Candace Mycale "Mickey" Guyton (/ˈɡaɪtən/) is an American country music artist. Raised in Texas, Guyton was exposed to various types of music at a young age, and her material incorporates elements of contemporary country, pop, and R&B music. She moved to Nashville, Tennessee, in 2011 and signed a recording contract with Capitol Records Nashville. In 2015, the label released Guyton's debut extended play (EP), Unbreakable.Her song "Black Like Me" (The song described Guyton's experiences with racial discrimination) was nominated for Best Country Solo Performance at the 63rd Annual Grammy Awards. The Grammy nomination made Guyton the first black female artist to be nominated in the country category.In 2020, Guyton became the first black female artist to perform at the Academy of Country Music Awards and 2021, Guyton became the first black woman to co-host the Academy of Country Music Awards.
This is another name I wasn’t terribly fond of, but after reading through these comments I’ve gained a real admiration for it! I think it’s very elegant and versatile, you can easily imagine a little girl, an adult woman, or an older lady with this name, both Dacey and Candy are lovely nicknames too. I imagine it may be hard to get people to pronounce it as [can-dih-see], but I love that pronunciation as well as [can-dis].
I think Candace is a beautiful biblical name. It is strong, elegant, and regal. I love the adorable “Candy” for a nickname. Overall, I think Candace is a wonderful name.
It's interesting to see so many people that hate my name. I've always despised the nickname Candy and if anyone asks me if I go by it, I reply that you can call me Candy if you want to get hurt.My mom chose to spell it with -ace, like #1, not cold like -ice.
I will never like this name, ever. It just sounds so, not nice, I don't know how to explain it. Candace is better than Candice, the more I say it and try to like it the uglier and more clunky it gets. Candice Swanepoel is beautiful but no matter what, this name will never be beautiful. I think it reminds me of cancer? Probably why I don't like it. Sorry to anyone who likes this names.
― Anonymous User 4/15/2021
Real name of immensely popular American YouTube CookieSwirlC.
The biblical pronunciation of this name is Can-DAY-SEE.
― Anonymous User 6/1/2019
Regarding the most recent comment, THANK YOU. My parents named me straight out the Bible and it is spelled as Candācē— I don’t know why people ignore the accents as if they never learned their vowels, so a lot of people call me Candice. Most are usually bewildered when I tell them how to correctly say my name. Some say it’s beautiful and different, some have made fun of me, called my name ghetto, or thought I was lying. If only they knew my name is closer to the “root” of the original name of a Queen :(
― Anonymous User 8/3/2019
My name is Candyce. Nobody ever really spells it this way. I don't think "Candy" is slutty. You make it slutty. Do you eat candy? See?! There you go being slutty again! I happen to be a Pastry Chef. I have two college degrees. I am NOT a bimbo. I get SO tired of seeing people treat this name with disrespect. I happen to be a Pastry Chef, so "Candy" actually works out better for me, though only close family and friends tend to address me as such. I was named after Candice Bergen (also not a bimbo or slut). The only issue I've run into with this name is having a last name that doesn't make it sound like a porn star's name. When my mom was dating, she almost married this guy whose last name was "Barr". I would've been "Candy Barr". Then, there was the man I dated for 7 years, so of course we talked about marriage. I would've been "Candy Cano". However, I really outdid myself when I got married. My husband's last name is Cox... yup... Candy Cox. You can't get much more porn star than that. Luckily, my husband is a real man. I didn't have to change my maiden name. He didn't mind. So, for professional reasons, and personal, I kept my maiden name. The kitchen, my workplace, is already so male dominated and sexist and FULL of harassment, that "Candy Cox" just would not do. I'm mostly addressed as "Chef Candyce" anyhow, but if they ever knew... UGH!
My Name is Candies-Elizabeth and the meaning behind Candace is very true for my life. The numbers are right too. It's kinda scary to me. And my name is pronounced Kandeez Elizabeth.
I was also named after the famous Candice Bergen, but to avoid being shortened to Candi, my mom insisted on spelling it with an A. Being a child with the name Candace Bergen in the early 90's got me a lot of Murphy Brown nicknames. I like the name but I can't stand when other Candace's shorten theirs to Candy.
This has a very youthful sound to it, but it also looks "Established" Unfortunately the whole Candy nickname causes it to seem immature. If I ever had a daughter named Candace, I'd just call her Dacey instead of Candy nickname wise. I also love the idea of Candy Cane, or even Cadie/Cady.
Candace Bushnell, who wrote the newspaper column that was turned into the book, and then the movie, Sex and the City.
― Anonymous User 4/2/2011
Candace Flynn is a character on the Disney Channel TV show, Phineas and Ferb. Candace is Phineas and Ferb's 15-year-old sister, obsessed with getting her brothers in trouble for all the outrageous things they do.
In an old baby name book from before my mother was born (50s and 60s) it was noted that Candace was popular in the pre-war South (guessing Civil War), particularly because of the nicknames Candy and Daisy. We named our daughter Candace and we call her Daisy.
― Anonymous User 1/25/2010
My brothers ex's name is Candace. I love the name. Very pretty. We called her CandyCane. She always went by Candy, which is something I can't understand, because Candace is too pretty of a name to be messed with.
― Anonymous User 8/26/2009
I usually hear it pronounced kan-DIS but I love it pronounced kan-di-SEE.
I love the name Candace, I think it's beautiful. Though I think I like the spelling 'Candice' better. It just rolls off the tounge easier. You know CAND-is, as opposed to CAND-as.
In William Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury", Candace (Caddy) Compson becomes illegitimately pregnant and is run out of her formerly wealthy, aristocratic, but now degenerate and fallen family.
In 1983 I named my daughter after one of my favorite actors, Candace Bergen (Murphy Brown on tv). I feel that this name gives the impression of strength, intelligence and class. Classy but not snobby. As far as someone calling her Candy? Fine, but don't do it in front of me.
Candace is my name, and I love it, wouldn't trade it for anything else! I've met a number of Candaces, and they've always pronounced it 'kan-des' or 'kan-das', not 'kan-day-see'. Also, the nickname Candy dosen't make me think of some air-headed bimbo, instead a person with a very respectable, sweet and likeable personality. Any Candy I've known has been like this.
― Anonymous User 7/10/2006
I think Candace is a wonderful, upscale, elegant name. I wonder why it isn't more popular!
Candace is a beautiful name. I have to agree, the nickname Candy is horrible. I kind of like the spelling Candice better though. I had thought the name Candice Emily was pretty.
― Anonymous User 6/28/2006
I hate the name Candy, it reminds me of a stripper or some bubble head, BUT I love the name Candace. It is so happy and pretty sounding. I also think Candace Cameron-Bure is awesome! I would name my daughter Candace as long as they didn't call her Candy! =)
― Anonymous User 6/22/2006
Famous bearer is Candace Cameron (Bure). She portrayed Donna Jo Tanner (D.J.) on Full House. Also the sister of Kirk Cameron, who portrays Buck Williams in "The Left Behind" books and movies.
Candace was the name of the queen that the eunuch, mentioned in Acts, worked for. She was the queen of Ethiopia, so that means that she was most likely black. The Eunuch, who is believed to be the first recorded gentile convert to Christianity, was Queen Candace's treasurer.