I was named Chance in 1969 when nobody was named Chance. My mother was reading Tennessee Williams' play, Sweet Bird of Youth while she was pregnant with me. The main character's name is Chance Wayne. She also loved Paul Newman who played the role of Chance Wayne in the early 1960s movie adaptation.
Personally, I love the name Chance. It sounds strong and modern. I like that it's not an overused name you hear everyday. I also think it ages well. Overall, I think Chance is a beautiful name.
I probably wouldn’t be the strong personality that I am if I were given a different name at birth. If kids remarked about my name, I knew it’s because they were jealous that I had a cool name and I would put them in their place. And no one ever said “Chance who?” I was a one name wonder in Hawaii and now in San Francisco. I embrace all the puns and never got tired of them including “do I have a Chance?” (especially when bartending). If you want to see what a Chance looks like IRL, check out Instagram’s #hawaiianboyinsf_me when you get a Chance. This is your Chance of a lifetime, a Chance in a million. 😜
Just by,
[my actual email signature] 🌈🏄🏽‍♂️🌴.
This name makes me laugh, it's soo terrible though.
My cousin's name is Chance and family sometimes calls him Chancellor, although I'm not sure if that's his legal name. He's also Canadian, so it's not solely an "American" name.
I love it. It sounds unique!
This name is also feminine!
I was walking in a cemetery one day and came across the grave of a young boy named Chance. He died a year before, at the young age of ten. This name has stuck with me for that reason, and I don’t think it’s half-bad. Rest In Peace, Chance.
I don't care for this name. I know a teen girl named Chance, it doesn't really fit her.
Also, Rest In Peace to the boy you found in the cemetery, Anonymous below me.:C.
"Give me a chance, Chance!" what a funny name.
Hot water, hot shower... when I hear this name I'm rapping it in my head...
How has no one mentioned Chance the Rapper (Chancelor Bennet)?
I know two Chances. A Chance that is my brother’s friend and a little girl named Chance who lives in my neighborhood. I do think this name could work for a girl or a boy but I personally prefer it on a boy.
There's a Chance that this name bores me.
It strikes me as very American (U.S.), and not in a good way. (I am American, if you're wondering.) It makes me think of names like Buddy, Chip, and Trey. However, there was a really good episode of This American Life about a bull named Chance who got cloned, and Second Chance (the clone) did not live up to the greatness of the original Chance.
My boyfriend's name! Sounds so beautiful, great to make puns with as well, lol.
This is the name of that brown and white pitbull from the movie Homeward bound. I think this would make an okay nickname for a guy.
I think this is a strong name for a boy. When I hear the name Chance I think of a ridiculously good looking guy who don't take sh** from no one lol, and besides that it's uncommon which is a bonus!
John Wayne played Sheriff John T. Chance in Rio Bravo.
My best friend's nephew is due in a few weeks and this will be his name! His brother's name is Cayden. I think the two names work well together. I wouldn't pick Chance for my son though, simply because of all the puns "take a Chance" etc... my given name had too many puns so I would tend to avoid names like that.
Just because it's on this site doesn't make it ok as a people name. This is utterly and completely a dog name!
Chance is the name of rapper/businessman Sean John Combs' daughter.
It sounds like a female name... I guess it doesn't help that my family once had a girl cat named Chance. We named her Chance because she got a second chance at life when we took her in.
I named one of my book characters Chance, only she is a girl. I like it. I think it's very cool for a guy and very sweet for a girl, but that's just my opinion. This is one of those names that shouldn't just be limited to one gender but for both, like Tyler, Sam, Alex, and Jordan. I can imagine a young Chance, middle-aged buisnessman Chance, and an old Chance, of both genders.
It's nice enough, but it sounds out of date in that same weird way as Troy or Brad (AKA the way that all these -aden names will sound in twenty years). Good on a guy between the ages of forty and twenty-five, strange for a little boy.
The reason why I named my son Chance is because he was so tiny and had a lot health problems at birth. So he was my chance to cuddle and nurture him hence why he is Chance.
Chance is idiotic. It will lead to bad puns.
This name is no good. It will surely lead to bad puns, and it sounds quite bizarre on adults.
You'd need a lot of courage to name your kids this.
I know someone who has twins (one boy, one girl) named Chance and Chase. Chance is the boy, and Chase is the girl. People who don't know them well always have trouble remembering who is named what, since Chance and Chase are both usually boys' names and sound similar. Chance is a good, strong-sounding boy's name, just don't use it with a sibling named Chase.
The more rambunctious of the two dogs in the movie Homeward Bound bears this name.
Oh yes, I can see the conversation now.
"How did you get your name?"
"By chance."
I'm sorry, no offense intended. I think Chance sounds more like a guy's name, really. That's just my opinion. It'd make an interesting middle name.
I think Chance is an interesting name, a mysterious name and one that usually prompts the question "How did you get that name?" which usually begins an interesting conversation. It puts me in the mind of someone who has the whole world in front of them, wide open and full of chances.
Personally, I think Chance sounds more like a dog name. I know a boy named Chance.
Famous (though fictional) bearer would be Chance (called Chauncey Gardiner), the main character of the book and movie Being There. Chance is raised in his the house of his boss all his life, doing nothing but watching TV and tending to his boss's garden. When the old man dies, Chances ventures out into the world. Alone.

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