A fictional character who uses this name element is the female character Bai Yi (no family name) from Path To Nowhere, a playable and major plot character who’s a mysterious yet ridiculous con artist and has superspeed.
I believe as a Chinese name this would almost never be used by itself, rather with another character like Baimi, Baihe, Xiaobai, Jinbai, etc. (of course spelled with any manner of character with various tones). I really like it, it’s a really strong sound and I think it adds a lot of elegance to a name :D.
Too many people nowadays use "Bai" indicating "Bye".
Can this be a nickname for Bailey?
It's a great name, but I'm tired of valley girls using it as a "Cool" way to spell "Bye".
She's my Bai. I love pecan Bai.
I'm surprised there aren't any comments of this being similar to 'bye'.
My Chinese name is Baimi. It means One Hundred Honey. It is beautiful and I absolutely love my name!
I think Bai is a wonderful name but, I prefer the African spelling BAYE, it is much prettier and more feminine.
To the person who likes to spell Bai as Baye: You can't spell this name as Baye, they are pronounced very differently. My friend named Baye pronounces it Bay (as in alarge body of water) while Bai is pronounced buy (like to sell and to buy).
Bai Dao is a famous Asian poet who bears this name.
The "white, pure" meaning is second tone.The "one hundred, many" and "cypress" meanings are third tone.
Pronounced BIE (like bye or buy).
It also means "hundred" in Chinese.
Good strong name, I'd say.

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