Comments (Usage Only)

There is a mistake in the section of "Diminutive and short forms" of "Related names". In Greek the name "Gus" (yuck!) is listed. This is a misnomer. It's in use only by Greek-Americans just for blending in. The same is the case with other names usages, like Jim for Dimitris, Bill for Vasilis (Basil). This is hideous and should be corrected.Other diminutive and short forms in Greek that are not listed are: Kosta, Kosti (Kos-TEE), Kostandi (kos-tan-DEE), Dino (DEE-no), Kostaki (Kos-TA-kee).Important note: Like another name-fellow commented, in Greek, all masculine forms of names in the subject case have an "s" in the end. So, it's: Kostas, Kostis, Kostandis, Dinos, Kostakis.
The name Constantine was given to 106 baby boys born in the US in 2012.
Mostly used today in Christian orthodox countries in the Balkans and Russia. Most common forms are Kostas or Dinos and the misnome Gus.
The name Constantine is also used in Russia. The common Russian nickname for Constantine is Kostya.
Used in English, Greek but comes from Latin, Roman.

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