David is a beautiful, timeless, classy name. There is a reason why it’s still very popular and it will never be obsolete. It’s also the name of the husband of one of my friends. This particular David is a really cool guy, great husband and father.
I think David is a beautiful name. My aunt has always liked it. It's strong, classy, and timeless, as it ages flawlessly with grace. I love its meaning: “Beloved.” Its potential nicknames, Dave, Davie, Vid, Viddie, etc., are lovable. I also love its association with King David. Overall, I think David is a wonderful name.
David is a common name. But that's OK because at least nobody has the chance of misspelling it whenever you make a reservation or place an order for take out. An added bonus, I might add, is the international appeal that allows the name to camouflage nicely with other cultures and religions.
― Anonymous User 1/29/2023
I was a big fan of Davey Jones of the Monkees and decided I would marry a David. AND I did. We gave our son David as a middle name and he is proud to be named after his father. A good strong name for a lad.
David. It might seem so basic, boring, but it’s one of my favourite boys names. It’s classic, biblical, and it has the great meaning of lovable! Plus, my greatest hero David Attenborough carries this name, and I’d love to call a son this in his honour. Dave is a bit dull, I agree, but Davie is very cute for a little boy, and what’s wrong with David anyway? Overall, one of my favourite names.
The “boring” comments are simply unnecessary. This name is strong, timeless, and holds great respect even today. I’ve never understood why so many go by “Dave.” “David” simply sounds so much stronger.
I love the name David and King David is a great role model. This is one of the names that I’m ok with being very popular and it isn’t overused in my opinion. Definitely would recommend it.
I have positive associations with this name because of Sir David Attenborough! I like that it’s not as overused and common as it used to be and can suit any age group!
Good ole King David is the man! If I had a son I would love to name him David and I would be very proud of him and I'm sure his mother would be too! It says in The Bible that from King David a King would be born/rise. That King is Jesus Christ! Amen! Hallelujah!
― Anonymous User 2/14/2022
I like the name David because it's strong and masculine. I believe every male deserves to be given a strong, masculine name.
David, although incredibly generic and overly used, is a good, strong, and simple name. It exudes confidence and has formidable biblical ties. Regardless I do sometimes wish for a more unique name. You only get one name to represent yourself after all. I think this quote by Twenty One Pilots sums this up perfectly, ”Does it bother anyone else that someone else has your name?”.
I have rather ambiguous feelings about this name. On one hand this name has a very respectable and ancient history attached to it. On the other side this name reminds me of an unpleasant fellow that I used to know who was a complete jerk that went by David. So, I probably wouldn't pick this for use because of the latter reason.
― Anonymous User 3/26/2021
I've yet to meet someone who is named David who isn't a jerk. I know you're out there good Davids, I hope I find one of you some day.
― Anonymous User 3/9/2021
This name seriously puts me to sleep.
― Anonymous User 3/3/2021
Classic, quality, good name! Not of my favorites, but David is alright!
Hi - Being called David myself and being of older age, I have found it quite a profound name in this sense: the name has had many bearers over the years and has many characters and connotations put to the name from many cultures. This being said, most of the meanings and thoughts about this name have been of an enlightened nature, David and Goliath etc. The one that stood out for me was "Regeneration", arising like a Phoenix from the ashes. Soaring like an Eagle or withering like a snake (cunning). Davids tend to stay low like the snake, and watch, then fly like an Eagle to get our way. Children with this name need parents that can instill a sense of invulnerability and wisdom into the child. Because we tend to really fall just before the soaring and as I have found, usually at that point we won't allow others to pull us up.
My grandad's name is this, it certainly ages well and I can imagine a man in his 20’s and a man in his 80’s with this name. It’s actually my brothers middle name as well, it is an amazing name!
― Anonymous User 12/1/2020
David is a pretty good name. But for some reason I really like it as a middle name.
I love this name so much! My name is David and I go by a ton of nicknames. Many include: Dave, Davy Wavy, Daisy, Dasik, Sneaker, DayVideo, Jaffa, Dewey, and Daser the Laser. The last three don't make a lot of sense, but I am still called by those names by my siblings and/or peers. Anyway, you should definitely name your child or pet David! (Or not, because then I would have a more unique name if it weren't so common)
Although it has significance I wouldn't use it due to its sheer popularity and I also could not imagine this on a baby or small child. In other words, I think its time has gone.
I mean, most Davids I've met were nice people but I've never been fond of the name. I find it to be rather bland and I prefer it as a middle name.
― Anonymous User 9/23/2019
Here's the thing about David: it's a good name. It's an objectively good name - in fact, it's great. It has an appealing sound and robust history. You can't really go wrong with David.Which is why SO MANY PARENTS have chosen to name their sons David. Seriously. There is such an overabundance of Davids in the world that I, as a 90s kid, went to school with more Davids / Daves than I did Michaels / Mikes, Williams / Wills, Jameses, or Johns! That's a LOT of Davids! I know way too many!As it is, David has only recently left the Top 20 in the United States, so there are still tons of little Davids being born. It's for this reason that I really couldn't name my son David, despite liking it as much as I do - there are just too many. David needs to take a nice long break.
This is an alright name but it seems too common and generic, kinda like John.
― Anonymous User 8/3/2019
I really like this name, it has a great history and a good meaning (which is a thing about a name that really does matter) but the name itself is so common that it's basically a default name. Still a really good name though.
To me, I love this name. I mean it's my name so of course. But that's not the reason why. It's been coming up on the Top 100 names and staying in top 1-30. It is a loving name.
The name David is one of those names that retains an international appeal that can bridge linguistic issues if one has a multi cultural family. An example would be that one side is English speaking and the other is Spanish, in such cases this name could be the compromise you might want to consider as an easily pronounceable name for both sides of the family.
Ugh, so boring. There are like a million less dull, common names out there that would be a better choice.
― Anonymous User 11/12/2018
The name DAVID is a holy name. Before I thought it was a king's name but it's not. People named by this name are really special and different, they are loving, caring, and can sacrifice for the good of others. I think I should name my child David or a David dud.
I really wish I liked this name because my favorite character of all time, David Nolan from Once Upon a Time, has this name but I just don't. I think it's that it is a very dated name.
This is my middle name. This is also my dad's name, and my dad is... well, let's just say he's... extremely conservative. And whenever I hear this name, I think of people like him, which is not a real pretty picture. This is the reason why I'm kinda glad my first name is not this, and why I wouldn't use the name myself.
Classic name, but it sounds way too mature. It reminds me of an adult. However, it fits all surnames. It was a category 5 hurricane that devastated the Caribbeans in 1979.
This name is older than the bible. I like this name, it's ageless. It was a top ten name from 1936 to 1992 and in 2016, it was 19 out of the top 1000 boy's names. So I disagree that it's too common since it's not as common as it used to be.
In my experience, the best guys are named David. They're attractive, talented, kind, loving, and overall great people. I love the name because of the people I've known who have it. I think the meaning is very nice too, and fits many of the Davids I've met and known. :)
― Anonymous User 1/23/2017
This is my grandfather's name. I think it sounds strong and heroic.
I was very close to someone named David. He was a father figure to me until his passing. I currently have a very close friend named David. My cousin is also named David. I really like the name David because of the people I know who have it. They are awesome people and I love them, so it's kind of hard for me not to like the name too. It means "beloved" and I feel like it really fits the people I've met.
This name is just too common for me, but I think it's nice.
― Anonymous User 2/20/2016
This name sounds very classy, it reminds me of a smart, organized person. I like it a lot.
― Anonymous User 2/20/2016
People named David I've known in my life are smart people.
― Anonymous User 11/29/2015
This name is absolutely beautiful. I first think of King David and then a few Davids I know. I prefer David to Dave but I guess Dave sounds less formal to some people and a lot of Davids prefer Dave. The name is far too popular! But then, that's for a reason. It's timeless. Davy is cute.
― Anonymous User 10/13/2015
I love the name David, because my favorite character in the musical If/Then was David. He was very calm, collected, and level-headed.
Love the name David, but so many Davids shorten it to Dave. Which is fine but I do prefer David. Beautiful meaning: Beloved! I would use it as a middle name most likely.
― Anonymous User 8/3/2015
The name David is such a classic, timeless & blessed name. A great choice for a guy. :)
― Anonymous User 3/29/2015
My name is David and middle name is Michael. The best thing my parents did for me was to give me this name, because I feel so loved by God and humanity. Guys love to call me "Dave," which I think really sounds cool. Women love to call me "David," which makes me melt. I am now married to the best woman, but many women told me they loved my name before I met my wife. It is not trendy, and it will last and endure for all time. David does not have a stereotype attached to it I have found. I can be who I want to be. By the way, I am a very fun, outgoing, loyal, and every-day nicest guy you will ever meet, lol! I love people, and I think it is because my name has helped me to be so loved.
My brother's name is David Martin, and I like the way he handles the name David. I think he got his religious personality in the name David, he is also tough, brave enough and somewhat shy even though I can call him manly David.I call him 'Bebed' because I couldn't pronounce his name when I was 1 year old and as I grew up, 'Bebed' is the name I used to call him. Some friends of ours call him Burik, Davide, and simply David. David as a name is really manly.
I can picture a gentle, caring yet strong young man hearing this name. To me it's one of those classics that will never go out of style. My favourite biblical name by far! The nicknames Dave or Davy are crap, though.
My husband's name is David. I love the name and he says he likes it, but there were always at least 2 other David's in his grade throughout school, as it was a top 10 name the year he was born. He absolutely hates being called Dave, and I have to say I can't blame him. Dave sounds a little too middle aged and takes away the strength and class of David. Despite the popularity it's still an awesome name and has always been one of my favorites. A little boy named David today would probably stick out from all the jaydens, braydens, and kaydens, rather than the other way around as it would've been twenty years ago. I have yet to meet a David who wasn't completely adorable and super sweet :)
This name is really overused. It is so boring after hearing it on every other guy. It also reminds me of that annoying actor David Wenham (aka Faramir from the LOTR movies) and that singer David Archuleta, both of whom I can't stand.
Such an awful, overused name. I can't stand it. Plus I wouldn't want my name to be associated with annoying, stuck-up people such as David Duke, David Archuleta, David Wenham, and David Hasselhoff.
I love this name. I prefer the Hebrew pronunciation to the English, though.
― Anonymous User 7/2/2011
This name is very attractive, but it seems better for an adult or teenager than a child, because a little boy being 'handsome and sexy' might seem a bit odd.
I don't like this name. It's so overused, and I knew a lot of Davids who were jerks. Plus, it has too many annoying namesakes, like David Duke, David Cook, David Archuleta, David Duchovny, and Dave Ramsey.
I know very few Davids, but this name is a strong name to me. Solid. The few Davids I know are strong and reliable, if not always the most tactful of people. He is always there for you and although he doesn't always understand your problems exactly he always tries to help. Often a loyal person. That is the impression from the Davids I do know, and they're often strong friends. The nickname "Dave" doesn't appeal to me in the same way. It seems to hold a different meaning.
David is definitely an enduring name. There are certainly a lot of people with the name, as demonstrated by the number of famous people with it. I do like it a lot, but I'm not sure I'd name my kids that because it's fairly common, and I know that I don't like to meet other people with the same name as me, which might happen pretty often with a name like David.
I don't know why but I love this name. It sounds a bit formal and masculine and it sounds also like a name of a hero. It is also a biblical name but it is very popular at the same time.
David Duke is a loonie. He's a pretty good reason not to use the name, for me anyway. There are plenty of Davids out there, of course, but I just wouldn't want my son to share his name with anyone that repulsive.
Bah, it's so overused, but I harbor no great dislike towards the name. It's a very safe choice at least, one that sounds okay on many different guys, even the fat and ugly ones, isn't immature, tacky, trashy, or of any other bad type that could lead to discrimination. But this must be one of the most common names for unwanted children ever. Doesn't take much effort to come up with this one!
I like this name. I like that it's Biblical, and I like the way it sounds. It sounds like it could fit anybody (excluding girls and women, of course). And I like the nicknames of Dave and Davey that you can get from it. When I hear it I think of David Bowie, David Gilmour, David Copperfield, King David in the Bible, and a friend of mine named David, who sings in the band I'm in. These are all very positive connotations. All and all, this is a nice name.
David is way too popular a name for me to ever consider using on a child. I wish parents would be a little more creative when it comes to naming a baby.
I used to think that the Dutch pronunciation of this name was kind of dull (I'm Dutch) but I've grown to like it and now I love it as much as, if not more than, the English pronunciation. What I like about the Dutch one is that there are no icky nicknames for it so people will have to call a David by his real name. If I ever have a son this will absolutely be his name. It's such a beautiful name with a great meaning.
All the Davids I've know are really nice people. Most of them are very masculine, very good-looking, and fun people.
― Anonymous User 6/4/2007
I didn't really like this name much before, but due to its grand history and heritage, I've grown to like it. Oh and anyway, those that posted that David and Jonathan 'loved each other' in a romantic way have really got it all wrong. They loved each other in a BROTHERLY way. This was a pure God-given love, not some impossible romance in an odd Greek myth (now those myths are famous for that as I learned just fifteen minutes ago, wow isn't time neat?). I won't argue on this I've made a point and typed a comment and that is enough, I rest my case there with saying that this name has a strong meaning.
I love this name! I first heard it in David Copperfield and fell absolutley in love with it. I also like the nicknames Dave and Davy/Davey. I don't really like the way it is pronounced in Holland and Germany. It sounds strong and cool in English but in Dutch it sounds kinda dull.
I love the name and the nickname Davey (or Davy). Dave doesn't really appeal to me but the others definitely do. A great middle or first name that sounds strong and kind.
― Anonymous User 7/2/2006
This name sounds so strong and yet gentle. I have always loved this name, and if I didn't have a cousin bearing this name, I would probably name a son David.
― Anonymous User 6/23/2006
I have always loved this name. It sounds so passionate and honest. The whole feeling around the name is good.
― Anonymous User 6/22/2006
David is an awesome name. This is a timeless classic name.
― Anonymous User 4/26/2006
The name David is wonderful and timeless. Davids are always down to earth and fun guys. I do dislike the nickname Dave, plain and boring. Davey is alright but David is too good of a name to call one anything else.
― Anonymous User 3/14/2006
I adore the name David. I have known 3 Davids and they are lovely people! If I had a baby I would definitely name him David. It's very attractive and comforting when you hear this name.