Definitely a bratty name.
The actress Chelsea Brown (1942-2017) started the rise in use of the name Chelsea when she appeared on "Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In" in 1968 and 1969. She later moved to Australia and was featured on game shows and soap operas on Australian television.
This name reminds me of a spoiled rich girl.
Chelsea Manalo is Miss Universe Philippines 2024 and is the first half-Black half-Filipino to win the title.
Chelsea is a curly blonde teenage girl from St Trinians (British TV series).
Chelsea seems like a really pretty and lovely name.
When I hear the name Chelsea, I think of a caring girl with platinum-blonde hair in pigtails.
I just didn't see Chelcy spelled this way and wanted to add.
Growing up when I thought of the name Chelsea I thought of one of Barbie's younger sisters I never really knew that was a soccer team called Chelsea until this year so I find it a bit difficult to believe that someone named Chelsea could be bullied because of some soccer team with the same name like you must be that pathetic and insecure to bully someone for having the name Chelsea just because there's a soccer team named Chelsea.
It may have felt too trendy a few decades ago, but a new Chelsea nowadays would be a breath of fresh air if you ask me.
Nice name! I think it's really cool.
It’s got an uneducated feel to it.
My name is Chelsea but I spell it Chelsy. When I asked my bio dad why he picked the name he said it was popular in the 90’s (I was born in 97). I honestly never liked my name because I always thought it was too basic. I have a bubbly personality and didn’t think Chelsy fit that. My mom picked the spelling. She found it in a baby book. Now that I am older I am liking my name more. It’s not as common compared to when I was in high school and we had three Chelsea’s. I don’t come across many people in my adult life with the same name as me.
Chelsea Daniels is Raven’s best friend in “That’s so Raven”, later known as Chelsea Grayson in the sequel series, “Raven’s Home”.
Chelsea Anne Green is an American wrestler.
I think it's very pretty. I would use it, at least.
I'm surprised to see all the criticism this name has received. I, personally, think Chelsea is an adorably gorgeous name. I think CeCe would be a really cute nickname, too.
If your name is Chelsea, be proud of it. Love it. Don't worry about what anyone says about it. You and your name are both so beautiful.
I have known quite a few Chelseas growing up spelled Chelsea, Chelsey, Chelsie etc. It wasn't as common as names like Ashley or Jennifer but I met some here and there in high school. Of course the name really sky rocketed in the 90s due to Chelsea Clinton no less. The name has died out after the 90s fad and is almost nonexistent now. This happens to be my eldest niece's name, Chelsea Renee.
I like the name, a bit unoriginal but that's okay I guess. I hate being connected to the football club. But if anyone is insecure about the name Chelsea search it up on urban dictionary.
Chelsea Peretti is an actress known for Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Spinster.
It is an alright name, I am not a huge fan but this is the only spelling I like for it. It feels like word vomit when I say it. I don't think it sounds very smart or pretty. It was a very popular name at one time and I don't think it's downright ugly or awful. I just don't think it flows very well.
Very dated!
This name is adorable, I don't know what some of you guys are on about.
My name is Chelsea and I live in Australia. I have only ever met 2 Chelsea's in my life (one my age in her 20s, and one who was 6 years old). I like that it isn't common, because when I did work with the other woman in her 20s it was very frustrating to turn when people weren't talking to me - I'd never had that problem in my life. People know how to spell it (usually) when I say "the normal way". The most common misspelling of my name is "Chealsea" which I really don't understand. I only got comments about my name being associated with Chelsea FC when I visited England - otherwise I've never had that comment (even though the premier league is followed by a good few). My only nickname growing up was Chels and you can tell how familiar/comfortable someone is with you right away if they start shortening to Chels. My middle name is Rose which I think works really sweetly too. I hope this comment is helpful for anyone thinking of the name for their child :)
I knew a Chelsea once. She was a very interesting person. This is a pretty cool name.
I generally tend not to like modern names which are place names, have a gazillion of possible spellings and little to no tradition beyond 21st-20th century, but Chelsea is one of the exceptions. I actually find it quite a friendly, nice name. It has a very approachable, warm, fresh, youthful, vibrant, cool and energetic vibe. I don't know anyone named Chelsea very closely but it seems like a lot of women with this name are quite nice. And I just like the sound of this name. I also like Kelsey. Would never use either myself on a child, but like hearing it on other people.
Chelsea Cutler is an American pop singer.
Chelsea is not at all a traditionally Polish name and it's totally not in line with Polish phonetics, but last year (2019) 6 girls were given the middle name Chelsea. In January 2020, 55 women in the whole population had Chelsea as their first name, while 75 had it as their middle name.
This is my name and I honestly hate it, because it's so common where I am. It's not just with the people, either.
I've probably met over 10 different people named Chelsea, Chelsie or Chelsey, and I just absolutely hate my name.
I honestly don't recommend you name your kid this, otherwise they might end up feeling like me in where every time they turn around, there's another person with this name, and it lead me to feeling insignificant for years. Hell, many locations where I am (like housing complexes, streets, even a damn park) have the name Chelsea on it, so I can't even avoid people and be done with it. Not to mention the damn Football (Soccer for people in Canada or the U.S) Team/Club.
This goes with the other names that are way too common (like John), but at least those names had historical value, Chelsea just means you're putting LIMESTONE of all things in the ground. Not a pleasant name, and I genuinely hope people stop naming their kids this.Sometimes I wish I had been born a boy, because my mom would have named me Michael. Because at least Michael has some value and respect, even if it's probably as common as Chelsea is.
In high school I really liked this name. Then I forgot about it for a long time, aside from one Chelsea I knew in college. Now I've been thinking about it again - it's probably the only name I like that starts with the "CH" sound (not a fan of Charles, Chad, Charity, Cherry...). There's a peppy - bubbly without being dimwitted - charm to Chelsea.But only - ONLY - when spelled this way! I've seen Chelsey and Chelsie both used in real life, and it has left me scratching my head as to why parents would take all of the charm out of Chelsea by changing the -sea ending.
This name makes me think of Barbie's younger sister.
I really like this name. It sounds like a determined protagonist of an urban fantasy novel. I wouldn't name a kid Chelsea, but definitely a book character.
So my name's Chelsea. In primary school I'd always think that people were talking about me when they in actual fact were talking about the football club. I think my parents chose my name because my dad likes the team and it's a nice name. That's about it.
I love my name Chelsea. Growing up friends called me Chel or Chels, it is not that common too. The meaning is pretty lame, but I think meanings of a name are what you make of it, not what's posted on the web :)
Chelsea Winter is a famous New Zealand chef and has released five cookbooks titled "At My Table", "Everyday Delicious", "Homemade Happiness" "Scrumptious", "Eat" and she even has her own website!
Chelsea Winter's 5th cookbook "Eat" was was named New Zealand's Number One selling title of the year in 2017
I love the name Chelsea because that is a lovely name and fitting for any budding chefs!
I don't hate this name. I just wouldn't name my kids Chelsea.
Hey, so my name is Chelsea. I was adopted and my name became Chelsea Marie. I love the name because it looks so pretty when it's written in cursive. I also love the way it sounds when certain people say it. I wish that some people would appreciate it more but whatever. And by the way, whoever said that Chelsea sounds like a high school snob... I hope you have better comebacks than that because you're gonna need them.
I love Chelsea and I wish my momma had named me so, but I will give it to my daughter.
In 2018, 18 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Chelsea who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 355th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
I love being named Chelsea, though I hated it as a kid. Where I'm from it's a pretty rare name and I only met one other girl with the same name. I disliked it for a few reasons, including everyone always asking me if I was named after the football team and even making football related jokes to me when I was a kid. They would taunt me that the team sucked and some even teased me with 'Liverpool' as that team was back then ahead of Chelsea in a competition. But later I started appreciating it more as it's a beautiful name and it's impressive to me. I was born in a Dutch province who's name is Flevoland. It's earned its name from the time of the Roman Empire as the lake that used to make up a good portion of the province was called "Lacus Flevo" by them. But some centuries later, the lake got flooded by water from the North Sea and became an inside sea. Eventually due to nature and men it dried up and my town was built there. My mom, due to the history and the hospital's view of the remains of the waterbody, named me Chelsea. Now I think my name's pretty awesome.
I like the name. It's not too common from what I have seen and over all I think it's a nice name.
Chelsea is also my name but I'm a guy from Nigeria, a cosmetologist, I love my name Victory Chelsea Hannah it's really awesome to have as a first child of the family, it's a world wide name because of the football club, so I think the name matches with my signature color pink.
Chelsea Manning is the name of a former US soldier who leaked thousands of classified files to Wikileaks in 2010.
Although Chelsea, as a name, was first used much earlier than the 1960s/70s, from what I found out, it started increasing in usage for girls in America in 1968 when actress, comedienne, singer and dancer Chelsea Brown (1947-2017) appeared regularly in the second season of Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In which made her the first African-American regular on that show. After increasing steadily in the 70s, it jumped in popularity in 1982 as a result of the film On Golden Pond, released in December of the previous year, where Jane Fonda played the character Chelsea Thayer Wayne.
We called our daughter Chelsea after our favourite football team Chelsea, We've always liked the name Chelsea as it's a common girls name, People have said Chelsea is a good girls name and a pretty girls name, I get asked did you name your daughter after the football team & I just say yes I did. People respond with that's so cute or cool. My daughter loves her name, but I wish it had more meaning as when you do a search for the meaning it says it means 'sea port'. To me, Chelsea means beautiful.
Chelsea Charms is the stage name of an American big-bust model, internet model, and stripper who is famous for having massive breasts.
In the 1981 movie On Golden Pond, Chelsea is the name of the character Jane Fonda plays.
There's a deathcore band by the name Chelsea Grin.
Chelsea Cooley Altman is an American actress, singer, model, and beauty queen who has competed in the Miss Teen USA, Miss USA, and Miss Universe pageants and who has held the Miss USA 2005 title. She is a member of the pop/R&B group BQ Girls.
When I first heard the name Chelsea, I began thinking of the Chelsea Pier. I tried to put a face with the name. I thought of a girl with short, brown hair. Instead she was tall and had dreads. She is from Jamaica and had the prettiest accent ever. That goes to show you that you can't judge a book by the cover.
This is my birth name and I have a love/hate relationship with it. On one hand, it sounds like "cheesy/cheese", people misspell it ALL OF THE TIME, and it doesn't have that good of a meaning but on the other hand, it is really pretty and ages well.
I do not know why, but I always loved this name. Maybe because of Chelsea Clinton, but I don't think she is that spectacular. Chelsea just sounds strong, feminine, cute and all together without being too obnoxious. I would not have chosen it for my daughter, but it's nice and I like it.
The name itself is fine. If you have it and you're a good person, forget the haters and wear it proudly.
My name is Chelsea and I love it. I haven't gotten one negative comment about it. Instead, I get compliments.
I used to love my name but I found soon that EVERYONE was naming their child Chelsea. My mother was going to name my sister Chelsea in 1993 around the time Chelsea Cigarettes came out. Everyone says I "Look like a Chelsea" but most people I know say that it's a trashy or bit**y sounding name!
My name is Chelsea and I like my name. Growing up some guys would ask me if my parents are Chelsea fans or if I'm a Chelsea fan since that's my name but that never bothered me. I just chucked it up to them to being stupid. I never got teased or picked on. I find it hard to believe someone getting picked on because her name is Chelsea. If they got bullied it's because that person or people had it out for her/him, regardless of the name.
My name is Chelsea and I do not like it. I am not a slag or tramp as some people say Chelsea's are. My parents aren't either, people who judge everyone with this name should look in a mirror before talking bad and making fun of other's names, I don't like being called Chels or Chel. Only time I was called either was by bullies.
I used to not like my name because growing up in school people always mispronounced my name. Misspelling is understandable because there are many different spellings. A girl in my school spelled her name Chelsi and another spelled hers ChelceeJo. Now mispronouncing it is just annoying. I don't know how many times I got called "Chel-see-a" by adding another syllable by saying the A in my name. I would have to say "No, it's Chelsea, like the sea. You don't say going to swim in the "see-a" for sea do ya?" But as an adult I love my name. It's more rare as an adult. I haven't met one more Chelsea since high school. My parents call me Chels and others have called my Chelo- a mix of Chelsea and J-Lo for a certain reason, lol. And as an adult they said it goes with my bright green eyes and dyed burgundy/violet red hair even though I'm a natural brunette been a violet red head for years :) And I was born in 1992. Seems like a lot of Chelsea's were born in 1992. But I am happy to be Chelsea Marie :)
My name is Chelsea and I got bullied over my name. I never found anything with my name on it and my parents named me after a football team so I hate the name. I had a terrible time with my name.
Chelsea is so cute, sweet and STRONG all at once. It's a fantastic girl's name. I'm sorry to see that it's dated in popularity. It's often referred to in other things. I think Chelsea is a name that is good for both a young child and an adult woman.
I think the name Chelsea is an awesome, cute and friendly name! I absolutely love the name Chelsea; I don't see anything to complain about over this name. (:
It's just adorable. In so many ways. I named our cat Chelsea and it suits her. She is a no-nonsense sweet girl with an attitude. Just like Chelsea Clinton. I just love this name and hope it comes back on the charts as popular some day.
I'm a Chelsea and I'm surprised no one has mentioned the other meaning of "courageous one". I always liked that better than sea port, and I completely agree about the pronunciation issues. I always ask "Do you swim in the see-uh? Nope, you swim in the sea."
It reminds me of a bogan. Yuck.
I hate it. It's so prissy :-(
Chelsea is the name of Barbie's younger sister.
My name is Chelsea and I am thoroughly disturbed about how many misspellings there are. Somehow people thought that Chealse was a way to spell my name and many other ways that were more reasonable. Personally I don't get how that pronunciation comes anywhere near my name.
There is a female character briefly mentioned called Chelsea in the Call of the Forgotten series by Julie Kagawa.
Chelsea makes me think of some stuck-up mean girl, sorry that's just my image of it.
Ah, my name! Of course I'm a little biased, but honestly it is quite a nice name. I used to yearn to be called something more fantasy-like and mysterious when I was younger like, Anastasia or Sapphire, but it's grown on me. People still misspell it as Chealse, though :).
My name is Chelsey and I love it. I must admit I could never get personalized things when I was younger (cup, toothbrush etc.) because they were all spelled Chelsea, but I love that my name has a unique spelling.
Chelsea sounds more like a puppy name. Hate it!
Chelsea Tyler is the daughter of Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler. She is also the half-sister of actress Liv Tyler.
Chelsy is my name, so I'm a bit offended by Eee's gagging at it. I didn't choose the name. It'd be much better were it spelled Chelsea, but it's my name and I have to like it.
I've heard of two men with this name... and it doesn't seem out of place to me. From my own personal standpoint, Chelsea feels much like Courtney, Meredith, Jocelyn or Shannon (all names that were once exclusively masculine).
Chelsea Quealey (male - born May 6, 1905) was an American jazz trumpeter who played with many greats of the time.
Reminds me of airheaded, snobby, fake tanned teenage girls. Sorry.
Horrible. Disgusting. An unsightly choice for a child.
My second name is Chelsea! I absolutely love it! It sound really good and I like London :-)
Chelsea is one of my middle names, my dad supports Chelsea hence the reason why I was named it. I like it but I wouldn't want it as my first name really. :)
A Chelsea Smile/Grin is another name for a Glasgow Smile/Grin.
Chelsea Morgan Stock is an American stage actress. She first rose to prominence as Ariel in the closing cast of "The Little Mermaid" on Broadway.
The famous English football (soccer) player, Bobby Moore had as a middle name, the name Chelsea. His full name was Robert Frederick Chelsea "Bobby" Moore.
My name is Chelsea, and I'm pretty happy with it. I thought the comment about blue eyes and red hair being associated with this name was funny, because those are two of my traits. :P
I love the name Chelsea. It is simple yet very elegant! I have to agree, it is annoying to be called "chel-see-ah". :)
The name Chelsea is an interesting name for an interesting person. I love my name. I also go by Chels, Chelz, Chelzie, and Chelser. Lol weird but yeah.
My daughter, born in 1991, is Chelsea. I had no idea it was a popular name at the time, and I had never heard of Chelsea Clinton, although people ask all the time if that was who she was named for. She is called "Chels" and sometimes "Seashell" (sort of a reversal of the syllables "seachel".) Or "cheese" (don't know where that came from!).
I know of two Chelseas one in real life (girl) , and one online (boy). I really love this name I have for years. I love it more on a boy though.
I don't know any Chelsea's at all- it's not a very popular name where I live, apparently. However, I do really like this name. It's youthful, sweet and yet, I could totally imagine a grown up woman with this name. Also, the football team rocks! Go Chelsea!
This is my name. It's alright. I've heard better but I have heard worse. It's a shame that my name is "trashy" in England.
It's kind of weird seeing this name used for girls. My grandparents used to have a male cat named Chelsea, so for me the name is almost masculine.
Trashy, common and cheap.
Someone who loves nature comes to mind.
Chelsea is an uncommon name, which makes it so interesting. I love the name Chelsea. It is my name also, so that has the bounus affect, but it is a beautiful name.
This was almost my name, but my parents decided to go with something more creative (Don't ask. Don't get me wrong, I love my name. Just don't ask.) Anyways, I personally don't like this spelling (even though it's the original), I would probably like it better if it ended in an `sey`, not `sea`.
Chelsea is terrible. Sheffield Wednesday would be much better.
Meh. It's a trashy name here in Britain but it could be Madison so I'll quit complaining.
Chelsea is a great name, it has to be because it's my name! But I hate it when other girls are like, "Chelsea is such a sluty name." I'm like, "well, gezz!" Chelsea is a great name and I wish people would stop saying such nasty things about the name.
I really like the name Chelsea, it has an awesome meaning. And it's my name, so it has to rock! =-)
I like this spelling better than the others. I like it a lot. I suppose that is partially because I know someone named Chelsea, and she is the cutest prettiest thing ever to roam the Earth.
Ugh, this name sounds like "cheesy" and reminds me of spray cheese. I once saw it spelled "Chelsy" and almost gagged.
Chelsy? That spelling definitely looks odd, but I don't think the name Chelsea sounds like "cheesy" at all. There is no L in the word "cheesy", plus the name doesn't even mean that. It's derived from the name of a district in London. People named Chelsea could easily be offended by that comment. It's okay to not like a name, but it's not okay to hate people because of their name.
Actress Chelsea Hobbs, who was in "Snow Queen" and "Beach Girls," bears this name.
I know two Chelseas - however one's name is actually pronounced "chel-SEE-ah"; but everyone calls her "chel-see" anyway. The other one I know more commonly goes by just Chels.
Rosie O'Donnell's eldest daughter's name is Chelsea Belle.
Pretty name, but it's a place in London and also an English football team (but I guess in America you would call it a soccer team).
My name is Chelsea and I don't like it at all. I too was named after the character in On Golden Pond. I mostly dislike it because it doesn't really mean anything. It's just a place. Additionally being in South Africa, my name is always pronounced as Chel-see-ah. Or I just get called Bun. After the Chelsea Bun which is very annoying.
My name's Chelsea and it was pretty rare back when I was born in '79. I wasn't all that thrilled when I started seeing it on pens and keyrings! It started getting popular in New Zealand when there was a character called Chelsea in a local TV show called Gloss.
Chelsea is a nice name, and not too popular. I wonder why. It's better than Madison.
Chelsea Walls is a movie directed by Ethan Hawke, starring Uma Thurman.Chelsea is actually an okay name.
My name is Chelsea Ren, I really do love my name, but people often spell my name Chelsie or Chelsey or my personal favorite *rolls eyes* "Chealsie". And that annoys me greatly. Also people I don't know call me Chels a lot. People also read my name "Chel-see-uh" which is probably the most annoying part.Oh and about the red-heaired blue-eyed girl comment. I DO have red hair, but hazel eyes, not blue.
Chelsea is also a neighborhood in Manhattan, north of Greenwich Village. It's a real artsy part of New York City, with many professional art galleries, as well as artists selling their work on the street!Chelsea, Manhattan also happens to contain the pier to which the infamous Titanic was headed, and where the rescuer ship Carpathia docked after the sinking.
I like the name and prefer the spelling over Chelsey.
This name's OK. However, I agree with the link to chavs in southeast England. Still, better than being named 'Lanesra', because it is Arsenal backwards.
A red-haired blue-eyed little girl somehow matches the name Chelsea.
As a fan of English history, I love this name. I also like London, but that is a little unusual.
I'd like it better if it wasn't so popular and if people only spelled it this way, even though one of my good friends spells it 'Chelcie'.
This is my name and I love it. It's very uncommon where I'm from and I've only met 2 others. I really don't like the nickname options though. Chel and Chels make me think of shell and shells, and I cringe when people call me Chellie. I get called Elsie, which I like. But yea, I love my name.
The name Chelsea rocks! I know this because I'm Chelsea. :) hehe
Joni Mitchell's hit Chelsea Morning is said to be the inspiration behind the Clintons' name for their daughter.
Famous bearer is comedianne Chelsea Handler.
I have the name Chelsea and it is really overused, especially where I live. It's mostly younger girls that were named after Chelsea Clinton. I was named after the character from On Golden Pond, an early 80's film with Katherine Hepburn. It irritates me when people I hardly know call me "Chels", and I always get annoyed when people misspell my name as "Chelsey" or "Chelsie", like teachers that SHOULD know my name after a while.
My name is Chelsea and I love it! I love my name because... well I don't know why I love my name I just do!
I just love this name. It is nice that it isn't a fad name or an overused name.
This is my name and I used to hate it because it's so common, but now I love it! I get called Chels, Chelz, and Chel. I also prefer the original spelling (Chelsea) and don't really care for the variants (Chelsey, Chelsie).
All the Chelseas I've known have been complete sluts or just really bad people to be around in general. In the south-east of England Chelsea is a name reserved for "chavs" (i.e. pikeys, trailer trash, whatever you call them). It's a shame because I do think it's a nice name.
My name's Chelsea, and I like it and all, but I really don't like the meaning. I wish it was a greater meaning. Most sites I've seen just put the meaning as, "Seaport," or even, "Port". I just wish it was a better meaning.
Chelsea is Bill and Hillary Clinton's daughter.
This is my sister's name and I think it's getting very popular. She was named after Chelsea Clinton.
This name reminds me of the word 'Pearl', for some weird reason. I really like the name Chelsea. I wish it was my name.
Chelsea is a very pretty name and kind of timeless. It won't really ever go out of fashion. A friend of mine's name is Chelsea so every time I hear it I think of her.
My name is Chelsea and it's way too common. It's not a bad name, but there are three other Chelseas in my grade ALONE.
I love the name Chelsea. I get called Chels, Chelz & Chelly.
My daughter is called Chelsea-Nicolle. I chose it because I liked it and it wasn't that popular in 1992, when she was born. I don't live in London either but in the northwest of England. The best thing is that her dad is a Man United fan! And I agree with the comment this name rocks.
I think that Chelsea is a great name. Chelsea is a great football team but my daughter is a city fan and so am I. She asks why did you call me Chelsea and I say because I liked the name.
The name Chelsea rocks! It reminds me of this little innocent, naive girl.

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