On Family Guy, Peter Griffin's vestigial twin brother is named Chip Griffin, he only appeared in the episode "Vestigial Peter". In the AI-generated parody stream, AI Peter, however, has grown to be widely enjoyed and employed in many topics.
Adorable, reminds me of Chip and Dale and the tea cup from Beauty and the Beast but I'd only use it for a pet, though it sounds horrible on an actual human being.
I don’t think Chip would be a good nickname for Charles. Just like Chaz, it would be a cute nickname for a guy named Charles who is getting joked around or teased. I would use them as nicknames for Charles, but rarely! Charlie is a good short form for Charles. Though Charles has only one syllable and Charlie has two syllables, so it’s Charles as a nickname for Charlie, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, lol lol lol!
― Anonymous User 12/31/2018
Another famous bearer of this name is Chip from the cartoon TV series, SpongeBob SquarePants. He or she is a friend of SpongeBob's and is quite literally, a potato chip.
The Magic Key is a series of books published for children as part of the Oxford Reading Tree, used to teach reading in 80% of UK primary schools. It stars the characters Biff Robinson (twin of Chip) (real name Barbara), Chip Robinson (twin of Biff) (real name David) and Kipper Robinson (younger brother of Biff and Chip) (real name Christopher).
― Anonymous User 11/16/2014
Chip (otherwise known as Light Gaia) is a character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series.
― Anonymous User 8/20/2014
I don't really like this that much. If I were to use it in a story or anything, I would give it to a grown-up, not a child or teenager.
I have a friend called Chip, who is 12 years old and he likes his name, even though he wishes it was Willard. Don't pay attention to the anonymous comment next to this one about the potato. CHIP is a mostly cute and adorable name and you can boo-hoo all you want to.