Constanza Fuentes is a Chilean Paralympic taekwondo player who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
Also Italian: -- mention it as a variant (sourced)
Perdón que comente en español pero creo que suena muy italiano para ser un nombre español... en todo caso sería "Constancia".[trans: Sorry to comment in Spanish but I think it sounds very Italian to be a Spanish name ... in any case it would be "Constancia".]
Also used in Italy, where it's pronounced cawn-STAHN-tsah.
If you're name is 'Constanza,' you are probably a very confident and special woman; that's my impression whenever I hear this name, and I like it. Just don't shorten to 'Connie." That name conjures up images of an old and bitter spinster who mumbles to herself.
I like this name. I think it sounds very poetic.
The given name of ABC daytime soap 'General Hospital' character, Kate Howard, is Constanza Louise Falconeri.
This is my middle name! I personally enjoy it! I heard a lot of folktales with a princess named Constanza.
I love the nickname "Stanzi"! (as heard in the movie Amadeus)
A notable bearer of the name is Costanza Weber, wife of Mozart.

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