Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Who came up with this name? Of the known "Bray" names, I only prefer Brayden.
Only in the Jello belt do you get names like Braylon or McCarthy as first names...
In their zeal to create a trendy name that no one else has, modern parents have methodically created a series of sounds that is very unattractive in English.
Gee, some of you really go too far with these "modern names," I mean, it's definitely not the best, but it isn't as bad as some of you are making it seem.
Unattractive, and it ceases to fit the bearer after the age of 20.
I really don’t like B names, and this may be one of the ugliest.
Worse than Brayden.
I think if I go to the store and buy a box of crayons for like $1 it would be worth more.
I hate it.
Braylon sounds so ugly and harsh. Plus, in my opinion, any name containing that "Bray" sound would be a HUGE "NO!" Braylon: yucky!
Sounds like Crayon. This name is such modern trash.
Also, any names starting with Bray\Brae are completely crap. I mean for one thing, Bray is the unpleasant sound a donkey makes.Complete garbage of a name.
I'm sorry, but this sounds like a brand of pantyhose.

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