I know someone named Coralie, she goes by Coral always. I think it's a beautiful name and it goes well with a somewhat cheeky personality. Great name, love it.
My first name is Coral and my full name consists of 3 "first names", so over the years during any instance of "roll calls" I'd be called "Carol" or called by my last name. As a child, I hated the name (they never ever make any key chains or anything with "Coral" on them), but I appreciate its uniqueness now.
Coral Atkins (1936 – 2016) was an English actress who opened and ran a home for disadvantaged children. She cared for 37 children over a period of 26 years.
Coral Browne (1913 – 1991) was an Australian-American stage and screen actress. Her extensive theatre credits included Broadway productions of Macbeth (1956), The Rehearsal (1963) and The Right Honourable Gentleman (1965). She won the 1984 BAFTA TV Award for Best Actress for the BBC TV film An Englishman Abroad (1983). Her film appearances included Auntie Mame (1958), The Killing of Sister George (1968), The Ruling Class (1972) and Dreamchild (1985). She was also actor Vincent Price's third wife.
My husband's name is Corey and I call him Coral as one of his nicknames. It's cheeky and it suits him.
Very gorgeous. It reminds me of a lot of my favorite things: My favorite color, sunsets, the ocean, roses, etc. Coral is a beautiful name. I love Cori for a nickname too.
I like this name because of the coral reefs, they are beautiful.
Coral can also occasionally (albeit rarely) be used as a masculine name. An example of this is Christian Coral Cleveland Covington, a Canadian professional American football player.Source:
My middle name is Coral, after my great-great-aunt. I have always been frustrated with an excessively common first name -Emma- so I've considered recently going by Coral instead. My only issue is that I cannot decide whether Coral sounds formal enough for my business. Emma is a formal, to-the-point name while Coral is a lot less well known name and some might see it as "exotic." The last thing I want is to lose clients or job interviews as a result of implicit bias against my name! Any thoughts here?
I do love the name as it bears an air of upperclassman and formality (to me), and I know another Coral who I think fits the name perfectly.
Sounds nice, but it seems a bit odd as a name. I prefer Cora or Coralie.
My name is Coral, and like so many of you, it's often confused with Carol. I was born in 1969, and everybody used to ask if my parents were hippies or into diving. Neither. My older sister's name was Tiffany, which back in the 60s wasn't used frequently as a name, like it is now. The association was with the famous jeweler. My parents sought a name that would blend with that. They considered Amber, Pearl, Jewel. My grandmother tossed Coral into the ring for consideration, and my parents liked it. I do now, too. And pop culture references, of course, include Nemo's mother, who dies in the first 10 minutes of the movie, but also the girl from Cocktail who sleeps with Tom Cruise, and later finds out she's a prostitute.
Spanish pronunciation is [ko - ṘAL]. [noted -ed]
Meh. Not really my thing. Sounds like the name of a dog or a plush toy more than it does the name of a little girl.
My name is Coral born in 1972. I love my name, I get lots of compliments, as well as getting my name mispronounced, that was common. But I still feel unique with my name.
Doesn't flow off the tongue easily for me.
The name sounds old-ladyish to me. It might be a good name for an older rescue dog- one with sad eyes like a Bassett Hound.
My name is Coral. People tell me it’s beautiful but when I see charms with names I can never find Coral, I only find Carol, Coraline but never Coral how hard is it? C. O. R. A. L.
This is the name of someone who I will forever be madly in love with but will never have. Not only is she so far out of my league that she's galaxies away from me, but there's other things that complicate it. The fact is I love this woman so much that I'm going to spend the rest of my life waiting for her, even though there's no chance she'll ever love me back. So when I hear this name, I see her face and it breaks my heart and makes it leap for joy at the same time, makes me cry and smile and takes my breath away all at once. It brings me feelings no other name could because there's no one else in the world that means as much as she does to me. I'll never try to have her because I know I CAN'T... and I do everything in my heart to try to push out any dreams I have of us together. I know even if the other factors were not there she would never be happy with me and I want nothing more in my life but for her to be happy. But the feelings never fade... as wrong as they are to have... killing me a little more each day and breathing life into me, in a paradox just like this name does.In short, this is a BEAUTIFUL, PHENOMENAL, AMAZING name. It's the name of the most beautiful, phenomenal amazing woman on earth.
LouiseB, I know this is kind of a late reply, but I just wanted to let you know that your comment is composed of some of the most beautiful, romantic and poetic words I've ever read. It brought tears to my eyes. Forget the fairytales, it's the way you feel about this woman, Coral, that is really true love.
May God bless and be with you and her, both.
My name is Coral. I am proud to carry this name. To Louise... you are simply.. Awesome!
Thanks for saying how pretty my name is, even though never in a hundred years would I be her or I’m anything like her, she sounds amazing! Thanks for the name compliment!
Seems rather dated when you think of the name as being Spanish, even though Latin countries are often linked to beach stuff to be fair.
My name is Coral and all my life people have got it wrong. It still annoys me when they say Carol. I like my name and it IS a real name not something out of Game of Thrones. As to Disney films, this name was around a good two hundred years before them and has no connection.
All I can think of is Nemo's mom. Obviously not a bad thing, but I dunno... Just doesn't do anything for me. I won't deny that it's a pretty name, though.
My name is Coral, I was born in 1962. As a child I hated my name and went by Cory, middle school was the worst when it came to teasing that came with the name, but as an adult I've grown to love the name. I've met 5 others in my life when I thought I would find none and I don't mind having to correct people who don't catch what I've said when asked my name, it always triggers a conversation. I love being unique.
My name is Coralia. Not Coral to be fair, but just wanted to add an extra which makes it more feminine?
The name Coral was given to 199 girls born in the US in 2015.
This name is also used as a Spanish name.
In Spain, it was first given around the end of the 18th century and the start of the 19th century. It was rarely or very uncommonly used until around the 1980s and 1990s when it became more commonly used. [noted -ed]
Coral is such a beautiful, unique name. :)
My name is Coral. Even though loads of people say it's a lovely and a beautiful name, some people do make fun of this name saying "aren't you meant to be under the sea, you can't live here as it's not the correct environment (in geology)". This name means seastone, maiden of the sea and a few others.
I think this name is lovely. Also, it is not a abbreviation of the name Coraline or any other name.
Facts about the color Coral:
- Desire and passion is the symbolic meaning of a Coral-colored rose.
- In some sects of Hinduism, Coral red instead of red is shown as being the color which represents the first chakra in Hindu philosophy.Also, Coraline - the title character of Neil Gaiman's popular book, made into a film - is derived from the name Coral.
I know a girl with this name that pronounces it cor-AWL.
It's quite a lovely name, but Cora, Coralie, and Coralyn sound more like actual names. They're also prettier. I do like the name, but people can be cruel and immature, and a girl named Coral might have the first letter of her name covered or erased on a few occasions, and she might get comments like ''Coral, gimme oral''. Sigh.
It's nice but it's sounds like something you'd name a fish.
Latinization of the Greek "κόρη ἁλός" (kora+halos) meaning "maiden of the sea".
I like it, for both genders.
Oh my God this is such a cool name! Wow, it sounds really hippyish! Wow I love it!
I think the name Coral is gorgeous! I might name a daughter Coral.
I would name a peach colored mermaid Coral. I love this name.
I don't like very much this name, but there are names worse than Coral.
Coral is also an orangey pink colour.
This would be a good name for a mermaid.
It's my little sisters middle name. I agree with FairyGirl that it sounds like a good mermaid name. This name is very unusual but nice.
Coral is Marlin's wife and Nemo's mother in the movie "Finding Nemo."

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