This is more of a question than a comment. Is it possible the name Clement fell out of use due to the popularity of the orange (Clementine)? That’s the only correlation I can think of.
I think Clement is a beautiful name. It is strong, handsome, and elegant. The meaning is gorgeous, and I love “Clem” for a nickname. This would be a fitting name for a lawyer. (P.S. Also, you know it's a good name when it's been borne by 14 popes.)
I like it, though it is an adjective name. It makes me think of gentle west winds. In Thomas Hardy's novels, there is a guy who bears this name whose nickname is Clym rather than Clem.
British-born meteorologist Clement Lindley Wragge started the convention of naming tropical cyclones and hurricanes while working in New Zealand in 1887. Ironically, his own name has yet to make an appearance on any name lists, but he surely deserves a shoutout!
Clement was a faithful Christian who fought side by side with the apostle Paul, presumably at Philippi, for the sake of “the good news.” (Philippians 4:3).
I like this name for a man and Clementine for a woman. "Oh my darlin, oh my darlin, oh my darlin Clementine..."
― Anonymous User 9/12/2018
It's a very famous surname in Albania and Kosova. It is spelled KELMENDI and the origin goes back centuries. These days a lot of people have it as their surname but the majority use other surnames. Most recent famous person was late president Rugova and he was a Kelmendi. From my family tree within the last one hundred years only one family kept its surname Kelmendi. I and my two children we are in discussion to go back to the Kelmendi surname as we feel we are from the Kelmendi clan in Kosova.
Clemont is a character in Pokémon the Series: XY. (His name is spelled this way to refer to a lemon battery as he is an inventor and specializes in Electric-type Pokémon.)
The clementine is one of the most popular hybrids of the tangerine. It is the hybrid created in 1902 by the French Priest Clement Rodier. He obtained the hybrid crossing a tangerine with a sour orange.