As someone named Branwen, most people find it hard to pronounce and refer to me as BRAN-D-WHEN or simply as Brandon (or any other B name that does not make sense at all how you could get it from Branwen) until I correct them (which I gave up on 2 years ago, if I'm being honest) but the name really is unique and gets lots of compliments once they figure out what it is. I personally love the name because of its meaning and how it fits me (I have super pale skin and messy dark hair). The name itself is perfect and I don't see why people see the need to change it in spelling and such.
― Anonymous User 5/9/2017
I think it is too complex. I prefer Bran as a full name.
I have a friend named "Branawen". Her family added the extra A in the middle to make it easier to pronounce. They took it from the original Welsh mythological name Branwen. Her name is pronounced "bran-a-when". We all call her Bran for short.
I used this name for a character in RPG a few years ago and I love it very much! It's a name strong and sweet at the same time and when I hear it I think always to my sorcerer!
'Alternatively could mean "a girl with black hair and white skin." In Mabinogi, Branwen is Bran's sister; they are male and female aspects of the Celtic war deity.' Source:
― Anonymous User 3/7/2011
I may be wrong, but isn't the name Branowen (a variant name) a name in J. R. R Tolkien's Lord of the Rings?
I think this is a great name. My mom wanted to name me or one of my sisters this, she chose Caitlin, Hannah, and Emma (me). I prefer Branwen to Bronwen.
In the Fantasy book A Swiftly Tilting Planet (third in the Wrinkle in Time series) by Madeleine L'Engle, Meg's mother in-law's first name is Branwen. Her middle is Zillah, and she goes by Beezie (BZ).
I don't much like the pronunciation of this name (but, then again, I'm American and this is a Welsh name -- it's the "a" that sounds a bit harsh to me). I *love* the name Bronwyn (pronounced BRAHN-wen) by comparison. The softer "ah" is more delicate & feminine.
― Anonymous User 2/18/2006
Actually, the name 'Bronwyn' would technically be masculine, as the 'wyn' ending comes from the masculine 'gwyn'...'gwen' is the feminine form. But, I suppose either name could be used for boys too. Suppose they'd be teased, but it could be done.
Actually, "white breast" is only if you take the meaning *literally*. Alternatively, Bronwyn could mean "pure heart".Although, I still much prefer Bronwen to Branwen, considering that the latter reminds me of Raisin Bran.
― Anonymous User 11/26/2009
According to Welsh mythology, Branwen (daughter of Llyr) is one of the three greatest queens in the land and the most beautiful girl in the entire world.