Comments (Personal Impression Only)

What I find interesting about this name are the images that it leaves to my imagination. For instance, whenever I see or hear about this name, I usually imagine a young boy who likes playing soccer. Weird? Ikr?! Other times, I think of some guy who has a fast motorcycle and enjoys racing down the narrow streets of some far off city somewhere. As for the name itself...yeah, I like it. It is one of my top five names that are on my short list for a future son I might have one day.
I am originally from the Philippines and during my great grandparent's generation and, to a certain extent, my grandparents generation, this was a very common first name. Nowadays, however, the name Carlos has fallen in favor of such names as Carl, Karl, or even, Charles. Pretty interesting how cultures and trends change within a few generations for a single name. =)
Hey how about that?! They have my middle name on here! Lol! Growing up in Michigan, I had no idea what my second name meant until my mom sat me down at age ten and told me that it was a way to honor the doctor that delivered me when I was born. His name was Carlos oddly enough. So I guess I can wear it with some pride. (Shrug)
The names of all individuals are not “trashy” by any definition. Only the people are by their behavior. The name Carlos retains its handsome charm regardless of what others may assume or argue. I have a nephew who is age ten named Carlos and I can guarantee to anyone making an insidious comment regarding his name that he is not “trashy!”.
This is the ugliest name I've ever heard in my entire life, I would name my nephew Brandon instead of this trash!
This is THE handsomest name ever as it has a list of very prominent individuals that shows its gravitas, charm and, might I mention, staying power! Enough said!
Carlos is a handsome name that makes me think of a gentle, yet strong type of guy you can talk to about anything.
Overall, I have a positive impression of this name.
I cannot say that this name is horrible, and I think I would like it if it were not so stereotypically common. Overall a good name if it were not so basic.
Name is ok, just too common where I'm from. Almost every single guy I bump into is named Carlos. I tend to like uncommon or unique names and this just isn't my style.
There are many different types of individuals that carry this name. Each one of them is unique. The name itself is very common in my country of origin, however, in many cases the name Carlos does holdup as “timeless”. Therefore I think it works well on any personality or age.
This has got to be one of my fav names. Yeah, I know it's popular, but so what? It still doesn't take away the cool factor that this name has. :)
This is a nice name that is meaningful and certainly not boring for those who may have this moniker as their identification. I also think that, while common, it is most certainly not “trashy” as many notable individuals have been the bearers of this finely established name.
Carlos is a top tier name. Has been used for centuries and is still going strong. Definitely a better name than James, Fisher, and Clara. 10/10.
A handsome name that fits men of any age. I love it, but too overused. Kind of like Charles.
Good name for a gentle, sensitive cowboy.
Not bad!
In my personal opinion I think it is one of those names that is ok, but very common in many places that have a high demographic of Spanish speakers. Still a classic nonetheless.
The popularity of that name in Catalonia is just slightly higher than it is in the USA.
Kinda overused and stereotypical sorry.
Good strong name, but at the same time boring. This name is way way way over done.
Good name, It is better than Charles, which to me sounds too "royal", with medieval history, or maybe because in Slavic languages Kral / Korol means king - possible from the name Charlemagne (Carolus magnus).
Carlos is a nice name for a character in a romantic novel or movie. It's also a nice name in general. I don't know why I get that impression. There is just something about it, perhaps the sound and meaning, that has a romance narrative.
This is my dad's name. He has a few friends who also have this name so he also goes by Charlie. He sometimes says that he doesn't like it because so many people have that name but I think he is secretly proud. This name is a good solid Spanish name, it's like John. But in Spanish common. But it is still very nice and I like it.
This is a great masculine name, very elegant and upperclass. I picture a nobleman, a strong, handsome gentleman.
I don't like how this name is often mispronounced. CAR-lows. It should be CAR-los. When pronounced like that it's a nice name.
I really like the name Carlos. It's simple and catchy.

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