Also a diminutive (archaic) of Obedience (archaic).
Bridget "Biddy" Early (née O'Connor or Connors; 1798 – 1872) was a traditional Irish herbalist who helped her neighbours. She acted against the wishes of the local tenant farmer landlords and Catholic priests and was accused of witchcraft.
Biddy Rockman Napaljarri is a Walpiri-speaking Indigenous artist from Australia's Western Desert region. She has been painting since 1986, and her work is in the collection of the National Gallery of Victoria.
Biddy Mason (1818 – 1891) was an African-American nurse and a Californian real estate entrepreneur and philanthropist. She was one of the founders of the First African Methodist Episcopal Church in Los Angeles, California. Enslaved upon birth, she developed a variety of skills and developed knowledge of medicine, child care, and livestock care. A California court granted her and her daughters freedom in 1856.
Old Biddy. Seriously?
Nope. There's the phrase "old Biddy". Other than that, it just sounds silly.
So ridiculous. It’s an awful diminutive.
Old biddies.
A little tiny, tiny, Biddy bit. (: Biddy is usually reference to a small amount.
Biddy is currently used by teens and young adults as a word to describe girls who frequent the party scene.
My husband and I call our newborn daughter Brigit by the nickname Biddy or Biddy-Bee. I used to dislike this nickname, but after having Brigit, it just seemed to come naturally.
Found in George Bernard Shaw's work "Major Barbara" on Lady Britomart "Biddy" Undershaw, the mother of Salvation Army Officer Barbara Undershaw.
My friend always calls an old lady an "Old Biddy." I am sure she's not the only one who does either. Not advised.
Biddy is one of the main characters in Catherine Cookson's "The Black Velvet Gown".
I love this name; it's so sweet! I don't think I would give it as a full name; rather I'd prefer to call my daughter Bridget and call her Biddy for short. I think it would also work as a nickname for Britney, Brianna, etc.
I believe they call the little girl in Sinclair Lewis's "Kingsblood Royal" Biddy. She's a pretty annoying little girl who uses her dog's name (an inappropriate name in itself) in inappropriate ways (i.e. calling the hired help by it).
There is a character named Biddy in Charles Dickens' novel, Great Expectations.
Would be cute if not for the now disparaging use, such as 'old Biddy'.
Biddy is an old lady's name.
A biddy is two things: 1. a baby chicken. and 2. a bad-tempered old lady. Nuff said.
There was a famous wise woman of County Clare called Biddy Early. She cured people with medicine made from herbs and never charged any money.
A ridiculous and terrible thing to do to the elegant, dignified Brighid.

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