My name is Brooke. I love my name but there are pros and cons. Almost everyone spells it "Brook" and it is SO annoying. I also think it is calm and relaxing. The only thing is I am a black belt in Taekwondo so I am not that relaxing!
One of the people in my grade at school is named Brooke and I've always liked her a lot, she's really sweet and funny and I always associate the name Brooke with those attributes now.
Brooke reminds me of brook, then of river, then of being in the woods by the river. This is a good association, but I'm not a fan of this eccentric name.
― Anonymous User 3/1/2022
I think Brooke is a very pretty name for a girl. I have a friend named Brooke and she’s the nicest person ever! Brooke sounds very gentle, soft, and pretty and it is a classic name. I think this name can be gender neutral, but I’d say it’s a little more on the feminine side. I see the spelling Brooke as feminine and Brook as masculine. When I imagine a Brooke, I imagine a girl with dark/dirty blond or light brown hair, and blue or green eyes.
― Anonymous User 2/23/2022
Love! Very pretty!
― Anonymous User 2/5/2022
Quite an ugly name honestly. Sounds unpleasant and stuck up.
― Anonymous User 1/15/2022
Brooke is an attractive name and female equivalent of the male name Brook. If a boy is named Brooke and a girl named Brook, it's either the parents didn't know any better, or prefer being whimsically and intentionally ignorant. Should either the parents or child come to recognise the correct orthographgy, hopefully, they will officially change it to reflect the fact.
― Anonymous User 12/23/2021
Our daughter’s middle name is Brooke. It’s so pretty.
― Anonymous User 12/12/2021
Brooke Elizabeth Butler is a famous actress and instagram star. She is known to play the role of "Ellie" in the popular web series "Chicken girls", where she gained her popularity.
Brooke is my name, but I would rather have Lesley or something else than Brooke. (Brook) Means a small river or stream, and it's mostly for females, but some males have the name too!
My name is Brooke and I hate it. I'm Canadian so I've met only one other Brooke. There aren't any good nicknames for me and there aren't any short forms. Brooke is genuinely an okay name, I like how it isn't too common. If I had a different name though, I wouldn't name my daughter that. Also, I think Brooke would be a good name for a Gemini because there is a thing called babbling Brooke and Geminis don't ever stop talking.
My first name is Brooke. My middle name is Syrene, after my great grandmother (middle name only). I actually love being called Brookie just because that's what my late grandfather called me.
My name is Brooke, and I personally love it. As others have mentioned, it's more of a masculine name with a feminine twist. I'm more of a tomboy, so I really like how it works. I cannot stand the nickname Brookie, however, so that is a downside. It's also not very common, which I like, as I've only met 5 other Brookes, 2 being boys and 3 being girls. It is often misspelled or mistaken as a nickname for Brooklynn, but that doesn't really bother me. The only other downside besides the nickname is that it is hard for my Latino family members to pronounce.
My name is Brooke and I love it so much, I can't think of any other name for myself. It's just such a beautiful name. Although I can't really relate to it being a good boy's name, mostly girls, but it still will be very nice for a boy's name!
I have never wished I had another name. Like many have said here before Brooke isn’t a name you continuously run into in your day to days. I have not met even a handful of girls named Brooke in my life personally. Maybe that is just the way it has worked out for me. I do feel it has always fit me and my sign. I’m a Capricorn and my name is Brooke so you can imagine how calm I am hehe. I never wanted to be a girly girl growing up and I was always thankful that I didn’t feel my name was neither girly nor manly. It worked for me and it would work for the complete opposite to myself as well. It has great versatility. But I have to say I never thought or imagined Brooke as a stuck up or snobby name comparatively. How does a name make you a snob anyhow? Maybe someone can explain that? I know you can base it off of a person or character you have seen or met but that is the person not their name. Shakespeare said it best. “Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?”.
I know 2 Brookes. One is my good friend who is very funny and nice, while the other is a self-proclaimed "vsco girl." I think I prefer other B names such as Beatrice and Bernice.
My name is Brooke. I love it and I think it is very pretty. It makes me feel calm.
― Anonymous User 9/9/2019
First thing I think of when I hear of a girl named Brooke:Someone tall with blonde hair, blue eyes, and freckles.Regardless of what I think a Brooke looks like, I would DEFINITELY name my daughter Brooke, if I have one.
Kalani Brooke Hilliker is a dancer and model. She is known for starring on “Dance Moms” for 4 seasons and season 2 of “Abby’s Ultimate Dance Competition”.
― Anonymous User 5/27/2019
It's a great name.
― Anonymous User 5/24/2019
Brooke Marie Hyland is a singer and dancer. She is known for starring on “Dance Moms” for three and a half seasons and her single “I hurt”.
I mean this probably won't get back to the other commenter, but I like the fact that there are two different ways to spell the word, "Brook" or "Brooke" and one girl said she didn't like her name especially for that fact. (doesn't like that others spell it with an "e") but I like it because I think it addresses more to what is used as a name as to what is used as a stream.
In 2018, 14 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Brooke who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 325th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/18/2018
Even though Brooke Shields is 50+, still I can’t forget all those weird roles she acted in when she was a teen.
I like my name and I think the idea of being named after a stream is very pretty. So for you people saying you feel sorry for us don't waste your time, Brooke is a beautiful and unique name.
Now I am Scottish but my name is Irish. Brooke is the type of name you would not give to somebody weak in my perspective. Now-a-days because Brook's give the forest its water, everything a forest needs to survive is water. The journey is long and you may lose bits of yourself, {people will hurt you, tear pieces of your heart force, you to grow up to become mature, just like how a Brooke loses some of its water so others can be stronger}. When your name is Brooke you start off weak but then you are a fighter. You do not give in to any man's bull if you know what I mean because you will CHANGE HISTORY! All women in history are weak, have given up, or have given in to a man! NOT US- WE WRITE A NEW STORY. DON'T GET IN OUR WAY OR WE WILL PUSH YOU DOWN IT'S TIME FOR CHANGE LADIES.
I love the name Brooke, it's so adorable :) If I have a daughter in the future this is another name I would want to use.
― Anonymous User 2/24/2018
I like this name not only because its my own name, but because it's really nice. Brooke is more girly and Brook is more boyish! But it does not really matter :)
― Anonymous User 12/21/2017
I first started off having the name Brook as my middle name. At the age of 9 I was adopted by some wonderful people who decided to let me choose my new name. From what I heard from my birth mother, everyone called me Brook since I was a named after my father and he was named after his father. I loved having this name because if I heard that name called, it was for me. In all of my 50 + years I have only come across 21 other men with this name and I will always be proud to have this name. I was totally different than the name sake but Brook fit me perfectly.
Brooke Burke-Charvet, better known by her maiden name, Brooke Burke, is an American actress, dancer, model, and television personality. She is known as a Playboy model, hosting Wild On!, Rock Star, winning the seventh season of Dancing with the Stars, and for co-hosting Dancing With the Stars from 2010 to 2013.
My name's brook. I'm a girl and have always hated it. It's not pretty sounding and the only nickname I've ever had is Brookie, which I hate even more because it makes it sound like it has an e on the end which it doesn't in my case. Even now, everyone always spells it with an e which is super frustrating.
― Anonymous User 7/4/2017
You can't really complain because the majority spells it Brooke so obviously people are going to think that's how it's spelled. I'm sorry not as many people spell it like your name just more people like it Brooke because it simply looks better. So don't hate on other people because it's YOUR name not theirs, you can't just expect them to know that your name is spelled the crappy way.
The name "Brooke", if we are interpreting it as "brook", can be taken in many different lights to mean many different things.As a carrier of the name, I always get discouraged when I see the common definitions such as, "a small stream" or "one who lives by a stream." I think that we can take those into context and consider what they mean as symbols.As a small stream, you are calm, gentle, but strong and persistent enough to carve a path for yourself in the ground. You are friendly, inviting; people tend to have spring picnics by brooks and streams, finding their petite and sweet natures very endearing. Bright, enthusiastic, passionate... those are all the words that I would use to describe a brook, and therefore, a Brooke.Not to mention one who lives by a stream- these people, in their time, were practical and forward-thinking, because the best thing to do for your health in times of no running water or electricity would be to live by a body of water. While most people lived in huge cities by seaports, these people clearly kept to themselves, as brooks tend to take form in uncharted sections of forests. So, while these people were rather secluded and introverted, they were still intuitive and intellectual, plotting where they lived according to what was logical.All in all, what should be taken away from this is that though a Brooke may seem introverted and calm on the outside, she is truly bubbly, enthusiastic, and persistent on the inside, and should not be underestimated, and whose kindness should not be taken as weakness.She doesn't have to be the stereotypical blonde you see in movies. (I am a girl named Brooke, and I dislike being prejudiced as that, even though the people I know would never even dream that I'd be like that.)
― Anonymous User 3/27/2017
My name is Brooke and I am 50 years old. It has never been a really popular name, which I loved. I would hate to have been named Sharon, Julie, Tracey Michelle, Linda or the popular names at the time, how hideous and boring. At my age it's a totally awesome name, it still sounds young and modern and it's extremely unusual at 50. I'd prefer babbling Brooke, lol. It may have a boring meaning as just a stream. But I'd prefer that than whatever meaning is behind the names that are a dime a dozen.
Brooke Allison Adams, better known as Brooke Allison, is a pop singer from Fort Worth, Texas, USA, who had a minor hit in 2001 with "The Kiss-Off". She later worked with the other members of a new girl group, The Beach Girl5, to release their first singles and album.
Brooke Berry is a Canadian model and actress. She is Playboy's Playmate of the Month for May 2000, and has appeared in several Playboy videos. She is of Scandinavian and Japanese descent. Berry plays the tenor saxophone and is the niece of Jan Berry of Jan & Dean fame.
My name is Brooke, and I don't particularly hate the name. It reminds me of a cool, calm stream or pond or just body of water, and when I picture that, I can't help but think that's lovely. Although many people I know think this name sounds "sophisticated", I honestly don't see it. Maybe because I'm pretty tom-boyish and have a biased opinion because of that, but oh well. I never knew it was a unisex name until just recently because I've never had any experiences with the name Brooke or Brook for a guy. I admit I think it is a pretty boyish name, but I can also see that it does have some very feminine aspects to it. But yeah, basically this is just me giving out my personal views, so I don't mind if you disagree with me on the subject. :)
With this being my name I am kind of partial to it after so many years of it, but I always hated it when I was growing up. Now as an adult the only thing that bothers me is that people spell it Brooke even though my name is without an e. I always thought it didn't fit a male well (though I am biased being a female) I don't feel like it is the prettiest of names but it's not a mouthful either and works well for an adult or a child.
Brooke Hayward (Born: July 5, 1937) is an American stage, film and television actress.
― Anonymous User 10/25/2014
I've always liked the name Brooke, even though it isn't that pretty sounding. It's a really peaceful and simple name with not a lot of character but it just flows really nicely.
I've been torn about this name for many years. It's beautiful to look at, but I had often thought it sounded masculine. Turns out, it just needs a great middle name. But anyway, Brooke is a name that someone can have her whole life.
― Anonymous User 7/31/2010
King Edward VII of England had a mistress named Brooke.
― Anonymous User 1/5/2010
I've always held a contempt for this name, because I'm a guy and I'm called Brooke ALL THE TIME. It's BROOKS with an S!Besides, Brooke sounds very masculine to me. I guess the "e" gives it a slight feminine quality, but other than that, it's just much too curt.
I LOVE this name. Personally, I don't think that it's harsh sounding. It's just not a girly name. But it is NOT an uncommon name. It was in the Top 100 of most English speaking countries in 2008, plus it is a very common middle name. I doubt that I'd name my daughter Brooke, but it is still a beautiful name.
Brooke is one of my favorite names! I love the way it looks and sounds. I can imagine a girl of any age with this name. I plan on naming my first daughter Brooke. :)
This is my middle name, sadly. I was named after Brooke Sheilds. It flows nicely with my first name (Lauren), but I know a girl with this name who is not a very nice person. But even before I met her I didn't like it very much, it's very harsh-sounding to me.
This is a lovely, beautiful name. Lovely, excellent, happy name. Not too popular. I would consider this as a middle name for a little girl. Spelled this way or the way Brook.
― Anonymous User 6/6/2008
The idential Hansen female quadruplets (Allison, Brooke, Claire and Darcy) are born in Texas.
Ugh. I always think of snobby, blonde, popular, idiotic girls when I hear this name. -.-
― Anonymous User 5/28/2008
It's not such a bad name per se, but back in the dark ages of the 1990s (don't get me wrong, it was the best possible decade in world history, just not for me personally), I watched the Bold and the Beautiful, and the character Brooke really ruined this name for me for good. The name also makes me think of a ditzy, superficial teen girl with long, blonde hair, probably because of having watched the wrong type of series out of horrendous boredom.
I love this name! On a boy only though. I can't understand how some people consider Brooke to a girls name. To me, it sounds WAY too boyish to be used on a girl.
― Anonymous User 2/26/2008
I like this name, for I came this close to having it (my mother thought it didn't suit me), but I don't think parents should give their son this name.
It sounds like a soap opera character name to me. The name is not that bad, but this fact makes it look cheap. Brooke Burke, Brooke Shields. It hasn't many brilliant bearers out there either.
― Anonymous User 11/19/2007
No offense Mindy, but the fact that there AREN'T many famous bearers makes the name even more unique. Why should you care anyway? Go comment on your name.
Brooke is a beautiful name, in my opinion. I don't mean to sound cocky, because it is my name, but I just love it. When I picture "Brooke" I see an outgoing, fun girl. Like Brooke from "One Tree Hill". I don't mind that some guys have that name, oh well. Its meaning may sound boring, but I think it's pretty, and I think many people out there agree with me, though some of you don't.
Hey! Brooke doesn't even mean just a stream! It MEANS beautiful pool of tears!
― Anonymous User 2/3/2007
Brooke is a really great name so those of you with issues of us being like a stream (which is cool) should be quiet and talk about your own name.
― Anonymous User 1/13/2007
My mom watches that show Bold and the Beautiful with the girl named Brooke for longer than I have been alive. She says she named me after her but we have no relation! I am not a snob.
― Anonymous User 1/13/2007
I think this name should be totally only for girls! It's my name so I am insulted by it being a guy name but I guess that's the same way guys with the name feel so yeah.
― Anonymous User 1/12/2007
This is a nice, English name. It means "peaceful river".
Love the name! I think it is such a beautiful name. My daughter is Brooke, and we too, call her "Babbling Brooke" because she talks, talks, talks!
― Anonymous User 10/10/2006
Another famous bearer is little Brooke Greenburg, born Januaury 8th, 1993. She seems to be frozen in time from the time she was about 9 months old, now merely a teen, she goes to a school for handicapped children, even if she has the intellectual enlightenment and body of a baby. She lives with her 3 normally developed sisters in Baltimore, Maryland in America.
I agree that this is very classy and sophisticated, however, in this day and age, is simply sounds too ubiquitous for my liking. I personally will want to wait until the popularity of this appellative goes down, if not disappears completely.
There is not one, but two meanings to the names Brook and Brooke. The first is listed, while the second is to mean 'beautiful pool of tears.'Long before the medieval times the brook was thought to be a significantly smaller body of water than we do now, comparable to what we now refer to as a puddle.Because of their size, it was often fabled that tears had caused these water spots to come about. Though, since their size was obviously much too big for mere tears to cause this, it was said that angels brought them about as they watched over the world in the clouds; thus creating their beauty. Henceforth the meaning, 'beautiful pool of tears', was brought about for a brook as well as both names Brook and Brooke.As time passed brooks were considered to be larger bodies of water, as we see them today. The names were then used to recognize one who lived next to the stream-like body of water instead of the meaning of the pool itself, though many prefer to use this meaning today.
Boring name, boring meaning. Brooke simply means a small stream - BORING! I like meanings that are personalities, that actually describe a person! I feel sorry for all the Brookes out there, they're being described as a stream! Ick.
― Anonymous User 5/23/2006
I love this name. My mom always said she should have named me this because I was her Babbling 'Brooke'.