Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Chip off the old block. Nice nickname.
Adorable, reminds me of Chip and Dale and the tea cup from Beauty and the Beast but I'd only use it for a pet, though it sounds horrible on an actual human being.
Okay for a pet but HORRIBLE on an actual human being.
Good name for a pet.
It’s cute as a nickname. But the kid would get called many things like “fish and chips”.
Really cute! Sounds adorable!
I don’t think Chip would be a good nickname for Charles. Just like Chaz, it would be a cute nickname for a guy named Charles who is getting joked around or teased. I would use them as nicknames for Charles, but rarely! Charlie is a good short form for Charles. Though Charles has only one syllable and Charlie has two syllables, so it’s Charles as a nickname for Charlie, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, lol lol lol!
Only suits a pet.
Chip sounds really cute. I imagine a fun & happy person with this name. ^-^
My uncle's name is Richard, and we call him Chip for short! I think it is a very cute nickname for any boy with a "ch" in their name.
I don't really like this that much. If I were to use it in a story or anything, I would give it to a grown-up, not a child or teenager.
This isn't a mature name at all. Reminds me of a naive, hyperactive idiot with an American accent.
Obviously not the type of name you would put down as the official name on a birth certificate, but perfectly fine as a nickname.
This is a really dumb name and too minimalist, if it didn't immediately bring to mind the awful computer game Chip's Challenge.
This name is guaranteed to make you sound kind of stupid. I'm glad people don't appear to use it anymore.
Sounds like the name of an agent for a superstar.
I have a friend called Chip, who is 12 years old and he likes his name, even though he wishes it was Willard. Don't pay attention to the anonymous comment next to this one about the potato. CHIP is a mostly cute and adorable name and you can boo-hoo all you want to.
Chip is not a proper name. It would be like having potato or fry as a name.

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