My eldest daughter in a role play named Families is named Blakeley and it sounds cute.
― Anonymous User 12/6/2023
Blake is ok. Blakley sounds awful.
― Anonymous User 10/8/2023
Reminder that you're naming a human and not a dog.
― Anonymous User 10/2/2023
No disrespect, but I personally am not a fan of the name at all. I like Blake but Blakely feels added on and it sounds like a boys name. It’s one of those trendy names that sound cute on a baby but once that baby has grown up, it sounds ridiculous. I don’t think moms realize that these kids won’t always be babies and one day, they’ll have to use these names on job/college applications.
All I see is a bunch of haters and thumb downs on the positive comments. You've got to be serious...this name is NOT atrocious, it's NOT ugly, and it's NOT awkward. It's cute, and I love it!
It's cute...but it also sounds a bit awkward, as in harsh? I personally don't like names where the k sound is really close to the l sound. It's not bad though. I wish that it was used more on guys. I don't feel that the -ley suffix "cures" masculinity. I think that it could work on both genders. I prefer it on a guy.
This name is very unique to me probably because I’m not in the UK or Ireland where it originated first as a surname meaning “dark woodland clearing”. I see it as a unisex name, maybe it’s the Blake part. It is extremely unique which is what I like about it, you won’t probably find another Blakely very often.
Yes sir! I have a little niece named Blakely Jo Ella. She is so cute!
― Anonymous User 1/20/2021
Poor little girls actually being named Blakely. Adding-ly to a male name doesn't magically make it appear feminine. It's not trendy or unique, it's juvenile and downright stupid. One day your kid is gonna outgrow the footie pajamas and cutesy VSCO baby pics phase. She's gonna have to apply to college and find a job. Blakely is a hilarious name for a 30 yr old. Mothers, do better!
I’ve heard worse as well, but not a fan of Blakely at all!
― Anonymous User 12/5/2020
In all honesty, (no disrespect.) this name turns me off for multiple reasons. I've heard way worse, but if this was the case you might as well just stick with Blake. (And I don't even like the name Blake on girls like that) If you want to name your daughter this, be my guest, otherwise, it's not gonna age well.
― Anonymous User 10/13/2020
No. It might be cute and trendy for a couple of years, but I don’t see this aging well. I would hate being stuck with this name for life.
― Anonymous User 9/22/2020
Not a fan. I’m so over the trendy Blakey’s, Bexley’s, Braelynn’s, Birkley’s (and the various spellings). Just soooo overdone and annoying to me.
― Anonymous User 9/20/2020
I love the name Blakely! It sounds very modern and trendy to me, but honestly in my opinion, I like trendy names.
― Anonymous User 9/18/2020
A very cute name. I think it sounds super trendy and modern wich is a good thing in my opinion...
― Anonymous User 9/18/2020
Blakely is a cute name, but I only like it on a girl! I'd spell it Blakelee though.
Love this name! And I love the nickname Blake for a girl! Hello super hot actress Blake Lively is definitely not a boy, lol. I think it sounds outdoorsy and just a badass chick name lol definitely will name my next daughter this.