My name is Blair and I just think it's way too American from me being Hispanic.
― Anonymous User 2/20/2025
I like the name on its own, and use it if you don't live in the UK, but as a politically interested Brit, I would never use this name myself because I associate it with Tony.
As an European born and raised, it's quite obvious why Anglo Americans would use surnames connected to their ancestral roots. Why on earth would you have a problem with that? It's a reasonable and conscientious thing to do. It is not tacky to care about one's history.
― Anonymous User 12/3/2022
Distinctly American-sounding name. Reminds me of the word 'blare' that has the same pronunciation.
As I said on the name Grayson it seems to be an aspect of European American culture to use European surnames as first names and given the unique case of America it's a perfectly acceptable thing to do. It is a bit cheesy if done in UK though and I think this is a fair take.
― Anonymous User 5/14/2022
Tony Blair and the Iraq war spring to mind. Why do Americans turn British surnames into first names? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Grayson, Clyde, Blair, Carter, Madison, Riley, Addison, Lincoln, Hudson, Everly, Kennedy etc Sorry I don't want to be mean, I understand white and black Americans choose names from their ancestor's lands for good reason but you have to admit that it's interesting and ironic that in attempting to connect to your roots you behave in somewhat of a discord with the very people you want to connect with.
― Anonymous User 5/4/2022
Ooo, this name is beautiful- I do prefer Blaire. I think Blaire would be perfect for a girly girl, and Blair for a boy.
I think Blair is a really cool name with a sweet soft sound to it. I like it for either gender, though I probably slightly prefer it for a boy. For middle names for a boy, I think Blair James, Blair Brandon and Blair River all sound pretty cool. For a girl, I think Blair Marie, Blair Nicole and Blair Brielle sound nice. Overall, I think Blair is a gorgeous name.
Sounds like glare, also isn’t very pretty… eww why name a child this?
― Anonymous User 6/20/2021
I really like this name. I like it spelled Blair and it feels more like a girly name to me. I used to have a friend named Blair when I was 5, and she was super sweet, but also strong, sassy, and outgoing. I don't think I don't really like this name for a boy, but that's just my opinion. I prefer Blaire for a boy, because it reminds me of Blake, Blaine, or Blaise. The name also reminds me of the movie, The Blair Witch Project, but honestly I think that makes me like it more. It might be good for someone born around Halloween.
I’m gender fluid and thinking of changing my name to Blair since my birth name is very feminine. I really like the name on either gender and prefer the name without the extra “e” at the end.
― Anonymous User 8/1/2020
This name is alright I guess. I don't love it or hate it. The spelling Blaire kind of reminds me of Claire, yet they're completely different. This name is alright for either gender.
― Anonymous User 7/27/2020
Blair sounds nice on both boys and girls. I'd spell it Blair for a boy and Blaire for a girl, though. However on girls, it sort of makes me think of snobby high school girls for some reason.
I really like it on either gender, but I will admit that I slightly prefer it on a girl. Lillianna (pronounced Lily-Anna with the Ann-uh way of saying it) Blair is one of my favorite names for a story character.
Doesn't sound feminine :P but it's adorable on a boy.
― Anonymous User 4/1/2019
In 2018, 47 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Blair who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 1887th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens. In 2018, 22 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Blair who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 1994th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/19/2018
Blair Imani is an African American Muslim activist. She is known for her participation in the Black Lives Matter movement and advocacy for LGBT Muslims (herself identifying as a queer Muslim).
I don't like Blair much, it just seems plain. Bl is not my favorite sound either. But I would prefer it for a boy. I do like Claire and Clara on girls, though.
― Anonymous User 10/9/2017
My name is Blair. I'm a girl and I love it- it seems so badass.
― Anonymous User 8/12/2017
My father's name was BLAIR, he named my next to oldest brother BARRY BLAIR, I named my son BLAIR WILLIAM and he named his son BLAIR WILLIAM also.Needless to say I do like the name - it is a strong name and had my son been a girl, yes, I was going to name her Blair also.
― Anonymous User 2/21/2017
Blair is a magical cat from the manga and anime Soul Eater.
― Anonymous User 11/8/2016
Damn, I love this name! Boy or girl, it's just so cool!
― Anonymous User 11/8/2016
The name Blair was given to 70 boys born in the US in 2015.
Blair is quite a nice name. It works well for both genders. The only annoying thing about this name is it reminds me of Tony Blair aka Tony Bliar...
― Anonymous User 9/13/2015
Blair Dame, a fictional character in the video game Street Fighter EX is a famous female bearer of this name.
― Anonymous User 9/13/2015
I love this name! My daughter's name is Blair Victoria and I think it's a very fashionable name. Blair, because of gossip girl and Victoria, because of Victoria's Secret.
― Anonymous User 8/24/2015
It's a very bland sounding name to me.
― Anonymous User 7/17/2015
Ugly name regardless of the gender. Just sounds harsh and unattractive. I don't understand the fuss over it.
― Anonymous User 6/19/2015
Due to the influence of the classic name Claire, when I hear Blair I immediately think the bearer is female. But I still don't think I'd ever use it. For me, Blair is one of those names where I love the idea so much more than the reality - it looks really classy and sophisticated when written out, but once I hear it I think of car horns or sirens "blaring." It could make a really nice middle name, though.
I don't understand why someone wouldn't want to "give their son a name that a bunch of girls will have." I don't mean to come off as being rude, but I just don't really comprehend or understand that logic. Either way, I prefer Blair for a girl. It sounds spunky, laid back, and sort of witchy. It gives me similar vibes as the ones I get from the name Sabrina, which is likely why I prefer this name for women.
This is such a handsome name for a boy/man and it's such a shame that society has ruined it by making it a female name, since people such as myself would not want to give their son a name that a bunch of girls will have. And adding an unnecessary 'e' at the end does NOT make it more girly.
― Anonymous User 8/29/2013
The name Blair was given to 63 baby boys born in the US in 2012. It makes a great boy name in my opinion, and it's not so widely used on girls that he'd get teased a lot for it. But on a girl, it's really not that bad, especially compared to "feminine" names like Madison and Taylor. At least it sounds like a girl name. I like the spelling Blaire for a girl.
I love this name! Great for both sexes, male and female! I hate the modern spelling "Blaire" with an e at the end. It looks fake. But I love Blair, and it is cool!
I love this name for a girl! And I don't think that it needs an e at the end to make it seem more feminine. I prefer the way it looks without the e. To me, this name is too feminine for a boy rather than too masculine for a girl.
Love this name! Sounds like a beautiful and carefree girl! I love this name and it's short and sweet! Classic and eyecatching. Not many people I know with this name.
This is 1 of the few names I absolutely don't like. For a boy or a girl. A girl it reminds me of a snoppy, pristine girl. The name sounding is Bla. If you're considering it for a girl try Claire. For a boy try anything else.
― Anonymous User 11/27/2010
It's still snooty, but I really like this name now.
I love this name, on both sexes, but I prefer it on a girl. To me, it doesn't sound like a stuck-up, snobby rich girl name, despite the associations with Gossip Girl and Juicystar. It sounds like a laid-back, really opinionated girl whose sexy without ever wearing makeup, and who is always listening to Black Sabbath on a stereo, or reading 80s comics. It reminds me of Blair Butler, the comic book correspondent on AOTS.
Linda Blair, famous actress best known for her role as Regan MacNeil in the horror film The Exorcist (1973).
― Anonymous User 11/3/2009
I think Blair is a short but pretty name for a girl. I think it is more feminine than masculine. If in doubt, you can always add an "e" at the end which makes it look more feminine.
My name is Blair Marie and I really obsessed with fashion-and what's wrong with it? It doesn't mean I'm stupid or kinda cheap. I think the name Blair is really really sweet and feminine!
― Anonymous User 10/7/2009
I like this name on a boy, but not on a girl. As a feminine name, Blair makes me think of a snooty popular girl or heiress obsessed with fashion. It doesn't sound very feminine anyway.
I'm Blair and I think it's very good name (I'm girl)! My middle name is Leigh and together they sounds very trendy and stylish.
― Anonymous User 9/13/2009
Love the name, love the spelling! Makes me think of a little girl with dark chocolate-colored hair and ivory skin; very "uptown". Also a name that she can grow with.
This name is really unusual I think. It's not every day you meet a Blair. I know a girl named Blair. I think it's a nice middle name also. When I hear the name Blair I think of a pretty city girl who is kind of unusual and has cool hair.
The name of the character Blair Waldorf from the hit teen drama Gossip Girl. Blair is known for being the "It Girl" and being extremely vulnerable and insecure under her sexy, bratty exterior.
Blair. Witch. Project.Sorry, I had to throw that out there!
― Anonymous User 9/3/2008
I only know one Blair and I really like this name. I hate it for a girls name though, it just doesn't fit. It's a good name because it's not very popular. Or at least I've hardly ever heard it as a first name.
My younger *male* cousin is called Blair (circa 97/98) so I can't imagine he'll ever really come across another Blair his age. I like his name because it's different, even though he's in the UK and would've been hearing Tony Blair constantly the past few years it isn't overly common.I don't think this is a name for a girl though, even if I like the Gossip Girls character I think it's more masculine than feminine.
I absolutely hate this name for both sexes. I'd say it sounds more masculine than feminine, but I really think it should be preserved as a surname. It makes me think of 'blur', 'blare', and even 'Bleurgh!' It just has a really unpleasant sound to it from the beginning to the end, and it reminds me of Tony Blair.
I really like the name Blair, I think it is a nice name for a boy. In my opinion a girl named Blair would be like a boy named Anne.
― Anonymous User 3/18/2008
My cousin, a boy, is called Blair and I think it suits a boy better than a girl. Although I like it on both, I think it's more masculine. He gets called Bear as a nickname from family or Blairy.
I would love to name a girl this but it's too mausculine. If I named a boy this he would get teased. People would say "Blair, do you know ballet?".
― Anonymous User 1/11/2008
Blair Cornelia Waldorf is one of the main characters in the Gossip Girl book series and TV shows. She's a wealthy, dominating girl who lives on Manhattan's Upper East Side.
I love this name! I know a kid named Blair (guy). It's a good name! But I like it as a guy name much more than a girl name. Probably cause I only know a guy who has the name, it looks weird on a girl for me.
― Anonymous User 10/7/2007
It reminds me too much of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
Blair's a pretty cool name. It sounds like someone mysterious and smart. For some strange reason, Blair Witch comes to mind, but that doesn't really have an effect on me. The thing that does, is Miss Blaire, my creepy old art teacher who had a strange looking rocking horse in her classroom.
― Anonymous User 7/15/2007
I don't know. I like it for a boy with that spelling, and Blaire for a girl. I wouldn't name my children that, though, because I think they could be mistaken for the opposite sex.
My name is Blair (I'm a girl), and I can't stand it! It's always mistaken for something else (usually Claire) and it's constantly spelled wrong.
― Anonymous User 2/1/2007
I used to go to school with a boy named Blair, and didn't know it could be a girls name until later. I love the name for a girl, it is very pretty and strong.
I know one Blair. He's amazing. When I think of the name Blair I think rock 'n' roll and opinionated. Honesty possibly.
― Anonymous User 10/21/2006
My oldest daughter's middle name is Blaire. I love it and think is is beautiful. Her sister's middle name is Claire. I just don't know of a name that will go for my next daughter, if I have one!
Blair is a very nice name. I lean more towards a girl for this name, it is soft and gentle. I like the spelling with the "e" on the end, Blaire. I have also seen it spelt Blayre.
― Anonymous User 4/28/2006
Famous bearer (as a surname): Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, first Labour Prime Minister elected to serve three terms in the United Kingdom.
I think Blair is such an awesome name! My friend's name is Blair (he's a guy) When I think of the name Blair, I think of someone who listens to rock music and is the most opinionated person I know.
― Anonymous User 12/17/2005
I love this name! I have a friend named Blair, except she spells it with an E, which looks more feminine. It's a strong, unique name.
― Anonymous User 6/23/2005
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