Terra Bithiah would make a hilarious name for a girl, ha ha. In all seriousness though, I think it's a gorgeous name, and would love to give it to a character.
In Islamic tradition "Bithiah" is known as "Asiya" (and "Pharoah" is known as "Fir'awn"). She is known as the Pharaoh's wife, not daughter, in the Qur'an.
― Anonymous User 9/24/2014
I really like this name! At first I thought it was pronounced BITH-ee-ə, though. I am seriously considering this to be a middle name for one of my future daughters.
I don't like it because whenever I hear it, I start thinking 'Terabithia.' It's like naming someone Narnia.
― Anonymous User 7/20/2010
I love this name. It's rare, but not unpronouncable, and while it's in the Bible, it's not plain, nor does it scream "My parents are religious fanatics!". I think it's beautiful-- and the fact that it's an Ancient Egyptian princess's name makes it even better. :)