Spanish and English both got this word/name from Latin. Caretaker or guardian is a nice meaning; if anything, it's the belittling of janitorial work that makes this name a problem in that sense. If people work hard and are honest, I do not think there's any reason to diminish their working contributions. That said, I do not think that Custodia or Custodio sound pleasant to anglophones. The emphasis on the "toad" part of the name is unfortunate.
This is also a last name. The Mr. Custodio I know, is, unfortunately, a custodian (janitor). Agree with above, English really has borrowed from every language. Perfectly good name now unusable in English-speaking countries.
This makes me think of a janitor. Thank you so much, English, for ruining such a name with your continuous borrowing from other languages to the point that you hardly have anything left of your former self.