Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Not awful, but I prefer Charlotte.
I hope this name makes a comeback soon! It's such a beautiful name, and it's like a softer version of Charlotte.
Charlotte is nothing short of a great name, but Charlene is a pleasant, delicate alternative (in case of a daughter born on the feast of a saint named Charles). I just dislike the nickname Charlie.
I think I prefer it spelled Charleine but that’s probably because I really like Madeleine. It’s still a nice name. Doesn’t stop Charlotte being another one of my favourites though.
I like Charlene and I personally think it's prettier and not as overused as Charlotte.
In my opinion, this is an innocent and girly name. I love it!
Beautiful name! I totally love it! :)
Quite nice!
I like this name, how it looks, how it sounds, just beautiful! Charlene has quality! Good name.
Very nice.
I don’t think the name is bad. It’s sounds kinda pretty actually.
I live in America, and I have an adult family member with this name, and she definitely is not white trash.
I adore this name, my mother is called Charlene as is my sister. I haven't met another Charlene to be honest, my grandmother named my mother after her American friend and to all those who say Charlene is for 'white trash' I'd like to say that you would have to be some sort of 'trash' to even use the term 'white trash' and if by this you mean of a lower class British person, well I haven't met one in my years and I live in a lower class populated area in London.
Okay so my name is Charlene Louise and although I don't love my name it is my name and I am highly offended by people saying my name is white trash or a low-Class British name because it's not. I don't understand why anyone would nickname their daughter Chuck but I guess that's their choice. I mostly go by Charlene but my mum and her family sometimes call me Charlie or Charlie bear, my dad calls me Shally, and my BFF calls my Chaz or Chaza. My biggest gripe with my name is that you can never find it anywhere in things like Facebook lists or on bracelets and stuff. It is an English name and is the feminine name of Charles and my mum named me Charlene because of Kylie Monogue's character Charlene and in all I have only ever met two Charlenes in my life.
Charlene went from classy to trashy real quick, similar to Chantal or Clarice.
This name sounds like it should be fancy, but I’ve only encountered it on white trash women.
It's okay. Sounds a bit uppity though.
I really like this name and this spelling. It sounds very pretty and would work well for either a first or middle name.
A timeless classic.
Awful name, mostly used by lower classed British people.
I think Charlotte and Charlene would be good matching twin names against Margaret and Marlene, lol. The second ones are less common and newer, anyway.
Good point! :D.
This is a beautiful, classy name. I really like the pronunciation Sharlene. It is a soft, feminine name and not overly used. I don't get the boyish nicknames like chuck. Yuck! If this were my name I would stick with the full name and make it clear to others to do the same.
Variation: CHARLENA. It's pronounced Shar-leena. My cousin loves her name, Charlena. It suited her as a kid and still suits her (she's 33 now).
I really like this name. It has a very nice ring to it, and it reminds me of a strong, intelligent, beautiful girl. Besides, Charlie makes a great nickname for a girl.
In my opinion, this name is Irish, but that's just me. I like this name, and it makes me think of somebody with dark brown hair and green eyes, for whatever reason.
This is also my name and I spell it Charlene and pronounce it Shar-leen. I love my name because there's not too many of us about. I hardly ever get called my full name however, only normally by my mum who was a huge Dallas fan and named me after Charlene Tilton, most of my friends and family call me Char or Charls.
My name is Sharlene but I would rather classify CHAR-leen as being too weird. If I was to name my child it'll be Charlene (SHAR-leen). It will probably (hopefully) be my child's middle name.
I like the French pronunciation, it sounds more elegant.
Charlene is the twin sister of Charlotte.

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