is not true, I'm actually quite a serious person, however there are some girls I met that make me hate my own name sometimes, but it's generally a good name and it sounds pretty.
― Anonymous User 12/31/2019
I am sorry, but I don't like this name. I suppose it would be okay as a nickname for a name like Demelza or something similar, but Demi just on its own as a legal name sounds incredibly daft and just plain awful. Also, I have come across a couple of people called Demi that were horrible, so that makes me dislike it even more.
― Anonymous User 11/11/2019
I don’t like it. It means half in French.
― Anonymous User 11/7/2019
Personally I think the name Demi is pretty and I don't understand why people don't like it or say that it is boring because everyone that I have asked really liked the name and said it is cute and beautiful and just because it means half that does not mean anything. I also know someone named Demi and I love her and her name.
There are two Demi's in my form, and it makes me think of demigods, demigender, demisexual, etc. Now I find that it means "half" it sounds even more ridiculous.
Demi is a cheesy, crap name. It means 'half' in French- who'd want their baby's name to mean 'half'? Also, Demi is used in Ballet (Demi Plie) meaning 'half of a plie' ('bending your legs' simply in English). The fact there's Demi Bras is another reason to hate this name. Demi rhymes with 'semi' which has an unpleasant slang meaning (find out on Urban Dictionary). Someone could say "Demi gives me a semi!".(In case you had not worked it out) I would never name my child this!
― Anonymous User 8/10/2014
This a cute and posh name but the whole name sounds boring so I don't like it.
I understand that the word means 'half' in French, but what I don't understand is why that has to be a bad thing. When I think of the word 'half' it brings to mind phases such as 'my other half' or 'my better half'. You could even take it a step further as the name is of Greek origin and apply it to 'soulmate', which the ancients thought of as literally the other half of your being. Is that so bad to give your little girl? In my head, half is a beautiful word and wonderful meaning for a name.
Being an asexual from the AVEN community, all I can think of when I encounter this name is demisexual. :) And in response to the above comment by ginamarie, no one is half a person, even without a "significant other."
My name is Demi. I like it, but now I get a lot of "Demi Lovato?!" references, because I am 15 and girls in my grade really like her. The only bad thing about it is sometimes people think my name is "Denny," which it isn't.
― Anonymous User 8/4/2009
I liked this name before an airhead like Demi Lovato ruined it. It does sound rocker-ish, but she completely destroyed any positive impression I had of it.
I would never name my daughter this. First of all I don't like the name or the way it sounds, but I also don't like that IT'S A TYPE OF LOWCUT BRA women wear when they wear skimpy clothes! lol.
― Anonymous User 6/18/2009
It's fine as a nickname for Demetria, but as a legal name it sounds ridiculous, considering it means "half". Imagine someone saying "Hello, Half!"
Because of the French meaning, I think of Demi kind of like, "half-witted" or "half-there". I picture a daydreamer, which explains why I get the impression of a girl named Demi being "half-there". I imagine a girl just kind of dancing through life, her head in the clouds. Figuratively, of course, not like exotic dancing and whatnot.
― Anonymous User 11/16/2006
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