Was this even a WORD before the show came out? I always thought Mike Judge made it up because it sounded like both a male name and the word "penis".
Why would you give your kid a name that's associated with a dumb jackass? Even without the Beavis and Butthead association Beavis is still an ugly name.
There is good news on that front: according to Wolfram Alpha, a statistically insignificant number of people are named Beavis or Bevis in the United States. I did a little research and found that Mike Judge knew a kid growing up named Bobby Beavis who inspired the Beavis character, so it was a surname. What a relief!
Heh, I didn't know that this was a real name either. I like the show (as you can tell by my username), but I would NOT recommend naming your son after a character like Beavis, he'd definitely be picked on.
I realize I'm stating the obvious here but I'll do it anyway. This is a really, really, really awful name. Anyone out there who actually bears this name has my condolences.
Ugly. People will be asking him if he has a friend named Butthead.
Well, it is preferable to Butthead.
The "Beavis and Butthead" association will never leave.
I didn't even know this was a real name! Lol. Well, personally I don't really like the end sound "vis" in a name, like Davis and Elvis. Doesn't roll off the tounge nicely.But hey, if you use this as a first name in America anytime soon, just hope he has a great sense of humor! (No matter how weird a name is, a good attitude makes it work. Never be ashamed of your name!)
The series is becoming less popular. I think in a number of years this would make a fine name. Maybe not a first, but a middle name.
Oh, God! I hope no one names their child this. It's synonymous with stupidity.
Oh God, don't name your child this!
Beavis is one of the title characters from the show Beavis and Butt-head. Beavis is a complete idiot. Now the name Beavis is used to disparage someone as being particularly stupid.

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