Boniface (boh-nee-fahss) is the full name of the character Bonnie, from the indie game In Stars and Time.
Bony face? Questionable choice of name.
I love ancient names, but this is a name that's never been on my radar. I don't think I like it, but a good association could change my mind. It's not awful for me- just right past the point of 'maybe I don't like it.' I've always thought it was pronounced BAHN-ih-fiss.
Bonnie-face. I don’t like it.
“Bone-uh-face”. It’s a funny name, but I would never use it on a beautiful baby girl because she will resent me forever.
An odd and very rare name. I don't like the English pronunciation at all, but the French pronunciation sounds pretty cool. It reminds me of a bunch of old Popes, though.
The name is nice and perfect for those who bear it.
Boniface is a very good name. From statistics, people with the name tend to do good. If the meaning of a name has influence on the person, then 'good fate' will definitely go down well. I like being called Bona, but my kids will use Boniface as a surname.
I like the name and I'm proud to be called Boniface. It just a nice name because there is something special about it.
A famous bearer of this name is Count Boniface de Castellane (1867-1932), a French nobleman and also his great grandfather, a Marshal of France: Boniface de Castellane (1788-1862). Count de Castellane was never called “Boniface”, he was called by his nickname “ Boni ”.
Boni de Castellane was a dandy and he's famous for the huge parties he organized in Monte Carlo (Monaco), Paris or Versailles. He was an art collector and a misleading husband, women used to call him: “The great lover”. American journalists loved to make caricatures of him and nicknamed him: “The King of Paris” or “The most elegant man in Europe”.
I think the name Boniface is really cool and unique. There's something about this name that I really like! :)
This is actually a guilty pleasure of mine, and I like the meaning. I wouldn't use it myself since it sounds way too religious, and it's too old-fashioned even for my tastes. But it would be nice to see it being used.
The name sounds strong when you're young (elementary, middle school, etc.), thus people tend to shorten the name, as you get older they begin to call you by your whole name.
Very rare in France.
Please don't name your kid this. You will save them from a lot of teasing! If I were 12 and saw someone with this name, I would say "Hey, there goes bony face!"
I like this name in French, but I can't stand it in English. In that language, it sounds pretentious and like a name that fundamentalist Catholic parents stuck in the Middle Ages would name their son. This should remain a French name.
I honestly love this name. I would consider it as a middle name or something. I don't know if I would give it to my kid as a first name. That way I could call him Boniface but everyone else had to call him something different, lol.
This would be a very strange name to have. It could be very easily turned into something to tease him with. Aside from the "your face" jokes, bullies might call him Bonifascist.
Pronounced Bone-Eh-Fa-Che.
Bonifac´s nicknames are Bono, Bony, Bonifacio, Bonif.
In the movie "Les Choristes," a character is named Boniface.
I always thought this name was odd.
Whenever I see this name, I pronounce it "bony face" in my head.
I like this name a lot, but would never name my child this.
Boniface is the name of a character in the book "The Thief Lord" by German author Cornelia Funke. He goes by the nickname 'Bo'.
There is a part of a city named St. Boniface in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

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