Catrina Allen is an American professional disc golfer. She is a US Champion and 2 time World Champion, and has been ranked among the top four women in the world between 2012 and 2019.
I have a twin sister named Catrina. We're both Catya and Catrina.
La Catrina is a classic Mexican icon, especially for Dia De Los Muertos.
I named my daughter Catryna Mackenzie in 2001 and she too hated being compared to the hurricane.
I like the spelling Catrina a little more than Katrina because it sounds softer and less common. But both spellings are nice :)
I love this spelling of Catrina. Katrina is okay, too, but there's the hurricane, and before that I've always thought K's at the start of names look harsh.
The word Catrina is the feminine form of the word catrín, which means "elegant" in Spanish.
My grandmother is named CATRINA, and there are even songs with this name in ROMANIA, so I think Romanian must be introduced next to Irish and Scottish.
I know a Catrina and it's best spelled with a C.
This is my middle name and I loved it when I was seven but grew to detest it. Especially when the hurricane got named Katrina and some of my best friends were forced out of their houses in New Orleans to safety. The fact that it can also eventually be traced back to Katherine which means in one language or another 'torture' does not help the situation. I do know a Katrina who goes by Katie as well, not Trina.
This spelling is better than the K version, because of the hurricane.

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