Comments (Personal Impression Only)

The name of great individuals. Yes!
It matters little what others say or think regarding a name. I personally don’t have an actual opinion on this name as the other comments seem to be going on about as the name Carlo is unheard of in my neck of the woods. You are more likely to bump into a dude named Rusty than some random guy named Carlo. (shrug)
Carlo is now a “dad” name over here in Italy. And while it is an ok name, I can always appreciate the fact that some people will like it while others won’t. To each their own.
Carlo is a striking, handsome, illustrious name that brings to mind a contented artisan in his workshop on Italy's western coast. Though I may not use it myself, it is certainly not a "hillbillish, ugly dogwater name."
Just an okay name to be honest.
Wonderful name that is not boring.
It is just wonderful. I have a son who has this handsome name and he receives nothing but praise by his teachers and peers. Again an elegantly handsome name.
Carlo is a fantastic name! Peace out!
The most handsome name I've ever heard in my life, don't know what to say further besides it not being racist.
I was on a field trip to Italy just a few weeks ago for a school that I work for and the tour guide's name was Carlo. I thought it was interesting as how I was expecting his name to end with an 's' instead of an 'o'. Lol.
Ugh not these types of hillbillish names that sound awkward, and the girl down below says that this name is handsome, (WHICH IS NOT HANDSOME AT ALL!) get facts right lady.
Carlo is a handsome and distinguished ITALIAN first name! There is nothing even remotely “hillbillish” about it. Get your facts straight troll! Next time aim for Cletus or Jim Bob, now those are red neck names!
Handsome name.
This is such a cool name! But I'd say only name your son Carlo if you're Italian, it doesn't really sound right with a last name like Smith or Johnson.
This reminds me of three things.
1: The Chevrolet Monte Carlo.
2: The Irish town Carlow, and the song mentioning it called "Follow Me Up To Carlow".
3: The character Carlos from Meerkat Manor.

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