A great middle name for a country boy. Not long enough, or strong enough for a first name. Only name your kid this if you don’t plan him ever working in an office. It’s definitely a farm name. I loved it, and named my son Cash, but as his secondary name. Such a cute name, but to any foreigner they will mock it $$$. Johnny Cash is legendary. It’s awesome with the right first name.
I’m sorry, I just don’t like it. To me it seems more like a nickname. I actually remember the last time I heard it, when I was at work and a customer was telling her child to move out of the way. I was just trying hard not to cringe. If you did name your kid this, that’s fine, that’s your choice, but this is an opinion-based forum.
I met a very attractive, well-dressed, and well-put together guy in his 20’s named Cash. It was the first person I had ever met with the name. He’s very preppy and takes good care of himself. Everyone seems to like him and he’s a “guy’s guy” type of dude; reminds me of an upper middle class type of person who would belong to a fraternity. I think it’s a cool name for the right person.
― Anonymous User 12/23/2021
My son is 16 and we named him Cash after Johnny Cash. I had never heard it used as a first name before. He's in 10th and there hasn't been another Cash in his school. Everyone says they love his name.
I really don’t care for it. If anything I really don’t think it’s that interesting or even innovative. Just plain stupid. One of those names where a bunch of parents thought they were being “unique” and then it turns out thousands of parents did too. Then uh, oh! There’s another Cash in the class!
Well, our son's middle name is Ka$h Money. Spelt with the money sign and all. I love it and personally think it's unique. Our son is beautiful and the name goes along well with him. That's what everyone calls him, Ka$h Money.
― Anonymous User 2/15/2020
Dang, y’all get way too angry over a simple name. Cash is a handsome name I think. I in no way associate it with money when I have heard it as a name. It’s actually common now, so I doubt someone with that name is going to have issues as an adult getting a job. I hate the name Charles or Robert but I would never bash someone for choosing it. These people would make fun of any name that’s not on the top 10 list.
― Anonymous User 11/5/2019
I think the name Kash is a cool name not only because my name is Kash but because it means money and who doesn't like money.
Ew. Naming your kid Cash/Kash just seems tacky. It also seems like what a rapper would name their kid.
― Anonymous User 9/3/2019
Cash or Kash is becoming popular. As a teacher that sees many names I have had a good handful of boys with this name and all were actually really handsome kids. My co worker is having a baby and we were all just talking about how hard it is to name a baby as a teacher. Every name you like there’s a student you associate the name with. I will say I don’t think Cash is strange at all and is a name that reminds me of a preppy well put together little guy.
I love Johnny Cash, but if I wanted to pay a tribute to him with my child's name, you can be damn sure I'd choose John and call him Johnny. Cash as a first name sounds so shallow. It's a soap opera name, or the love interest in a romance novel. Don't do that to your kid.
I think it is funny when people say Cash means money... lol really? Congratulations on knowing English, Dick Tracey. How about tell us something we don't know. As far as a thug name I never thought of Jonny Cash as being a thug. It's funny how people are so easily offended by anything today yet will make their own ignorant comment on something like a name. No my name is not Cash, nor do I know a Cash, but I am considering it... I'll be sure if I do and a kid makes fun of him he'll know what to do.
I agree with the above comment. The name Cash is creative thinking...is what I think about it, it's different. It's great to be different.
― Anonymous User 6/2/2016
It's a cool name. Quit being jealous because your son's name is boring.
― Anonymous User 4/4/2016
I know this is an opinion based forum, but some of these comments are down right rude. My son is named Cash after a family member and we've gotten nothing but positive feedback on it. Every time his name is called people react and say "Wow! That's an awesome name!" I think it would suck to be in a class where you have the same name as 5 other children. (I.e.: Jaden, Tyler, Michael, Noah, Jackson, Nicholas) As stated above this in an opinion based website, but before you call somebody a hillbilly or redneck, you should think twice. You're everything that is wrong with this world.
This sounds like a hick or redneck name. The kind of name people use to try to sound different or sophisticated but fail miserably. I hate the argument "everybody loves his name" or "everyone compliments his name" who in the hell would tell a child or their mother, "Cash, god that name sucks!" to their face. Ugh.
Cash is money. Why on earth would anyone name their child this? It comes across as pretentious and very silly, named by parents obsessed with the idea of money whether they are rich and poor. I can easily picture this name on a trailer-trash type of family in hopes that their spawn will help them out from their rut and make it big in money. The name also stinks of teen parents. Johnny Cash's name wasn't pretentious or silly. Simply because Cash was his last name which makes it way more tolerable!
― Anonymous User 1/2/2016
Our son's name is Cash. It's a strong name and we don't hear it everywhere we go. People love his name. I never think of money when we call him by his name. Celebrities name their children some off the wall stuff so I think we are safe with Cash.
My son is named Cash. He's 8 and never once has anyone at school or people he's been introduced to have ever called him "money" or "moolah". His older brother is Lucas. I can tell you he loves his name. He knows more than one Zachary, Tyler, John, Daniel ect. But yet to meet another Cash. He fits the name very well at this point. He's a multi-sport athlete in which the name fits well. If he grows up and feels (which I doubt) his name should sound more professional he can go by his middle name. It's better than Pilot Inspector (a celebrity kid's name) and no worse than Apple. I assure everyone that I'm a normal average looking mom that thought very long about what to name my child. He's special to me and therefore his name should be special too.
I named my son Cashton. For short we call him Cash. I think it sounds cool. It reminds me of Johnny Cash more than it does of money. Most people who meet him think it rocks and it totally stands out amongst the sea of Jayden's and Ayden's.
Cash sounds strong and jazzy at the same time. I am open minded enough to not get stuck on the fact it can refer to money terms. A lot of words have more then one meaning. It is a fun name. Get over yourselves people.
― Anonymous User 10/20/2013
I can imagine someone who would name their kids names like Axel or zephyr calling their son Cash. Completely ridiculous.
Well, Penny's my short name (or nickname, if you will), and I think it mere coincidence that it's the same word as the smallest unit of currency in the UK and some other anglophone countries. But Cash as a name? Sorry, that just doesn't cut it. Maybe it might work as a nickname.
Cash isn't any better than Penn and there's a Penn Badgley but nobody is commenting on how stupid his name is. I think Cash is a classy, cool name, and if I knew a guy named Cash I would totally tell him how cool he was to have this name.
Oh my God, I can't believe that this is a name!Yes, you might as well name his sisters "Penny", "Lolly" and "Moolah" and their brother "Dollar" and be done with that. Who is going to take a man (or a boy) named "Cash" seriously?I can just hear someone say to his parents, "Make sure that nobody takes your Cash!"
"Hi, these are my sons Cash and Dollar, and my daughter Penny."Many people call money Cash, so think twice before naming a child this. It's a nice name though.
― Anonymous User 8/2/2009
This is a bad name. It is like naming your kid Money.
This name has connotations of money. For a while, I worked with someone named this and when I was told his name, I was confused. It makes me imagine a boy named this could grow up to marry a girl named Carrie and then people would call them Cash and Carrie. This is a bad name.