I'm nonbinary, and I chose this name for myself - since I vibe more with masculinity than femininity. In any case, I think it's a great name - I adore the way it sounds and looks, and the meaning is top tier. Corbins rise up!Edit, from future me: I don't go by this name anymore haha. I do still like it a lot though.
French and European surname. Surnames can tell us about where we come from including the origin of our family and what some of our ancestors did for a living.
My name is Corbin! Because I'm trans I chose my name but my mother said she would have named me Corbin if I had been born male so she sort of chose it, too. I really like it and it's honestly hella goth. Children named Corbin are the best. Corbins, rise up.
My name is Corbin, I think it is a pretty cool name. It is unique and won't get mixed up easily with other people's names. Not hard to say and not common enough to meet others with the same name. Also has an awesome meaning, "raven" which is pretty sweet.
The name Korban and the word korban have two different meanings in Hebrew. The name means "a gift from G-d and the word means "sacrfice / victim". Before I named my son this after the movie The Fifth Element starring Bruce Willis, I did a full research in the hospital.
This is really good to know because my name is Corbin and I'm doing a homework project about my name so it really helps. I had no idea my name means sacrifice.
It is not true that the spelling CorbAn spelled with an "a" (derived from the Hebrew word Korban) means a sacrifice of blood. It is a Hebrew word used un-translated in the Greek of the New Testament, and is probably left that way simply because there was no Greek equivalent. It is only used once in the English Bible and Mark 7:11 (NIV) is the only place that it is quoted. It actually means ‘a gift' OR ‘a sacrificial offering'. It is considered to be an offering to God of any sort – either with blood or without blood – particularly in fulfillment of a vow. It means any gift given by God and dedicated back to Him.The Hebrew word "korban" comes from a Hebrew root meaning "close." The word "korban" literally means "that which has been brought close" and it refers to the sacrifice as something that enters into God's presence in the Sanctuary.
― Anonymous User 8/17/2018
I love this name. I'm expecting baby 3 in January and we are going with Korbin Clint. Clinton was my grandfather's name. Both names sound great together.
― Anonymous User 7/7/2017
I named my daughter Corbyn in May 2001. We love it and she's always complimented on her original name.
If you don't mind your kid being a complete social reject you can name him this.
― Anonymous User 6/29/2016
This is the surname of British parliament leader Jeremy Corbyn.
― Anonymous User 5/26/2016
I like this name, it reminds me of Ravens which I think is cool and it's quite unique as well.
― Anonymous User 2/20/2016
You have a lot of pronunciations on your site for the long O sound keyed as "AW." I just do not understand how this is correct. "AW" makes the SHORT O sound. It always has. Corbin is not CAWR-bin. It is COR-bin. You have the same error on Dorian and other names. I do not understand. Someone please help me.[on this site AW represents the IPA symbol ɔ -ed]
In response to editor's response to my confusion regarding the pronunciation: [on this site AW represents the IPA symbol ɔ -ed]Yes, I understand that. However, IPA symbol ɔ is much closer to a "short o" than a "long o" as we understand those sounds in "General American." Most sites attempting to translate IPA /ɔ/ to General American do so by describing the sound produced by ɔ as that in "fox" or "caught." Indeed, this site states in its key that "AW" = the sound in bought or sawn. Nor is this a cot/caught merger issue, as that is a distinction between /ɔ/ and /ɑ/. But here, the correct vowel for Corbin is neither /ɔ/ nor /ɑ/, but /o/. Boat, cone. Not bought, sawn.[the first syllable of Corbin is identical to the English word "core", is it not? -ed]
YES. It is. What I'm saying is that "core" is a completely different sound from "kawr." "KAWR" is more like car. So what I'm saying is, shouldn't the pronunciation guide say KOR-bin, not KAWR-bin?[if I look up the pronunciation of "core" I find /kɔɹ/ -ed]
As soon as I heard this name I was hooked. I actually heard it for the first time on a movie called The Fifth Element with Bruce Willis. When I first named my son this I had never heard it before besides the movie, but I find a lot of people are now using this name which sorta sucks :(. I prefer it spelt with a C rather than a K. It sounds like a strong name for a little boy in Latin and in America the name Corbin means Raven and in English and French it means Raven-haired. I find the meaning odd but, hey what can ya do.
Rather than be derived from a French surname, this name could also be derived from Corbinien, which is the French form of Corbinianus (see Korbinian in the database). Given that there is a saint with this name, it is not impossible that there were people named after the saint in France, and quickly had the cumbersome name shortened to Corbin.
Sounds like a combo of Corey and Kevin. I would like it just for the sound, except it reminds me too much of Hollywood; and I always think of the name as character out of a Sci-Fi flick. That gives it an element of the ridiculous.
Corbin Bleu, Disney channel star of High School Musical and Jump In, is obviously a famous bearer of this name.
― Anonymous User 4/27/2009
Actually, "Corban" is mentioned in the Bible (Mark 7:11) as being a "gift to God", in reference to money, not a blood sacrifice, although I suppose that is a possibility as well. In any case, if you are a Christian, the name could have a wonderful meaning.
The name Corbin is a great name. I would one day use it myself, except I know a Corbin who I just short of hate, so I would never use it. It is for someone else a wonderful name! It is uncommon and nice to hear now and again. It is a good choice!
― Anonymous User 6/27/2008
Actor Corbin Bernsen was nominated for 2 Golden Globes for his role on LA Law. More recently, he has had recurring roles on JAG and Psych.