Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Love this name-- I've known one Clif in real life and found it such a fun name when first exposed to it. It's vintage, charming, familiar yet unexpected, and masculine yet soft enough to be wearable. Now if only my in-laws didn't use this name for their dog...
The big red dog. This reminds me of an old man name but regardless a sweet name. Old fashioned is sometimes the way to go.
I think Clifford is a sweet and charming name that ages well for a young boy into a man. I love the name Cliff. However, working in education I am familiar with Clifford the Big Red Dog. I love those books and the cartoon. It wouldn't keep me from using the name, at least it's a positive association.
Odd, dated, and geeky sounding name.
I really want to like this name, but every time I think of it, I hear the Clifford: The Big Red Dog song playing in my head.
It sounds a bit pretentious and snobby in its full form, but the nickname Cliff has a youthful, fun sound to it without being utterly immature. The name is admittedly a bit dated, though.
This would be an awesome name if it weren't for the Big Red Dog.

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