This is my name, so I find the comments saying it wouldn't work in real life pretty funny. I like my name, although it can be a little tiresome to spell it all the time so if you use it I would personally recommend pairing it with an easy middle name.One commenter mentions the Pokemon professor, but I want to slightly correct that claim: it's his surname not his given name. His daughter is called Chloe Cerise. There's also a Marvel character named Cerise.And a Magic the Gathering character named Cerise, though the only card bearing her name in the title is for the digital game only.There was also a brief time where people misread my name and thought it said Cersei. I'd like to reassure anyone considering this name that for me, that time has been and gone.
― Anonymous User 1/16/2024, edited 1/16/2024
It's an ok name. I can see on a fictional character, but not a person in real life.
What do I think of this name? It's decent, interesting. Would I name a kid this? Well, why wouldn't I want to name my kid after my Animal Crossing island? Haha, because of it, it sounds more like the name of a fictional place than a person. But I might be the only person here who feels that way.
I adore the cute meaning of this name as simple as cherry. The way this name rolls off the tongue is so feminine and formal sounding. I do believe this to be a magnificent name for a girl.
This name makes me cringe. To me it's nothing but an everyday word that doesn't sound like a real name at all, unlike Clémentine or Marguerite, word names that grew enough in popularity to at least not appear strange on paper. I pronounce it ser-eez.
The Name "Cherise" is actually French and it also means "Beloved." I know this because my name is Cherise and I researched the meaning a very long time ago.
― Anonymous User 7/3/2005
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One commenter mentions the Pokemon professor, but I want to slightly correct that claim: it's his surname not his given name. His daughter is called Chloe Cerise.
There's also a Marvel character named Cerise.
And a Magic the Gathering character named Cerise, though the only card bearing her name in the title is for the digital game only.
There was also a brief time where people misread my name and thought it said Cersei. I'd like to reassure anyone considering this name that for me, that time has been and gone.