Beckett's growing on me, although sounds a little too close to Becky (which I despise!)
― Anonymous User 12/6/2020
I think that the name Beckett is amazing and it sounds like a boy name but that doesn't make a difference. I love the name Beckett for two things- because my brother's name is Beckett and second it sounds strong, outgoing, brave, creative and so many more things. Beckett is an amazing and strong name and anybody has their own opinions and I love the name Beckett but that is just me.
I like Beckett. I prefer Beckett on its own, because what do you shorten it to? Becky? Ettie? It sounds strong, handsome and masculine, yet can still be gentle.
Found somewhere the meaning of it as a last name is linked to bee keepers.
― Anonymous User 1/4/2018
We named our son Beckett in 2000 after it came to me in a prophetic dream in 1999. The dream said we would have a son with our next pregnancy (first 2 were girls) and that we should name him Beckett. Knew we were pregnant the moment of conception, it was a weird knowing from God, can't explain it otherwise. My wife hated it at first when I told her, but a year later she had come to love it.
― Anonymous User 1/4/2018
I love Beckett. It doesn't need to be shortened, Beckett alone is very handsome and mature, but would also suit a little boy.
― Anonymous User 11/20/2017
The name Beckett was given to 99 girls born in the US in 2015.