Too common of a name. I have met dozens of Bob's. I can name 6 Bob's I know off hand, and that's without actually sitting down to tally them.
― Anonymous User 7/3/2024, edited 7/3/2024
Bob Saget was also a famous bearer of this name.
― Anonymous User 7/2/2024
No one mentioned Bob Hope? He is arguably the most famous Bob!
― Anonymous User 7/2/2024
One of the earliest uses of Bob as a pet form for Robert I can find is in two pamphlets written against the British politician Robert Walpole in 1713 that refer to him as "Bob Hush". Walpole later became the first Prime Minister of England. Because one of these pamphlets is written in the first person as by "Bob Hush", some places on the Web (including present it as if Robert Walpole himself wrote it, but it's actually signed "J.B." and is mocking Walpole. The other pamphlet calling him Bob Hush was written by William Wagstaffe.
Really funny old nickname. I don’t hate it, but it’s almost a little ugly on its own as just Bob. Bobby sounds sporty, playful and fun though still funny when you think about it. Bob sounds dead- like the dead fish “Bob-bing” on the water. “Hi I’m Bob” sounds a little dull and lifeless yet funny at the same time. I can totally imagine an old business man named Bob.
― Anonymous User 1/23/2024
Yall need to hear yourselves, why are we fighting over the best name ever, BOB? Why do you have so much beef with Bob bro with “I absolutely detest it?” It’s so boring? When was the last time you met someone named Bob? Most likely none or 0. PLEASE name your kid Bob it is such a great name that I associate with kind, hardworking people.
I think the name Bob is so funny, and if I were to have a child (I don’t want to,) if she was a girl I would name her Bobette it’s just so, silly? Idrk.
Greeting my fellow Bobs. Don't let anyone tell you that our name is generic and boring. WE ARE AWESOME! YOU decide who you are. Don't let stereotypes define you.
Something has been putting people off of this name, I don’t know if it’s just that extra B at the end. I mean, “Bo” is perceived as hip and cool, while “Bobby” is seen as cutesy enough for a kid, but where does that leave poor ole Bob? Well, to me anyways, when I think this name, I think of someone hardworking, industrious, but also kind and compassionate at heart, a gentle giant type. And I know I’m probably just influenced by my childhood of watching Bob the Builder and reading about the adventures of Bob the Titan from Percy Jackson (shout-out to the anon commenter who also mentioned this!), but I genuinely think this is a good name and not one to feel bad or ashamed of.
Another famous bearer is the Australian actor Bob Morley who played Bellamy Blake in The 100 and Peter K in the Australian series Love Me. He was also in Lost in the White City with Haley Bennett and Thomas Dekker.
Bob Ross is the default answer on our Scholar Bowl team. Or it used to be until our coach got annoyed and forbid us from using it.
― Anonymous User 1/22/2022
Bob the Builder Bob (the minion) And to the Percy Jackson fandom: Bob the Titan (a.k.a. Iapetus)
― Anonymous User 1/22/2022
I think Bob is a wonderful name and if someone called Bob is reading this I would like to say that me and my friends absolutely adore this name. We even have an imaginary King Bob for others imagine if this was your name you will feel sad just like my friend Mia did when she searched up her name my name was given good comments but I saw my friends' reaction when she saw her name.
Makes me think of just a bald guy, nothing else really.
― Anonymous User 11/2/2021
Captain Robert "Bob" Schornstheimer was in command of Aloha Airlines flight 243, a Boeing 737 which suffered explosive decompression in flight. He and his first officer were able to make a successful emergency landing in Kahului despite extensive damages to the front section of the aircraft.
― Anonymous User 8/1/2021
Some middle names: Bob Brian Bob Olaf Bob Brayden.
This name is strange and funny, but a poor, innocent child stuck with this name will be greatly teased. So please, if you are having a child, don't name him Bob, or he will suffer enhanced bullying.
The late Bob Papenbrook (1955-2006) was an English voice actor known for doing English dub anime like Digimon and video games and the father of voice actor Bryce Papenbrook.
I think Bob is an okay name. I've only met one Bob in my life and he was a college kid. Bob is not common. I don't really get why everyone says this name is so common and why everyone hates on this name. :/ Why doesn't anyone hate on Sean? Like where's the H? If Sean's pronounced like Shawn then Chelsea should be pronounced as "Chel-Shaw". Overall Bob is a 6/10.
― Anonymous User 10/8/2020
I know a Robert, and we call him Rob, Robbie, etc. He has forbidden us to call him by "Bob".
I’m Bob. Not a nickname, just BOB.I can’t remember everything about my parents (you’ll find out why) when they named me Bob. I asked them why when I was 5 or so and they said it was cute. I always complained about my name, to the point where I had to get a therapist and my emotional parents had depression not just because of me but because of the arguments that erupted in the house. And there you go, divorce papers. My dumb dad showed me it when I was seven. And they both went away and placed me in the shelter for one month. I still cry remembering it, but luckily I found parents. They said I could get a name change when I am older. Just because I was named Bob, the name tore down my life, making my parents divorce because of my behavior that Bob gave me. Never name your kid this. I’m considering a name change, possibly Robert. Who knows.
― Anonymous User 10/25/2019
Bob Ross was a soft-spoken painter, who showed television viewers how to paint landscapes on his program "The Joy of Painting" in the 80s and 90s. He famously said about painting: "We don't make mistakes; we just have happy accidents."
Imagine ACTUALLY being named Bob. Like your parents just couldn't be asked to name you so they went with... "BOB" the lack of creativity and originality, their parents must hate them so much and they probably hate their lives... what a sad sad life... :)
― Anonymous User 1/9/2019
I personally think that Bob is a really silly name. Everyone I know laughs at it. It sounds SO simple and little kid-ish. I detest this name. Go for something more complex when seriously naming people!
In 2018, 51 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Bob* who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 688th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens. *as a first name, not a nickname.
― Anonymous User 10/15/2018
What is with all these hate comments? Bob is a wonderful name and my dad chose his English name to be Bob not because he thought that it was funny or weird! Because he loves his kids and Bob sounds like dad in chinese!
― Anonymous User 9/30/2018
I don't really think that Bob is a good diminutive of Robert. I think that it makes more sense for it to be a diminutive of Bobert or something.
― Anonymous User 9/28/2018
I don't know why, but I think Bob is a funny name.
I think if you were named “Bob” you would be teased. When a child draws something silly, they will name it “Bob, ” “Steve, ” or “Billy Jo.” “Bob” is more of a joke now than a real name. Objects are named “Bob, ” imaginary friends are called “Bob”, but real people aren’t.
― Anonymous User 6/15/2018
Bob Pinciotti is the father of Valerie, Donna, and Tina Pinciotti on That ‘70s Show.
The name Bob is usually a joke now. If I was named Robert, I would be called Robert. People will pick up a stick and say its Bob. People consider it a random name.
My legal name is Robert, and I am the third generation in a row to have the name, to differentiate myself from my father and grandfather, I was called Bobby. As I grew older, my name matured into just Bob. I answer to Bobby, Bob, Rob & Robert. The only time I call myself Robert is when I am acting as an amateur radio operator, as it's the legal name on my FCC license. The rest of the time, I actually prefer to be called by Bob.
Bob Denver, the actor who played Gilligan from Gilligan's Island and Maynard from The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis. Also the name of various hung stickmen.
I think Bob is a good nickname for Robert, though many of the Roberts I know go by "Rob". One person I know who goes by the nickname Bob is a sweetheart. But a typical joke for the name Bob is the "Bob the Builder" TV show, so occasionally he gets teased with chants and songs like, "Booooooooob the buuuiiiilderr! can he dooo iiitt? NO HE CAN'T!" but other than that his nickname is awesome and thanks to him I want to name a pet "Bob" :-)
This might be OK for a nickname, but it's sort of ugly, has a weird sound, and makes me think of the 'Mr. Dobelina, Mr. Bob Dobelina' song which really gets stuck in my head.
Bob is fine as a nickname, even though it sounds like a fat man. However, it is horrible as a legal name, like what that actor Charlie Sheen used on one of his sons.
What about Bob Gaudio? Musical extraordinaire - member of the Four Seasons - he wrote some of the greatest songs of all time including 'Can't take my eyes off you' and '[Who wears] Short Shorts'! The man is brilliant and personally I'd love to namesake him.
I reckon the name Bob deserves a revival - of course it has negative connotations but what name doesn't? I'd rather name my child this than something really 'interesting' which just ends up sounding pretentious or even worse something every other child seems to be called like Daniel or Joshua. I think used right, it could really work - it can be a really fun and youthful name, and Bobby makes a really sweet nickname.
― Anonymous User 5/8/2009
Let's not forget Bob Crane, famous for his role as the title character in Hogan's Heroes. His murder still hasn't been solved.
This name is so plain and funny sounding, I can't imagine anyone naming their kid Bob. This name is a joke among kids, if told to name something funny, like a stuffed pig or tree, kids will say either Bob, Fred or Joe. Like in school we got to have a pig race, with stuffed pigs, and my class named our pig Billy Bob Joe.
― Anonymous User 2/12/2009
I think this name has been given a bad rap by the teenage population due to the fact that it "sounds funny" and is a bit of a joke name to some.
When I was a little girl I had an imaginary friend named Bob! I agree with most of you in saying this is probably not a good choice to name your little boy.
The name "Bob" is practically a joke among kids now, I don't recommend naming your child this - it would give them a good enough reason to hate the world.
Even though Bob is a colloquial and friendly name, Robert has more of a "take me seriously" edge to it, and would probably be the better choice between the two.
Personally, I hate this name. Robert is fine but be called Rob or Robert! Like everyone else when I hear the name Bob, I think of someone who is white trash and needed that name so they could spell it! How do you spell your name? Ummmm. B. Ummmmm. O. Ummmm.... B!LOL! No insult to anyone named Bob. Really. Not saying you are slow or white trash. That's just the type of person who comes to mind.
― Anonymous User 6/6/2007
I've never really liked this name. It always make me think of a plummer, you know, one of those guys that should be wearing a belt because his pants hang WAY too low.
― Anonymous User 5/7/2007
Never. It is used as an insult at my school, or if there is a stand-in teacher, the boys give their names as Bob. I'd never subject my child to the humiliation of being "Bob, the Hob Nob who Dobbed".
My name is Robert. I have been called "Bob" all my life. As a child I hated it , but as I got older around 11ish I grew to like it. And now I love it! It is a simple name yet it is so easy to remember -- 99% of the time people remember my name after the first time I introduce myself. And besides you can always find stuff with Bob on it!
I would use Bob as a name for an example. Eg. now, Bob went to the store, he bought five lollies, then Sally came and ate one, how many lollies does Bob have left?
Looney Toons writer is Bob Clampett. He created a lot of characters, including Tweety Bird and Bugs Bunny.
― Anonymous User 5/6/2006
The cartoon "SpongeBob Squarepants" bears this name, but as a second. I've always thought of Bob as a bald-headed man who just does barbecue in his patio. There is also a movie called "What about Bob?" with Bill Murray.
― Anonymous User 4/5/2006
Leslie Townes Hope (May 29, 1903 – July 27, 2003), otherwise known as Bob Hope, was a famous American entertainer who appeared in vaudeville, on Broadway, on radio and television, in movies and in U.S. Army concerts.
It's true it is an English name, although it sounds for me as a Dutch girl also Dutch. It isn't a very common name in the Netherlands, but it sounds really Dutch.
― Anonymous User 11/21/2005
The drummer from MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE bears the name Bob.