This is my cousin's name! She pronounces it the same (so rhyming with "white") except with the th sound in "math" or "faith" instead. With this pronunciation it reminds me of the word "bliss", which is fitting given the meaning! As a nickname we call her Blythie, which reminds me a bit of the nickname Ruthie for Ruth. I guess Ruth and Blythe have sort of similar vibes. This name's not my personal style, but I do think it's pretty cute.
― Anonymous User 8/3/2024, edited 8/3/2024
Blythe is a pretty decent name for a girl it reminds me of the show Littlest Pet Shop which was a show I really loved when I was younger.
Blythe Baird is an American poet, author, and actress. Her writing covers themes such as mental illness, eating disorders, sexuality, feminism, and trauma.
Blyth Daly, also spelled Blythe Daley (1901 – 1965) was a British born American actress who appeared in stage productions on Broadway and who appeared in several silent and sound films. She is better known for her relationships and friendships in the underworld of the Hollywood and New York City lesbian acting community than for her acting career itself.
I was named after Ann Blyth, lovely, talented American actress 1940-1950s. Went thru my entire life correcting people adding the "E" to my name. Took me about 25-30 years before I really grew into it - as a shy child, it attracted way too much attention for my taste. At this stage in my life, the oddness & uniqueness truly reflects who I am and always have been. @KathosAnnora - thank you for the connection to Welsh "wolf" - my spirit animal and well loved pets.
In 2018, 36 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Blythe who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 4245th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/19/2018
Love this name. Feminine more than masculine. I think of "Blythe spirit" when I hear it. I also think of the beautiful 1970's actress Blythe Danner (Gwyneth Paltrow's mom).
― Anonymous User 9/23/2018
If you don’t know Blythe by name, you may know her by sight. She is instantly recognizable by her big, lollipop head and huge, vaguely manga-style eyes which sometimes change colour; her expression is slightly forlorn. She mostly sports geek-chic hair – a heavy fringe, sometimes dyed different colours – and wears vintage-styled outfits.
Blythe is very good English name. Its meaning is happy and care free.It is of Old English origin. Traditionally a surname used on boys, Blythe is today used on both genders.Blythe is a city in Riverside County, California, United States, in the Colorado River Valley (in California, the "Palo Verde Valley"), an agricultural area along the Colorado River. Blythe was named after Thomas Blythe, a gold prospector who established primary water rights to the Colorado River in the region in 1877.If you want more good British or English names you can select from here. I selected the name Daisy for my baby from here.
I absolutely adore this name on a boy, pronounced how it is shown here on the site. If I ever have a son, I just might choose this name.
― Anonymous User 1/6/2015
I love this name for a girl and I love the meaning of joy. I think this name sounds so upper class (in a good way!) if you're considering this name, I would definitely use it!
― Anonymous User 12/27/2014
Just as an FYI, if you go to the info about this name on this websites rather than just comments it's listed as male and female. It is a unisex name for those who are saying "I'm so glad it's listed as a masculine name".
― Anonymous User 12/27/2014
According to the British Baby Names blog Blythe was not uncommon in Tudor England as a girls' name, and was used in the Middle Ages too.
This has to be one of the ugliest names in all of existence and not just because it's excessively outdated. I honestly can't decide which is worse; Blythe or Blanch.They aren't flattering or attractive in the least.
― Anonymous User 11/24/2014
The meaning is just lovely. Blythe is a cool, gorgeous name. It isn't one of those usual girl names ending with an 'a' so it makes the name stand out more. :D.
― Anonymous User 7/25/2014
Blythe Baxter is the main character in the Littlest Pet Shop (2012 TV series).
― Anonymous User 6/30/2014
As a surname it was borne by Betty Blythe (1893-1972), silent screen actress.
I find this name really unattractive. It's just not a pretty sound, and its origins as a surname are really offputting. The gender is also kind of unclear. I'd rather be named Nevaeh or Kaelyn (two names I really hate) than Blythe.
I quite like Blythe for a girl, though I'm not sure I'd use it, it's going on my list.I think Blythe is one of those few cross-over names that started off as feminine and people started using for boys. Tatum being another that I can think of.
I think this is a beautiful name. I've always liked it more than my name, Brooke. It draws you in and is interesting. I think it's more of a girl name but can be a boy's name I guess.
I must say I regard this as a girls name. It always reminds me of Shakespeare's play Much Ado About Nothing - which includes lines advising ladies to be "blithe and bonny".
Actually Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter's name is "Apple Blythe Alison Martin", though Paltrow did say that her daughter would go by her middle name.
I have never encountered this as a man's name. It's odd to have it listed only as a masculine name and not feminine, because I have known several female Blythes/Blithes.
I love this name spelled "Blithe." I would use it as a middle name for a boy or girl, but probably only a first name for a girl. The meaning is really cute too!
Famous bearer: Drew Blyth Barrymore. It's spelled differently, but still retains the same meaning. I wonder why Drew Barrymore's parents named her both male names when she is a woman?
― Anonymous User 3/2/2007
Blythe Brown is the wife of best-selling author Dan Brown (the Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons).
Blythe is my middle name. I like it as I think it is unusual. I have seen spellings of it with no e on the end - Blyth, but I think it is best with the e.
I find it a little weird as a male name because there are those creepy dolls from the sixties with the huge heads called Blythe. But hey, I suppose it's a unisex one or something.
I love the meaning! It makes me like the name more!
― Anonymous User 6/22/2006
Blythe is one of the middle names of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin's daughter, Apple. Apple's full name is Apple Blythe Allison Martin ("Blythe" after Gwyneth's mother, and "Allison" after Chris's mother).
I love this name. I think it sounds very beautiful and intriguing. I would use it for a female, but I wouldn't think it was weird if it was a male's name.
My name actually happens to be Blythe, and I'm a female. As it happens, I have most commonly heard it used in association with females, rather then males. If a male has the name, it's usually a surname, a la Gilbert Blythe. So in conclusion, I don't think it is mutually exclusive to either gender. As a side note, the name also means 'joy', I've read. Just thought I'd comment!
This name is the most enchanting to me. I love it. Sounds like an elven name. VERY VERY unique. This is my most favorite boys name.
― Anonymous User 1/16/2006
I am also so glad that you have Blythe as masculine. I have a son named Blythe and everytime I say his name to someone they say oh, your daughter. We love this name and knew it was an old English name.
In L.M. Montgomery's "Anne of Green Gables" series this is the last name of Gilbert. He calls Anne "carrots" because of her red hair and she breaks a slate (a small, hand-held blackboard) over his head and she snubs him for a LONG time. It's funny, because eventually they marry!
I'm so glad this site had Blythe listed as a masculine name because on another site it was supposed to be for a girl & I think it would be lovely for a little boy.