Low key kinda slaps, love Charlie as brother's name imo.
― Anonymous User 8/12/2024
Weird, when I think of this name I honestly think of the country more than the meme status it acquired in the 2010s/2020s. It reminds me of the name I've chosen for myself, Jordan, another country name. And honestly, does it matter that much if a baby born in the early 2020s is named this? They won't understand the cultural connotations until they're teenagers, and by that point the ever fleeting meme culture of this time period will be so far removed from their life that it won't even matter. And if grown adults are going to make fun of a little toddler for being called Chad, well that's just sad.
― Anonymous User 6/14/2024
Most masculine name in the history of ever.
― Anonymous User 12/8/2023
Chad is a ratchet name, ugh I would NOT! Name a child this, I would name him Bryan or something else.
― Anonymous User 11/20/2023
It sounds so ridiculous... sometimes I dislike my name, then I remember that at least my name's not Chad.
― Anonymous User 8/7/2023
A loser made dozens of fake accounts to downvote everyone with a bad opinion about this name... Which tells you exactly the type of people who like this name.
― Anonymous User 8/7/2023
On the right character the name Chad is incredibly cool.
― Anonymous User 6/14/2023
Chad was #69 on the US popularity list in 1969. Why give comments that say a name is "bad?"
― Anonymous User 5/30/2023
Who can forget Chad Chad the youtuber. A true icon.
I've always hated this name with a flaming passion. It always seems to go to the evil jock in movies and TV shows. Not to mention it's hard to take seriously these days due to its usage as a slang term for alpha males and all the Virgin vs. Chad memes.
Oh no. Anything but Chad! You can't possibly look at a baby boy and name him 'Chad'! It's a high school or a young adult-like name, not something you can call a kid before they reach adolescence. This is my opinion. Everyone has their own opinion, so no opinion is wrong when it comes to names.
The individual makes the name, not the other way around :(Also, 'Chad' is used to confer a sense of mythic power upon OGs (not O G) Tyson and Fire***** and Artorias, etc, etc. #PampIt.
I like my name. I was Chad in 1965 when there wasn’t many. I like to add something after my name like Chadmantis, ChadlyRockfish, Chadrock. My friends have used variations, Chadly Duncan, Chadillac, Chadzilla, Chadwick Von Sauerkraut, Chadwicken bicken bocken booken. I don’t like that my name got popular 5 years after I was born. I grew up as the only Chad and wished it stayed that way. I rarely like another Chad. I feel like I’m the original.
Am I the only one that doesn’t think this name is that bad? What I can say is that I do agree the name is quite youthful and I don’t imagine the best things when I hear it, it’s not a bad name! It has something cool about it.
The name Chad has a bad rep that has been increased by Hollywood giving the name to the blonde skater/surfer high-school and college boy who is cheating on his girlfriend. The name is a bit boring and the only nicknames available all increase the name rather than making it shorter, exe. Mad-Chad. It also comes with the annoyance of being misheard when asked your name and people calling you Zach or Chaz or other short names.
― Anonymous User 10/9/2021
Hi, my name is Chad, I absolutely love the name, I think the people that name their children Chad are brave, because Chad is a name that everyone makes fun of these days, which I hate btw, so if there is anyone who's pregnant with a male baby, then I HIGHLY recommend naming them Chad! Now, I know how the Chad name is boring to some people, some people think it's weird, some people think it's stupid AND, some people think that Chad's all skateboard! NO WE DON'T! Ok!? Ok. Now, one more thing. The Chad name meaning is: battle Warrior! Have a good day:)
The name Chad is derived from the Kanuri word “Sádǝ” meaning "large expanse of water", in other words, a "lake."A Chad, in derogatory slang, is a young urban American man, typically single and in his 20s or early 30s. The term originated in Chicago, Illinois. It was further covered by a satirical website dedicated to the Lincoln Park Chad Society, a fictional social club based in Chicago's upscale Lincoln Park neighborhood. The female counterpart to the Chad, in slang, is the "Trixie" or "Stacy". A Chad was originally depicted as originating in Chicago's affluent North Shore suburbs, receiving a BMW for his 16th birthday, obtaining a law or business degree from a Big Ten University, belonging to a fraternity, moving to Lincoln Park, marrying a Trixie, and then moving back to the North Suburbs.Chad was later appropriated in incel forums to refer to sexually active alpha males.
Anyone named Chad is literally a god. Every Chad is above 6'5, has a 24 pack, and has biceps larger than your average beach ball. They generally can fly and shoot lasers from their ears. If you ever meet someone named Chad that doesn't meet these standards, they aren't a real Chad.
― Anonymous User 2/6/2020
If I were to be honest. I don't think Chad is a very bad name but I don't think it's good either. It's kind of bland, short, and everyone sees it as the stereotypical jock. Some people see it as a variant or diminutive of Charles or Chase. At my school there is a Chase who we call Chaz but I personally call him Chad. My name is Charles and some people jokingly call me Chad. I even know a Chad. So this name isn't bad but isn't good either. But at least it's not as bland as Lee.
The name Chad is of European origin whereas the name of the country Chad is of African origin and they have nothing in common, so I don't think the country should stop someone from using this... naming your son Chad is a lot different than naming him Bangladesh or Mongolia, where they have no usage outside of being the names of those countries.My brother in law is named Chad and it is okay. Not the most unique name but it suits him.
Chad is the class clown. Friendly, outgoing, smart, funny, hard working, honest, well mannered, and loyal to a fault. Hates controversial or depressing topics. Likes to keep things light-hearted but will expect you to be as hard working and driven as he is to get the job done. Can be a bit critical without meaning to. Has a heart of gold, is dependable and would go out of his way to help you out. He is a great friend to have. Every Chad I have known has proven this to be true. Including my brother in law and my son.
Given that Chad is a country in Africa, it’s somewhat ironic that a lot of Chads are racist white frat boys.
― Anonymous User 2/14/2019
To be fair, the US demographic that likes to name their kids 'Chad' and 'Jordan' probably doesn't even know those countries exist.
― Anonymous User 1/21/2019
Chad is a nice, masculine-sounding name. I'm not sure why there's so much hate for it.
― Anonymous User 11/12/2018
In 2018, 38 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Chad who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 233rd most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/17/2018
Chad sounds like the jock of the high school that has an ego problem. Jock level over 9000.
Chad Michaels is an American drag performer and Cher impersonator. He was the runner up of the fourth season of RuPaul's Drag Race and was the winner of RuPaul's Drag Race: All Stars season one. Michaels was raised in San Diego.
Chad Dickson (aka Numbuh 274) was a character on the cartoon Codename: Kids Next Door. He was the soopreme leaduh (supreme leader) and best operative of the KND before he betrayed them and became a recurring antagonist.
Read my update of Ceadda, which is predecessor to Chad in spelling. It applies directly to Chad and is more thorough in detail & history.
― Anonymous User 10/30/2009
Chad Kroeger is the lead singer in the world famous band, Nickelback. Gotta Be Somebody, Savin Me, Far Away, Rockstar, If Today Was Your Last Day, Photograph, If Everyone Cared, and How You Remind Me are just a few of they're hits.
Can't stand this name! It is rarely used in England or Australia, Americans have made this one their own. Along with Brad, Chet, Chip & Randy, the name Chad conjures up images of egotistical, ignorant, offensive, but reasonably physically attractive college students or jocks.
― Anonymous User 9/8/2008
I always think of Chad as a big country in Africa. But I also like it as a name for a boy.
For some reason, this name always makes me think of young guys who aren't very smart, or pleasant, for that matter. The name sounds somewhat too youthful for a grown-up.
I heard somewhere that Chady (Chay-dee) is a variant of Chad/Chadwick, but it isn't on the website. I first heard the name as a song by Kay Hanley (Chady Saves The Day), and I think I prefer it to Chad. Some other site says it's meaning is "From the warrior's estate. The short form of Chadwick."
Hmm. I used to think this was a nickname for Charles. Might've been Chazz. Oh well.Anyhoo, Chad is a cool name! It has a nice ring to it, and although it's good for a boy, it's even better for a man! :D