The regal title that is Constantine heralds the virtue of permanence, truly befitting a child destined for royal realms. Steeped in the timeless echoes of nobility, Constantine stands as a testament to enduring strength and unyielding resolve, much like the mighty columns of an ancient citadel. Carrying with it the burns of history and the grace of perseverance, painting a portrait of a ruler destined to navigate life's squalls with righteous poise. As the sun rises and sets, so too does Constantine, an emblem of valor that crowns its bearer with purpose.
It's nice, but I would only use it on a character.Not like that's a bad thing,
― Anonymous User 9/30/2023
Constantine II (Greek: Κωνσταντίνος Βʹ, Konstantínos II) reigned as the last King of Greece, from 6 March 1964 until the abolition of the Greek monarchy on 1 June 1973.
This name sounds so mysterious, handsome and royal. One of the best names for a man. It's a shame that weird, made up names like Brayden and anything that rhymes with it reach the top 100, yet this classic isn't even in the top 1000. How tacky.
I strongly disagree with the idea that there is anything "hideous" or in need of correction about nicknames like "Gus," "Jim" or "Bill" for Greek names like Constantine, Dimitris or Vasilis. If people bearing these names prefer to use these nicknames, that is their privilege. I hardly think my own uncle Gus is ashamed of his Greek origin. The only rule there should be with nicknames is, don't impose them on others. It's what the person prefers that matters. I myself prefer my full first name (Constantine).
It's a great name but some people might think of Constantine the evil frog with the black mole in the Disney movie Muppets Most Wanted.
― Anonymous User 2/19/2021
I think it’s a great name—-strong and powerful. The only problem is that it’s quite a mouthful and you really can’t shorten it as you can other long names like Sebastian, Alexander, and Augustus. If I were to use it I’d use it as a middle name.
In the case of the DC comics character John Constantine aka Hellblazer, it's pronounced KAWNS-tən-tien (rhymes with "design" and "Valentine"). Wikipedia has this for the pronunciation of his name: (/ˈkɒnstəntaɪn/).
There is a mistake in the section of "Diminutive and short forms" of "Related names". In Greek the name "Gus" (yuck!) is listed. This is a misnomer. It's in use only by Greek-Americans just for blending in. The same is the case with other names usages, like Jim for Dimitris, Bill for Vasilis (Basil). This is hideous and should be corrected.Other diminutive and short forms in Greek that are not listed are: Kosta, Kosti (Kos-TEE), Kostandi (kos-tan-DEE), Dino (DEE-no), Kostaki (Kos-TA-kee).Important note: Like another name-fellow commented, in Greek, all masculine forms of names in the subject case have an "s" in the end. So, it's: Kostas, Kostis, Kostandis, Dinos, Kostakis.
I love this name! The first time I heard it outside of a history book was from a group of Russians my family became friends with, one of the guys had the name but he never had a nickname he was just called Constantine. Also one of my Polish ancestors had the name Konstanty, which if Americanized means Constantine although he personally went by Custer. This name is definitely on the top of my charts for favorites.
― Anonymous User 4/7/2017
CONSTANTINE, the muppets?
― Anonymous User 9/7/2015
Constantine was the name of Skeeter's childhood maid/nanny/housekeeper in "The Help." In this case, Constantine was used as a female name.Constantine (male) was also the name of Barnham's puppy from the game "Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney."
― Anonymous User 5/1/2015
Having it as a last name, I was always kind of disappointed when I was younger, I always wanted a better last name, and now I'm proud to have it! :D.
Believe it or not, there were four kings of Scotland with this name (only three of which are generally given numbers, since the first, Constantine mac Fergusa, was technically king of the Picts).
WOW. Constantine. It's not a name I'd use, but I like it! I love the nickname Costel.As for the nickname thing, hear me out: A girl I know is called Aureliana (she says it aw-RAY-lee-AHN-a) and she refuses to be called anything else. Problem is, she's a bit of a daydreamer and therefore she *used to be* a bit of a jaywalker. So, when she strayed into the middle and there was a car coming, someone would yell, "RAY!" She responded to it. If one had to yell all five syllables, do you think she'd have reacted in time?Anyway, about using this on a girl - I think it's way too masculine. Constance is more feminine.
― Anonymous User 1/7/2012
This would make a great name for girls if it was pronounced "KON-stən-tien". Then "KON-stən-teen" could remain the masculine pronunciation exclusively for boys.
A friend of mine has this name, and he actually finds the meaning quite cool. He goes by Costa, though.It's likely more of a cultural influence than anything, but the ending of the name makes it seem a tad feminine. But like I said, that's likely just cultural influence.
Name of both the first and the last Byzantine emperors-Constantine the Great founded Constantinople (now Istanbul on the former site of Byzantium) and it was conquered by the Turks in 1453 when the last Emperor Constantine XII was killed.
I love Constantine. It is the name of my gorgeous, amazing husband, who is of French-Romanian origin. I call him Const as my own personal nickname for him, but he allows no nicknames from anyone else, and very few people have ever even attempted to give him one. One of our sons is named Costin, after him. To me, there is no more perfect name.
This is a strong handsome name which I love. Unfortunately, I can see it moving over to the girl's side because to many it sounds feminine. It'd be quite a shame if it did. I really like it.
As for Kosta being girlish (Oh my! It ends in a!):If you think that, you are suffering from severe cultural myopia, Erik. (What about Hebrew names like Ezra, Ira, Isaiah and Joshua, Russian names like Ilya and Luka and Japanese names like Akira?)Actually, in Greek, the name would be Kostas, but as the s (or rather sigma) would only be used in the subject case ("Kostas went home," but "Call Kosta," "Give this to Kosta" and "Hey, Kosta!), it tends to be regarded as tacked on. Greeks often add it to non-Greek names. (My Grandmother once referred to a man named Billy as "O Billys." (In Greek, you literally say "the Billy," "the Kosta(s)," "the Maria," etc.)
Not that I think my name needs any defense (especially from cocky pseudo-intellectuals), but:I fail to see the point in vicious attacks on anyone's name, Banana. Any name is simply an arbitrary label. A reaction to it, favorable or un, simply reflects where the person is coming from and has nothing to do with any intrinsic quality of the name.In and of itself, a name cannot be pretentious or snobbish. (What can a name pretend to?) If the bearer of it misuses it to "put on airs," that is another thing. My parents named me for my paternal grandfather, according to Greek custom. I fail to see anything "pretentious" or "snobbish" about that.Be careful of calling a name "outdated," Banana. Such names have a way of coming back into vogue. Constantine is certainly not outdated in Eastern European countries or for anyone born into their traditions.You are entitled to your tastes, Banana. Just don't think they are eternal truths.
There is a small boy in my day care named Constantine. His parents are I believe Turkish, and they always call him by his nickname, Costa. He calls himself that too. I love Costa as a nickname for Constantine, it's a sweet nickname to a strong and handsome name!
― Anonymous User 5/8/2008
My name is Constantina - I hate Connie.For this conversation's purpose, let's just assume that my name is Catherine and I always introduce myself as "Cate". I would hate it for people to assume that my name is Caitlin. It isn't just that people shorten your name to a nickname, they just assume that you would like that better, because they like it better. I introduce myself as Constantina, but people still say "Connie?!" in a dumb idiotic voice. If people say that their name is Catherine, Constantina, or Elizabeth CALL THEM THAT! Don't shorten their names to Cate, Connie, or Lizzie! If they tell you their name is (or they go by) Cate, Connie, or Lizzie. THEN CALL THEM CATE, CONNIE, AND LIZZIE! How hard is it to call someone by the name that they want you to call them? My name is CONSTANTINA NOT CONNIE! (And it's not Constance, Constantine, or Constanza either!) Oh and another thing, don't tell people that you like different spellings of their names better either! If they tell you that their name is spelled Catherine, don't tell them that you like the spelling Katherine better! It might be true. BUT IT MIGHT HURT THEIR FEELINGS! I hate it when people say that Constantina is prettier and more feminine with a K. Now it might be true that it looks better, but I spell my name with a C! I'm not going to change it! Keep your opinions to yourself!
There are several shortenings. Some I've heard are Conn, Connie (yecch), Dino(s), Gus, Gussy, Kosta(s) and Tino. How about Stan? And where is it written that a name must be short anyway? (I for one think it is the height of rudeness to IMPOSE nicknames on people. If someone tells you his name is, say, Aristophanes, you do not call him Ari, Risty, Toffy, Fanny or Neezy unless he asks you to. You use the full name. It won't kill you. You don't feel inconvenienced by words like "unfortunately"--or "inconvenienced"--do you? Nobody has to call them "unfy" or "veenied," right. So what's the problem with long names?)
Regarding nicknames, I couldn't agree more. My name's Veronica and I go by my full name. When people call me Vero or Virre or Ronnie or something equally hideous, I simply don't reply. I think it's a shame that long and beautiful names are always chopped down and replaced with lame and short nicknames. Go Constantine!
Thanks, Veronica. Then again, there is the other side of the coin: If you only know a person by nickname (or what you take to be a nickname), don't think you can automatically extrapolate their real name from it. Nicknames are often used for totally unrelated names or given as "real" names. If you know someone only as Betty, don't automatically assume that her name is Elizabeth. It may be Hortense or Prunella--or Betty.
It's my name. I didn't care for it when I was a kid, but I love it now. The author of a book of names I've seen advises against its use despite its historical significance, as she regards it as cumbersome. Shame on her.