I like it better than Christina.
Ifechukwude Christiana Ikpeoyi (b. 2002) is a Nigerian Paralympic table-tennis player who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
Christiana is a genus of flowering plants in the family Malvaceae.
Variant English Pronunciations: kris-tee-AHN-ə, kris-TYAHN-ə. [noted -ed]
Also Afrikaans. You'll find bearers on social media.
Also Dutch and Dutch (Surinamese):
Also Flemish:
So so SO beautiful! Tiana is a perfect nickname too!
Christianna Brand (2 n's) was an author of fair-play mystery novels from the 1940s to 50s, and then again around the 1970s. She was not very prolific in the genre of mystery, writing only about 10 mysteries in her initial run right after WWII, but those she wrote are notable for their ability to mix detection and characterization, creating suspects who are likable, relatable, or empathetic, whom the reader comes to care about in such a way that they don't want any of the suspects to be the culprit, which usually gives the solution an emotional punch when it comes around. Her most famous detective is Inspector Cockrill, who appeared in six novels from 1941 to 1955, the most famous of which is "Green for Danger" which included realistic descriptions of domestic army hospitals in England during the blitz, and the feelings of paranoia and fear during then. The novel was successful enough to be turned into a classic film starring Alistair Sim as the detective. Brand is less well known for, but very good at, the sub-genre of "impossible crimes" such as locked-room mysteries. Two of her Inspector Cockrill mysteries, "Suddenly at His Residence" and "Death of Jezebel", contain a no-footprints impossibility and a watched/guarded room impossibility, respectively. After the mid-50s Brand retired from writing mysteries to focus on romance novels, short story collections, and her other most famous output, the Nurse Matilda books for children which were recently adapted into the Nanny McPhee movies. In the late 1970s Brand returned briefly to writing mysteries, including the rare "The Rose in Darkness" featuring her inaugural detective Inspector Charlesworth. She died in 1988.
My name is Christiana (pronounced Kris-tee-ah-na) but people often mistaken it for Christina or pronounce it like crish-tee-ah-na which I hate so much cause it sounds like they were about to say Christian! Anywho, I think it's a pretty name but I just go by Chrissy. It is nice but I am not religous and it is a religous name but my mother did not know the meaning of it when she named me.
I love it as a first or middle name, but I can see how it would be butchered with Christina. I can imagine how annoying that'd be. I like the nicknames Tiana, Chrissy, Christi, Tia etc. It's such a beautiful name!
Christiana is beautiful and sophisticated! I love this name, just as much as I love Christine and Christina! The nicknames Chris, Christie, and Tiana are adorable! It is a very long name and a little too much for a baby girl. Kind of reminds me of royalty, but I still like it!
On it said the baby girl name Christiana is also used as a boy's name. Don’t name your son Christiana. He’ll get teased and beat up on the playground.
They must have made a typo on their website.
My grandma's name is Christiana and I think it's really pretty!
My name is Christiana. It is very unique, not too many people have the name. I get called Christina a lot since I was a little girl and it gets irritating. My twin brother's name is Christian and my Mother's name is Christina. Everyone loves my name and wants to name their daughter my name and how they never heard the name before.
The name Christiana was given to 189 girls born in the US in 2015.
This is my name, it's always been pronounced "Christi-yanna" because the "ah/aw" way sounds too snooty. Chris-ti-AH-na sounds like you wish you were royalty in my honest opinion. Everyone I tell my name to comments on how pretty it is but as it's my name I don't hear it. Hated how different it was as a child! Also, those comments about tomboys and inelegant women could easily be me. I did not suit the femininity of this name until my twenties.
Very pretty name. I knew a girl at school who had this name and people would always call her Christina.
I like this, but would not use it.
Pronounced like the boy name Christian.
The name Christiana was given to 216 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
Christiana (1723-1724) was the daughter of King Frederik IV of Denmark and his third wife Anna.
I know a girl named this, I think it's pretty. She pronounces it chris-tee-ahn-uh.
Christiana is the name of Ophelia’s “enemy” in Lisa Klein’s novel “Ophelia”.(Granted, I don’t like it that much since it makes me think of her. –shudder- Otherwise, it’s, at least, a much prettier alternative to the over-popular Christina.)
This is my stepsister's name (pronounced kris-tee-AHN-uh), only she goes by Christi. And let me tell you, she is *not* elegant! I mean, don't get me wrong, I love her to death, but everyone is talking about how this is such an "elegant" name, but when I think of Christiana, I think of a volleyball center-position MVP who is a total tomboy. I guess the name is pretty enough, but I'm really not even a fan of "Chris" names to begin with.
A very elegant sounding name. But if you name your daughter Christiana, you have to bring them up to be an elegant person. I have a friend with this name who is very hyper and doesn't think before she talks-- I don't think this name suits a person like that.
This name seems too long and overdone in English. The positive thing is that it's not Christina or Christine, those overused names. But that's not much of a reason to choose the name, now is it? How about being so original that you stay away from all these Chris names?
Christiana is the name of Christian's wife in John Bunyan's book, "Pilgrim's Progress." She becomes a pilgrim herself and makes her way to the heavenly city of Zion.
This is a very beautiful (and even somewhat exotic) name and a great alternative to the overly popular Christina. I think Christiana has an extra something that makes it that more pretty.
Christiana Anbri played the longest running Little Cosette/Little Eponine in the musical Les Miserables.
This is such a beautiful name. Lots of great nicknames for it and not over popular.
This was the middle name of English poet Alice Meynell.
This is a beautiful name. If I name my daughter, her name will be pronounced as "CHRIS-TEE-AHN-A." I love this name. I personally chose this pronunciation for my little girl. It can also be pronounced and spelled differently as one wishes.
Christiana can also be spelled Kristiana, Christianna, or Kristianna.
This name can also be pronounced Kris-tyah-nah.

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