I’m an East Asian and was required to provide a Latinized name when entering an international school. I was interested in world history and politics at the time, and picked the Lithuanian president’s name, didn’t expect that this name will follow me forever. I love this name after learning that it means fate and destiny. I have never met another East Asian with the same name, and quite a few of my teachers and professors were surprised by this name. But I have met people from other parts of the world with the same name, quite an exciting and unique experience. My legal name and my appearance are quite gender neutral but this name sounds so feminine, I still love it though, to me my new life started on the day that I was able to pick my own name and make decisions about my life. -- Greimas and Gimbutas derive her name from Lithuanian "dalis" - "proper share" in accordance with Dalia's functions (which were slightly different from Laima's). [noted -ed]
If I name my daughter this I will pronounce it Da-lee-ah. I never knew the Lithuanian goddess meaning but I think it is so cool! I always loved this name for the sound, but that meaning just made me love it even more.
The name Dalia was given to 192 girls born in the US in 2016.
Dalia Grybauskaitė (born 1 March 1958) is the President of the Republic of Lithuania from 2009 to 2019.
Dalia Sofer is an American writer.
Dalia means fate/lot in Lithuanian.
Pronounced dah-lya.
Means fate, luck in Lithuanian. [noted -ed]

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