It should be pronounced bo-LEE-vahr (though the "r" sound at the end of the word does not have an equivalent in English; it's kind of a sustained and fluid "r").
Simón Bolívar is the namesake of Bolivia and worked to free many other South American countries. His real name is quite long and I don't feel like writing it.
― Anonymous User 1/9/2006
Expanding on the first comment above:Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios de Aguirre, Ponte-Andrade y Blanco, best known in history as SIMÓN BOLÍVAR (or just Bolívar for short) was a freedom fighter in South America and leader of Gran Colombia. He was born in Venezuela.He was a successful military commander (I think he was a general) and has gone down in memory as "El Libertador" (the liberator). It should be noted that this is NOT so in Chile, where Bernardo O'Higgins is remembered as "El Libertador".This is what I remember from the history books.Most people regard(ed) him as the moral leader of Gran Colombia and was a very ethical man as the following (true) story will illustrate.When everything seemed lost and the only one to sent help was the poor newly formed Republic of Haití, he asked the president, Alexandre Petion, what could he do to make up to him and Haití. Alexandre only asked for the abolition of slavery, which went against everything the criollos (most of the freedom-fighters and the social class that started the revolutions, to which Bolívar belonged) believed. Bolívar, of course, agreed (too bad that after he finished his term as president slavery was reinstated again, he protested but the others in the government just wouldn't have it).It's the namesake of Bolivia.