Basil "Baz" O'Meara (1892 – 1971) was a Canadian sports journalist. A columnist for the Montreal Star, he won the Elmer Ferguson Memorial Award in 1984 and is a member of the media section of the Hockey Hall of Fame. In 1979, he was inducted into the Canadian Football Hall of Fame.
Basil Zaharoff (born Vasileios Zacharias; 1849-1936) was a Turkish-born Greek arms dealer and industrialist. He became one of the richest men in the world and was described as the "merchant of death".
"Bazzle" is the traditional English pronunciation. The traditional Greek name is Basilios. If you meet any man in America from a Greek family named Bill, you can bet that his birth name is Basil or Basilios. Greeks pronounce B (beta) more like a really soft v. My son is Basil. I call him Baz.
Also Romansh: Source: "Vornamen in der Schweiz. Prénoms en Suisse. I nomi in Svizzera. Prenoms in Svizra" (1993) published by the Association of Swiss registrars
― Anonymous User 2/4/2023
I’m sorry, but this name doesn’t sit well with me. It’s not you, it’s me. Don’t let my opinions alter you.
Tbh I think the name being pronounced more like the herb makes it sound way more feminine, which is adorable & I love it! I go by it sometimes as a nickname! :>
Basil, as in the plant, can either be pronounced bay-zill or bazzle, but the name Basil is almost always pronounced bazzle. An exception seems to be the German guitarist Basil Wahn, who pronounces his name bay-zill.
― Anonymous User 1/21/2022, edited 6/18/2023
Basil Wahn is a German acoustic guitarist and composer.
I really like the name Basil. Some of my family comes from Britain and I think it would be a nice name that refers back to our British roots. I also like the sound of it and to me, it sounds very masculine and proper.
Regardless of the meaning, Basil still sounds effeminate (and just unattractive in general) to me. A name like Rex is a thousand times more masculine, and sounds much better too.
― Anonymous User 7/10/2020
Isn't this an herb used as a food topping?
To the user who posted on 6/16/20: Look at the pronunciation. It’s pronounced Bah-zil. The herb is Bay-zil. It doesn’t take rocket science to understand. It’s a very lovely name with a regal meaning. I love it!
I mean yes I think of the plant but I don't dislike the herb, it's pretty cool. The actual meaning is pretty cool, I didn't expect it. And the plant association kind of makes it better, in my opinion. But if you don't like the name for whatever reason, but like the plant association, then the Turkish name Reyhan or it's variants mean Basil.
― Anonymous User 5/15/2019
Basil Wolverton is a North American illustrator. He had some of his work published in Marvel Comics and Mad Magazine. One of my personal favorite comics that he drew is Powerhouse Pepper, which came out in the 40s.
― Anonymous User 4/22/2019
Basil, the perfect name to give to your little king.
I love this name so much. It's definitely a contender for my future son's name. It means "royal" and has a lot of personal meaning to me. My favorite childhood movie is The Great Mouse Detective, featuring the Sherlock Holmes mouse Basil. That character was also named after Basil Rathbone, famed for playing Sherlock Holmes in 14 movies from 1939-1945. As a huge Sherlock Holmes fan, this is a great way to honor something I love without going over the top and using the name Sherlock.While in the United States, it could be mispronounced as Bay-zil often, it's not such a big deal that I wouldn't use the name. It sounds beautiful and has a lot of great history behind it, and feels like a name that would really grow with a person.
It makes me think of a spice, not a regal person. I don't really like it. It's about as much a name as Cumin or Paprika.
― Anonymous User 11/19/2017
Basil Williams was a British single skater and pair skater. With partner Phyllis Johnson, he won the bronze medal at the 1920 Summer Olympics. Before teaming up with Johnson, he competed with Enid Harrison. They placed 6th at the 1912 World Figure Skating Championships. He also competed as a single skater at the 1920 Olympics, placing 7th.
Means King in Greek, and the name of three Roman/Byzantine emperors. Basil means extremely courageous in Arabic, since in the old times and up to recent antiquity, a king did not spare his life, but offer it in defending his own people. The name became traditionally for nobility and Ecclesiastic office, Basil the great is an orthodox saint.
The name Basileios is an ancient Greek word meaning king, royal, someone who belongs to the king. (Basileus|King: ancient word with many meanings, initially it was not close to its current concept of Head of State)Example of ancient Greek use of the word: "The Royal Stoa", the ancient agora of Athens. Seat of the King Archon (in honor of which was named "Vasileios Stoa", ie. The "Stoa/Gallery of the King"), where it was exposed the laws of Solon, also a gathering place of the House of the Supreme Court.The word Basileios on hellenistic period and mainly during the byzantine period, until these days, it is used as a male first name. (Known examples: Basil the Great of Caesarea, the byzantine emperors Basil I the Macedonian, Basil II the the Bulgar-slayer)Also, as first name to female persons it was used the word Basileia (meaning "kingdom"), as a paraphrase of the ancient Greek word (to differentiate from the male name).Modern times, the female version of name Basileios ("Basil") is Vasiliki, with exactly the same meaning as the ancient Greek word ("Royal").Nicknames nowadays are plenty some of which are "Vasilis, Bill, Lakis, Vassos..." but none of them meets the glamor and the importance of the original.
This name is also in use in Georgia, where it can be considered to be a shorter and more modern form of Basili, which is the original Georgian form of Basileios. (Also see my entry for Basili in the Submitted Names Database.) Basil is a fairly rare name in Georgia, which is partly due to the fact that Vasil (a shorter form of Vasili, which is the Georgian form of Vasiliy) is much more popular there. In fact, of all the possible names that ultimately derive from Basileios, Vasil is currently the most common in Georgia.Also, in Georgian, Basil is written as: ბასილ.
Awesome name, but I'd never name my kid this. It'd be a good name for a dog. Reminds me of the actor Basil Rathbone.
― Anonymous User 1/11/2013
Stuffy, smarmy, weak, and nerdy. I can really see nothing good in this name. Liable to be pronounced incorrectly. The Russian form, Vasiliy, is a different story.
― Anonymous User 12/31/2011
Saint Basil's Cathedral in Russia (Cathedral of Intercession of Theotokos on the Moat).
I can't hear or see this name without thinking of the famous scene in the Three Stooges short 'Brideless Groom' (1947), where Christine McIntyre's character of Miss Hopkins mistakes Shemp for her visiting Cousin Basil, and then, upon finding out it's a case of mistaken identity, gives him a severe beating that sends him crashing through the door upon its conclusion. She broke his nose in real life.
Dr. Basil Singer is a physicist, robotics expert, and super-stud muffin! He hosts the really cool show "Exodus Earth" and has appeared on other science programs, too.
The famous actor Basil Rathbone (1892 - 1967) also bore this name. He played Sherlock Holmes in many featured films such as The Hound Of the Baskervilles (1939), The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes (1939), and The Scarlet Claw (1944).
I usually laugh when I think of this name. Mostly this is because of Basil Stag Hare, who is very hilarious and the first thing I think of when I hear this name.
Blessed Basil Anthony Moreau was recently beatified in le Mans France. He is the founder of the Congregation of the Holy Cross (CSC). Recent rumors have suggested that he may be up for sainthood shortly due to a recent miracle which would be attributed to his intercession.
Pardon me, but I cannot seem to discern any semblance of royalty in this name. Perhaps it's because I'm too used to seeing the name as the name of a herb. I never knew it derived from the Greek word for "king" until now.
Basil Hallward was the artist who painted the fateful portrait of Dorian Gray in the book by the same name. Upon discovering what has become of the portrait he painted and asking Dorian Gray to repent for his sins, he is murdered by Gray in a fit of rage. As a consequence of the murder and the subsequent cover-up, the portrait is permanently stained with blood.
― Anonymous User 3/16/2006
I have always liked this name. I am not sure why; I just do. There's something almost regal about it.
― Anonymous User 3/6/2006
Basil of Baker Street is a mouse detective in a series of children's books by Eve Titus. The Disney Movie "The Great Mouse Detective" is based on those books, and the main character's name remained Basil.
― Anonymous User 3/3/2006
In the United States, Basil is generally pronounced BAY-zul.