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You should definitely add the usage of "Carolingian Cycle" to this name, for the magical horse Bayard first appeared in the 12th-century chanson de geste "Quatre Fils Aymon" i.e. "Four Sons of Aymon".Sources:
- (in English; also see the French version)
- "Quatre Fils Aymon" (12th century): (in English)
Makes me think of the word “Grave yard”.
I think it would be a great name for a horse, although I don't know if it would work well on a child.
Bayard Rustin (March 17, 1912 – August 24, 1987) was an American leader in social movements for civil rights, socialism, nonviolence, and gay rights.
Actor Matthew Fox has a brother called Bayard.
So well-known was the poetic horse called Bayard that in England this became a standard generic name for any horse, like Rover or Fido for a dog or Kitty for a cat.
Bayard Taylor was a famous American writer who was best known for Eldorado, a book about the gold rush.

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