Dawn Cavanagh is a South African activist, writer, and feminist.
― Anonymous User 2/9/2024
Dawn Butler is a British Labour Party politician who has been a Member of Parliament (MP) for Brent Central since 2015.
― Anonymous User 2/9/2024
Dawn is also used as a masculine given name in English. However, it's more common for females. So, I think that the "Gender" of this name should be updated from "Feminine" to "Feminine & Masculine".Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dawn_(name)
Kind of associated with middle aged women, similar to Michelle, Susan etc but I actually think Dawn is a beautiful name. I think this would be refreshing on a baby now :)
I have a male character that has this name. I have only seen it once as a male name before (in a manga), but I think it is just as good a male name as a female name.
― Anonymous User 10/31/2023
Dawn Ng is a Singaporean artist. She works across a diverse breadth of mediums, motives and scale ranging from text, illustration, collage, light, sculpture to large scale installations. Her work primarily deals with time, memory, and the ephemeral. To date, Dawn was part of the Jeju Biennale in 2017, participated in the inaugural Art Basel Hong Kong with her solo, SIXTEEN, followed by A Thing of Beauty, at the Art Paris Art Fair at the Grand Palais in 2015. She has also shown in Sydney, Shanghai, and Jakarta.
Dawn/Hikari from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, BW, and Journeys. She has blue hair and performs performance contests in front of the audiences of the Pokemon World. She's a very caring and laidback character.
Dawn was my aunt's name, she just passed away today from brain cancer. She was a very young, helpful, giving, kind soul. She's been battling cancer for over 6 years. She was a very strong fighter and I'm so proud of her for what she's gone through. I always loved the name Dawn and think if you're looking for a very unique name Dawn is a good one. Damn sounds like a very angelic and lovely name which, it is. I hope you see the beauty in it like I do. ❤️.
I've always loved the name Dawn, it's timeless and I don't see how someone could dislike this name, it's beautiful and not too common, I think people should use this name more often!
I love my name, Dawn! Born in 1959, as a young girl I wasn't fond of it. I wanted to have a more popular name such as "Anne, Lynne, Janet, etc..." I am so glad that I wasn't named any other name than Dawn. When I started school there was no one else named "Dawn" and I liked that.Anytime I introduce myself I often hear, "I love your name!" I am not a "Dawn" riser, I am a night owl :) so if my mom anticipated that I would wake up on time, she was very disappointed (everyday)! Thank you, Mom and Grandma for my name!
My name is Dawn Marie, born 1954. One thing I’ve always liked about my name Dawn is that it’s not a common name. At least not anywhere I’ve lived...*except* in North Carolina. It seemed like I met Dawns *everywhere*. I sky dive. Not one of the most popular sports, but in North Carolina I was Dawn #4...lol...I said no way! (I’m accustomed to being unique, right?) So my nickname became Dr. Dawn. I have a PhD in Biological sciences, human behavioral neuroscience. Which brings up professional impressions of the name Dawn. I never found it to hold me back in the least. There are a **lot** more important characteristics about a person from a professional perspective. One example, when I applied for grad school back in 1997, I was invited for an interview by seven different universities (top tier). I didn’t know how special that was until I went to the interviews. They invite applicants for interviews in groups of maybe 10 to 20 or so (depending on the school and applicant pool I suppose). Applicants talked amongst themselves about how many applications they sent out and which ones/how many they got interview invites from. Of all the applicants I met, conservatively estimating 7 interviews X maybe 5 people per school = would guesstimate around 35 individuals I talked to. One of the ~35 was invited to 3 interviews. Several (maybe 8 or 9?) were invited to 2 interviews. My first couple interviews told the others I was interviewing at 7 schools. Well, I’ve always known no one seems to like anyone who excels...and while I got lots of “wows” in response, I also got many snide cutting comments and/or was that avoided or a few were almost hostile, interrupting a conversation I might be having with one or more of the faculty or overtly snubbing, making snide comments, criticizing, contradicting, or correcting me in front of others at the informal and formal group gatherings with all the applicants and faculty. After that I was more vague when asked where I was interviewing. Interesting to note, there was not one other applicant named Dawn at any of my 7 interviews. So, I wouldn’t worry about being named Dawn as a professional impediment. As a scientist and by nature I’m a skeptic when there’s no empirical evidence, that example is not a “perfect” experiment to determine how the name influences professional advancement, but it’s sufficient for me to confidently infer that claiming the name Dawn reduces a person’s value, professionally or otherwise, is either a spurious judgement from too few facts or associating the name or sound with some unpleasant previous personal experience or someone they know (I do that too sometimes). Or it’s one more example of folks trying to elevate themselves by criticizing another.As for the sound of the name Dawn? Most often I used to think it was too short, too blunt. The brevity almost begs for a nickname, ugh! And most often it was Dawnie. I try to nip that one in the bud, but I do let my one sister and my dad call me Dawner. I think Dawn flows well with the two-syllable middle name Marie. I kind of like some of these comments that use the hyphenated Dawn-Marie. I never thought of that (good for you!). That almost makes it a whole first name, (e.g., Annamarie) yet the hyphen doesn’t allow “Dawn” to be diminished or obscured as an individual name. And the sound-alikes in school...Don, Dawn, John...we’d look at each other trying to figure out which one of us was being called on. And pronunciation? It’s **not** Don (imho). I tended to gently (or not so gently, depending) correct that common error...think of it like this...if a light is not “off” it’s “ON” (Don). If you see something sweet or pleasing you say “AWWW” (Dawn). So, I’m in awe of the name Dawn! Right? ;^DIf it’s not hugely popular, how did I get my name Dawn Marie? My mother said she wanted to name me Scarlet Dawn (whew! Dodged that bullet!) Sorry, but to me that just sounded too contrived. So, Dawn Marie? An amusing story depending on your perspective. My dad suggested it. However, it wasn’t revealed until much (years!) later that it was the name of an old girlfriend of his and he really liked the name (and apparently her?).Then I got married...so my name became Dawn Marsh...now **that** sounds harsh! (Poetry unintended...) Seventeen years, ugh. Although a funny story comes from a print expo I went to (idk...mid eighties? Before becoming a scientist I did printing/typesetting/graphics/advertising, the whole works for 18 years. Anyway, at this expo (think huge advertising competition where they compete by handing out free candy, yardsticks, rulers, fridge magnets...or display lovely scantily clad ladies to get your attention (printing/graphics/advertising still mostly male-dominated in the eighties...Geeze, seriously?) (I wonder how many of the ladies were named Dawn?) Anyway, besides A.B.Dick (a fridge magnet...really?), Multigraph, and Heidleburg printing presses were Cannon, Hewlett-Packard, and Xerox copier booths. Some might remember Xerox TV ads from back then and the iconic monk, Brother Dominic. Well he did an appearance with Xerox copiers at the Expo. I wandered over there and (all attendees wore name tags) Brother Dominic asked me (serious straight face) “Are you Native American?” I looked at him trying to figure it out and asked why would he think that? (Problem? I’m German and French...I don’t remotely resemble the rich-toned skin color or dark sleek hair of a Native American!). He chuckled (really, he could actually chuckle) and said, “well, you know...your name, Dawn marsh.” Hah! I told him I guess I was lucky my mom lost out on naming me. Imagine, Scarlet Dawn Marsh...gads. Although a friend at the time thought it would be better if I were Silver Dawn Marsh. Either would be great if I actually *were* Native American. I’d have borne either name proudly.But then I got divorced and 10 years later acquired a new last name that fits a little closer with my German/French heritage.Maybe I have mixed feelings about the sound and meaning and history of my name (and personality? I’m actually a hard-core night person. Mornings? No, I don’t do those very well.) But without my name I don’t know if I’d still be me. Our names do impact our thoughts and personalities to a small (sometimes large?) extent. However, Shakespeare said, “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet...” It is what it is. We are who we are. We’re all unique and the world would be sooo boring if everybody agreed about everything they liked!
I think this is the female spelling of Don. It’s not my personal favorite as a first name, but it could easily replace a more common one syllable middle name like Kate. Such as Felicity Dawn.
A fairy/pixie character named Dawn is used in two NVIDIA graphics demos.
― Anonymous User 10/13/2019
Dawn is always beautiful when it comes from the mind of a poet!
― Anonymous User 5/2/2019
I love this name and I named my own daughter Autumn Dawn 27 years ago. I was concerned that she might not like her name later but she says that she loves it. Perhaps she is just trying not to hurt my feelings? Dawn is a gorgeous name ladies so hold your heads up high and carry it with pride XOXOX.
― Anonymous User 5/2/2019
I have not always liked my name and have thought many times of changing it. I was born in 1962 and my father named me Dawn Marie. He died in 1964 and even though I don't remember him, I have felt that keeping the name was somehow paying homage to him.
Dawn Star is the name of one of the main characters in BioWare's video game Jade Empire.
― Anonymous User 11/28/2018
I prefer different names with the same meaning: the Latin Aurora, Arabic Zora, and Persian Roxana.
― Anonymous User 10/19/2018
In 2018, 40 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Dawn who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 187th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/16/2018
I am Dawn Elizabeth. My Mom loved the name. Fit for a Queen. I love my name in Greek. Which is Aurora. And is also the Princess Sleeping Beauty's name. Aurora.
My name is Dawn, born in February. Never liked my name because I never met anyone else with my name. Then I found out that there is a Dawn Goddess. And realized why I was named Dawn.
In my younger years I just knew that not very many girls had this name. As I got older I loved it more and more. My mom named me Dawn Lynne and to my surprise I just met a lady that told me her daughter is Dawn Lynn. It is very pleasing to me and I appreciate my Mother for giving me this name.
Hello all my fellow Dawns, my name is Dawn Marie born in 1959. I have always like my name as the first fruits of the day come in the Dawn. It is my favorite time of the day, so quiet and serene, where everything moves so much slower as the sun just peeks over the horizon. One of my best friends is also a Dawn Marie, which we love and she calls me George. Laugh out loud. I have a few friends with the name Dawn or something Dawn which is also sweet. I’m glad it was a short lived trend as it makes it even more special for me.
My name is Chasity Dawn. This was always my mom's favorite name, so I got it. I used to not like my middle name much, but you hardly ever hear of it anymore, so I think it's special.
My name is Dawn and I was born in 1961, the name was just starting to become popular. Not that I ever heard of anyone else with that name in Louisiana growing up. When I meet people they have often asked if my name is Dawn Marie, it's not. My name is Dawn Elaine and I think it goes together perfectly. The problem I have had also is that sometimes people sound like they are saying Don which was confusing, some growing up because one of my brother's is named Don. Everyone had to ask did they want the girl or boy. I can't imagine having any other name. Never had anyone associate the name with being a hippie name or associating it as an unprofessional name. It's a nice quiet name, not harsh.
Dawn Rochelle is an American model, actress and entrepreneur known for her California girl looks and attitude. She became a well-known model in the 1990s and developed a career as an actress through movies and the popular television series Walker, Texas Ranger.
I used to love this name, but then I heard the Decemberists' The Rake's Song and can't help but think of "that wretched girl, Dawn" who was "easily drowned in the bath" It's a pretty name, but that association will always be there for me. It's a catchy song, after all.
My name is also Dawn Marie. I hated it growing up because I'm from MS and the southern accent pronunciation of the name sounds retarded. People actually thought I was retarded because being born and raised in MS I never had the slow southern drawl and everyone thought I spoke funny. I got every single "Dawn" joke too, but I got it worse from my last name. My last name is Compton. Being a blonde white girl going to school in the formerly segregated section of Gulfport, MS where it was mostly black people and considered the "projects" you can imagine the jokes. "Straight outta Compton" and "born n raised in Compton" were the most popular. I was born in 1981 and have met maybe 3 Dawns my entire life that are around my age. Now that I have moved further North to WV where it is mostly elderly people, I'm told every day how beautiful my name is. I had no idea there were so many Dawn Marie's out there. I didn't know it was a common name. I was the first child and first grandchild and Marie wasn't a family name. My mom just liked the way it sounded. But now it has become a family name. I have 5 cousins on both sides of my family whose middle names are Marie and it is also my youngest daughter's middle name. I still hate when people call me "Don" but I like my name. And to all of you people who say it's an ugly name and very unprofessional, let me inform you that I was accepted into medical school, law school, and both Harvard and Yale Universities. Your name doesn't have to define you unless you let it.
Dawn Penn is a Jamaican reggae singer. She first had a short career during the rocksteady era, between 1967 and 1969, but is most known for her single "You Don't Love Me" which became a worldwide hit in 1994.
My aunt is named Dawn. She was born in the 70s when this name was popular so there are a few her age, but luckily it's fading. She loves it, I love it. It's rather cute and unique in my opinion.
I'm a Dawn Jane, a 1966 baby and as far back as I can remember I have always been Dawnie Jane. I'm called Dawnie even by the children where I work. I can honestly say I have not heard this name used lately.
I am Dawn (middle name Renee), born in 1967, and I really love my name. I think it's beautiful, and not heavy or blunt at all. I'm not offended that others dislike the name; there is no right or wrong when it comes to opinions. Opinions are subjective, and to each his/her own. I've met about 6 or 7 other Dawns, and they've all been very nice people. I'm very happy with the name I have. Side note: I've met nearly a dozen women, all with different first names, who have the middle name Renee!
My name is Dawn Ann and I am a child of 1964. I think it's odd that the name is not used much these days. I had an older man tell me he never heard the name "Dawn" before and thought it was lovely. I do hate being called "Don" because that's my Dad's name. I had Dawn Dolls in the 70's and still have them. I also am a professional so we are not all thought of as "unprofessional".
I have a sister named Dawn and she is beautiful, just like her name. It suits her very well. She's original and I couldn't imagine her having any other name, she was born at Dawn on the opening of Expo 1967 in Montreal Quebec. It was a fitting name.
Dawn M. Bennett, an American voice actress who works at Funimation, is a bearer of this name.
― Anonymous User 8/28/2015
My daughter's name is Dawn Summer, she is 20 months old born in 2013, I live in the UK. I have not heard any other Dawns of her age. I love the name and I'm hoping she does too!
Not a huge fan of the Pokémon character but I sure do love this beautiful, lovely nature name! This name is a STUNNER. ;)
― Anonymous User 4/30/2015
I am called Dawn and I like my name. I was born at Dawn and my parents were going to call me Linda, so now I am Dawn Linda. I was born in '56 so my name was not common at all then. Dawn has a lovely meaning. First light, Day break, the beginning.
I love my name. I am surprised at how many people think that the name Dawn is somehow unattractive. BTW, most people consider me to be very pretty (above average). Like many other Dawn's, my middle name is Marie and I was born in the 1960's. I am a Registered Nurse and I cannot tell you how many times I have introduced myself to my patient's for the first time and they say to me "I love that name, it is so pretty". I think people today associate it with Dawn dish detergent. Could that be the cause of the negativity? By the way, I spell my name with an e at the end... Dawne.
Dawn's my middle name, and I like it better than my first name, Jennifer. I've had a few people ask me if my parents were hippies, when they hear my middle name.
Does anyone remember "Dawn" dolls? They were kind of like mini Barbie dolls and I don't know when they came out, although I was born in '76 so I suppose it would have been the late '70s and early '80s when my sisters and I played with them.
My name is Dawn and my middle name is Michelle. I love my name despite the fact that where I work, when I'm on the phone with 'customers' they often misspell or misspeak my name to DON. It drives me absolutely crazy! I live in the south, Oklahoma, and we have neighbors that are from Boston and they pronounce it differently, but that is ok with me. I often get asked, "Were your parents hippies?" No, they weren't. I get the jokes, too, and I'm always out looking for items that display my name. But with a few of my friends I have the opposite nickname, Dusk Raye. (Raye spelled for Ray as in sunrays.)I don't run into too many other women with this name, but in my church we have 5 men named Don! I think I'm the only Dawn in town, too, and I live in a small town, so anyone who mentions Dawn, Don, or John I look up. I think it makes a good middle name, there are a couple or so people in my town with Dawn as a middle name.
Dawn IS NOT pronounced like Don. I can't understand how anyone can make the two names sound alike. Listen to how it's pronounced in England. In the US, especially in the Midwest, there's a linguistic phenomena called the caught - cot merger, where the words sound the same. Dawn sounds like caught, not cot. I should know since it's my name.
My name is Dawn, and I really dislike the sound of it. It sounds heavy and just... bleh. DAWN DAWN DAWN. I do like the meaning, however. I was named Dawn because I'm the first born child in my family, like the Dawn of a new day. My middle name is Grace, and I think that "Dawn Grace" does sound really pretty, the "Grace" part softens the "Dawn" part, but it's not too soft, and the meaning is beautiful. I'm 14, but when I'm older I may change my name to Dawne.
Well I know that in the Polk Street School (or any way you say it) there is a girl named Dawn Bosco. And also... REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD NAME YOUR DAUGHTER DAWN; 1. If you really enjoy the sun rise, or Dawn, you can name your daughter after the Dawn. 2. Like I said before in the Polk Street School series there's someone called Dawn Bosco. 3. In my opinion this is a really pretty name just like the other three I had viewed, Blossom, Melody and Ariel, which I am planning to name my daughters these four names.
Dawn is the female protagonist in the Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum games as well as in the Pokemon Diamond & Pearl anime. Her name in Japanese is Hikari, which means "light," so the name Dawn ties in with that nicely.
I have always hated my name, because I am a VERY self conscious person, and Dawn is such an uncommon name nowadays, that it ALWAYS creates unwanted attention. For example, on the first day of school, every year, when the teacher reads my name for attendance, everyone turns around and looks at me, because it's not a very popular name. Lately though, I have learned to LOVE my name, because it is a very natural, earthy, name! Total hippie name, right?! I swear I was born in the wrong decade... I just can't believe that it took me this long to realize how well my name definitely suits me!
My name is Dawn Marie. It seems that every Dawn I've ever met her middle name is Marie. I HATED my name growing up. I have heard every Dawn joke known to man. Dawn Donuts (it's a donut shop here), Dawn dish liquid, dust to Dawn, by dawn's early light, the crack of dawn, Delta Dawn and countless others. How can you spell Dawn wrong? I had a teacher who spelled it Down and I get mail with it spelled Don SMH.
Dawn! Dawn..! Dawn... Dawn..? No matter the number of times that I repeat it, the end result remains the same. It does not flow well to the ear, with a heavy, blunt sound. "Dawn" is forever "Don," masculine, to me. Though, if I hear some sad female with it as a given name... I pair it with Hippies and all such things that are associated.It is not a very professional name... In fact, I am certain that this is one to put in the books as career slowing. Dawn Levy, a lawyer? Doctor? I am afraid not.
This name is trashy, and it makes me think of the annoying Pokémon character. Why not go for the much prettier name Aurora, which has the same meaning?
My mother's name is Dawn. She absolutely hates it. Especially since her father calls her Dawny. She refuses to go by her name Dawn, and so instead goes by Rebecca her middle name, and the name of her late great aunt.
It seems that nobody mentioned Australian swimmer Dawn Fraser (* September 4, 1937 in Sydney), who competed in three Olympic Games (in 1956, 1960 and 1964), winning a total of four gold and four silver medals for Australia.
It's quite a pretty name, but not in a Southern drawl. I like the concept of the word despite hating mornings unless I've spent the night awake. The problem is that Dawn Eden has ruined the name for me.
I don't usualy like words of names, but I think Dawn is a pretty name.
― Anonymous User 5/8/2008
This was the name of the main character, Dawn Weiner, played by Heather Matarazzo, in the great movie Welcome to the Dollhouse, about a middle school girl with weird glasses and a horrible sense of style that other kids called 'lesbo' and 'wienerdog' and who was treated unfairly by her parents.
Dawn is my first name, and I've always felt just so-so about it. Mostly I haven't liked it because people associate Dawn (along with "Heather") with the 1970s, Birkenstocks, and hippies. I sometimes wonder if people would have a better first impression of me or take me more seriously if my name wasn't associated with that time period.
― Anonymous User 12/3/2007
This is my middle name, and my Mom's middle name. This is also my sister-in-law's name. When it came time to name my daughter, there was no question Dawn would be her middle name. Over the years I had changed my mind many times on what my daughter's first name would be, but I always knew her middle name would be Dawn. I don't THINK it's a filler middle name, but after reading a few posts saying it makes a good middle name, I am beginning to wonder. Regardless, it is not a filler middle name to me, because it has become a family name.
I don't care much for the name Dawn. It's just not aesthetically pleasing to my ear. I knew a girl named Dawn once and everyone called her "Dawn of the Dead." Of course, that was because they didn't like her anyway, but I can't get that out of my head whenever I hear the name Dawn.
Dawn is a pretty name for a girl. It also makes a good middle name. Overall, it means "sunrise" and most of the time sunrises are beautiful. It's sad that this name's popularity had fell out of the Top 1000 Names.
What to say about my name? I hate it. I've grown a little fonder of it lately, even though my experiences with other people with the name aren't too pretty.The sound of it is so blunt and ugly to me (and I always turn around when someone calls out "John!"), but at least the meaning is a beautiful one. Unfortunately, a lot of ignorant people don't realize Dawn is an actual name and constantly spell my name 'Don'. -sigh-
In Chinese, "xiao3" (Mandarin) or "hiu" (Cantonese) means "Dawn", as well. I was born at Dawn, so that's my name. I've always liked "Dawn" better than "Amy".
My name is Dawn Swan. I love my name. People are always commenting on how beautiful the name Dawn is. It's not a very popular name but it is a very beautiful one.
― Anonymous User 11/12/2006
The name of one of the characters in The Babysitters Club, Dawn Schaffer.
I absolutely love the name Dawn. It's my FAVORITE NAME for a girl. If I had twins, I'd name one Dawn-Ally. I love the name Dawn and Ally put together. The other, of course, would be Paige-Abby.
A famous bearer is American actress Dawn Wells (born October 18, 1938 in Reno, Nevada). She is best know for her role as Mary Ann Summers on the sitcom "Gilligan's Island" (1964-1967). She also had guest roles in such TV shows as 77 Sunset Strip, Maverick, and Bonanza before "Gilligan's Island".
"Dawn" by Paul Laurence DunbarAn angel, robed in spotless white, Bent down and kissed the sleeping Night. Night woke to blush; the sprite was gone. Men saw the blush and called it Dawn.
Dawn was the girl I was in love with in junior high school. Of course I never dared to tell her this. She had beautiful long blonde hair down to her waist and was at least ten times smarter than I was. Then in high school she went to a different school and I never saw her again. So when I see the name "Dawn", that's who I think of.
Dawn Tinsley is a character in the BBC sitcom The Office, played by Lucy Davis. She is the receptionist and although engaged to warehouse worker Lee, Tim is the right man for her. They finally got together in the end.
― Anonymous User 12/23/2005
Dawn Wells is an actress known for her role as Mary Ann Summers on "Gilligan's Island." Dawn also happens to be my name.
Dawn French is a British comedienne and actress best known as one half of the comic duo French & Saunders.
― Anonymous User 12/20/2005
This is my mom's name and she always hated it. We're from Cleveland originally, but now that we're in the south, people have a hard time understanding our Pittsburgh-ish accents. They'll sometimes think she's saying "John!"
― Anonymous User 11/27/2005
When I was younger I hated my name, but now it's nice to have a name that is fairly uncommon, but not so unheard of that no-one can pronounce it.
"Pretty as a midsummer's morn, they called her Dawn" - line from Four Seasons hit "Dawn". I named my daughter Dawn because of that line and because it described her.